CMS.MacroEngine Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ConvertNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide basic conversion namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
CustomMacroContainer |
Object encapsulating custom macro resolving as ISimpleDataContainer.
| |
DataContainerCollection |
Collection of the IDataContainers behaving like IDataContainer.
| |
DateTimeContainer |
Object encapsulating DateTime objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
DateTimeNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide basic DateTime namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
DebugContainer |
Container for debugging object within macro engine. Reports all variables and properties
| |
DebugNamespace |
Class to provide debug namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
DictionaryContainer |
Container to wrap the IDictionary[string, object] structure
| |
EnumsNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide enumerations namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
EvaluationContext |
Context for macro expression evaluation. Reflects resolver settings and inline macro parameters.
| |
EvaluationException |
Exception used when evaluation could not proceed (wrong types, etc.).
| |
EvaluationResult |
Context for macro expression evaluation.
| |
EvaluationTimeoutException |
Exception used when evaluation of the expression took to long (longer than the specified timeout threshold).
| |
ExpressionEvaluator |
Class used for MacroExpression evaluation.
| |
FlattenEnumerable |
| |
LexicalAnalysisException |
Class for the exception during the lexical analysis of a K# macro expression.
| |
MacroContext |
Macro resolving context
| |
MacroDebug |
Class providing debug capabilities of macro engine.
| |
MacroElement |
Macro expression element. Lexical analysis of the K# expression.
| |
MacroEventArgs |
Macro event arguments
| |
MacroException |
Base for the exceptions thrown during the macro resolving process.
| |
MacroExpression |
Macro expression - represents a syntactic tree of the macro expression.
| |
MacroExtension |
Base class for MacroField and MacroMethod.
| |
MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension |
Wrapper class to provide extensions to an arbitrary object.
It is a base class for ExtensionTypeContainer and MacroFieldContainer classes.
| |
MacroField |
Wrapper for any macro data field (source).
| |
MacroFieldContainer |
Container for field extensions of an arbitrary object used by MacroEngine.
| |
MacroIdentityInfo |
MacroIdentityInfo data container class.
| |
MacroIdentityInfoProvider |
Class providing MacroIdentityInfo management.
| |
MacroIdentityOption |
Encapsulates identity option for macros.
| |
MacroMethod |
Macro method object.
| |
MacroMethodAttribute |
Adds action to the page.
| |
MacroMethodContainer |
Container for method extensions of an arbitrary object used by MacroEngine.
| |
MacroMethodParam |
Macro method parameter object.
| |
MacroMethodParamAttribute |
Adds action to the page.
| |
MacroMethods |
Macro methods.
| |
MacroModule |
Represents the Macro module.
| |
MacroModuleMetadata |
Represents the Macro module metadata.
| |
MacroNamespaceTNamespace |
Base class for macro namespaces.
| |
MacroProcessingContext |
Context for macro processing (context for parsing the text for macro expressions).
| |
MacroProcessor |
Class providing general macro processing methods.
| |
MacroResolver |
Class to resolve the macros, provides data to the resolving process.
| |
MacroResolverStorage |
Global storage of static resolvers for all modules.
Extend this to store your module's resolver to be globally available (in e-mail templates, macro components, etc.)
| |
MacroRuleInfo |
MacroRuleInfo data container class.
| |
MacroRuleInfoProvider |
Class providing MacroRuleInfo management.
| |
MacroRuleParameter |
Represents a parameter in macro rule.
| |
MacroRuleTree |
Represents a structure of of boolean expressions.
| |
MacroSecurityEventArgs |
OnCheckObjectPermissions event arguments.
| |
MacroSecurityProcessor |
Class providing general macro security parameters processing.
| |
MacroSettings | MacroSettings class specifies basic features of a MacroResolver.
| |
MacroStaticSettings |
Class providing static settings of MacroEngine.
| |
MathNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide System.Math namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
MethodNotFoundException |
Base for the exceptions thrown when method which does not exist was tried to be executed.
| |
NamedDataContainer |
Named data container (Data container with prefix).
| |
ObjectAttachmentsNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide names of the object attachment categories to the MacroEngine.
| |
ParsingException |
Base for the exceptions thrown during the macro resolving process.
| |
PathMacroContainer |
Object encapsulating path macro resolving as ISimpleDataContainer.
| |
ReadOnlyMacroObjectWrapperTObject |
Wrapper for read-only version of the hierarchical object.
| |
RegisterMacroNamespaceAttribute |
Registers a macro namespace within the macro engine
| |
ResolveExpressionSettings |
Class containing settings for macro expression resolving process.
| |
ResolverDefinition |
Base class for module resolver definitions.
| |
StringNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide static string namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
SyntacticAnalysisException |
Class for the exception during the syntactic analysis of a K# macro expression.
| |
SystemNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide basic system namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
TimeSpanContainer |
Object encapsulating TimeSpan objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
UserMacroIdentityHelper |
Provides utility methods for UserMacroIdentityInfo.
| |
UserMacroIdentityInfo |
UserMacroIdentityInfo data container class.
| |
UserMacroIdentityInfoProvider |
Class providing UserMacroIdentityInfo management.
| |
UtilNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide util namespace in the MacroEngine.
Interface | Description | |
IMacroInvisible |
Interface for marking the objects which should not be visible in the macro IntelliSense, but should be evaluated.
| |
IMacroNamespace |
Interface for marking the namespace objects.
| |
IMacroResolver |
Interface for resolver objects.
Delegate | Description | |
MacroProcessorOnProcessMacro |
Callback for data macro match.
| |
MacroResolverGetObjectValueByIndexHandler |
Handler to get the value from the index-th property of specified object.
| |
MacroResolverGetObjectValueByNameHandler |
Handler to get the specific column value from specified object.
| |
MacroResolverOnGetValueEventHandler |
Handler to get the object value.
| |
MacroResolverStorageGetResolverHandler |
Handler for receiving static resolver via its name.
Enumeration | Description | |
ElementType |
Element type.
| |
ExpressionType |
Expression type.
| |
MacroElementStatus |
Status of the parser.