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CMS.DocumentEngine.Web.UI Namespace
Public classAtomFeed
Atom Feed - Generates link to Atom feed.
Public classAtomRepeater
Extended XMLRepeater control that provides Atom support.
Public classAttachmentsDataSource
Documents data source control.
Public classBasicBingMaps
Basic Bing maps control that automates data-binding.
Public classBasicCalendar
Calendar control with databinding features.
Public classBasicDataGrid
Extended version of DataGrid class that automates databinding, sorting and paging.
Public classBasicDataList
Extended DataList control that automates data binding.
Public classBasicDataPager
Control for supporting the data paging within the databound controls.
Public classBasicGoogleMaps
Basic Google maps control that automates databinding.
Public classBasicMultiColumnTable
Table control that displays specified records in columns instead of rows.
Public classBasicRepeater
Extended Repeater control that automates databinding.
Public classBasicRepeaterWithEffect
RepeaterWithEffect control.
Public classBasicTabControl
General tab control class.
Public classBasicUniView
Extended UniView control that automates data binding.
Public classCMSAbstractBaseFilterControl
Abstract class for filter controls.
Public classCMSAbstractBaseProperties
CMSAbstractBaseProperties class.
Public classCMSAbstractControlFilterControl
Abstract class for filter controls.
Public classCMSAbstractControlProperties
Abstract base controls properties.
Public classCMSAbstractDataFilterControl
Abstract class for filter controls.
Public classCMSAbstractDataProperties
Property container for the data display controls.
Public classCMSAbstractMap
Base map class.
Public classCMSAbstractMenuProperties
Base menu controls properties.
Public classCMSAbstractQueryFilterControl
Abstract class for filter controls.
Public classCMSAbstractQueryProperties
Properties container for the Query based controls.
Public classCMSAbstractRecycleBinFilterControl
Abstract class for recycle bin filter controls.
Public classCMSAbstractTransformation
Base transformation class.
Public classCMSBaseDataSource
Control to provide basic data source for user controls.
Public classCMSBaseProperties
CMSBaseProperties class.
Public classCMSBreadCrumbs
Bread crumbs control that displays current location within Web site.
Public classCMSCalendar
CMSCalendar class.
Public classCMSControlDataSource
Control data source.
Public classCMSControlProperties
Base controls properties.
Public classCMSControlsHelper
CMS controls helper methods.
Public classCMSDataGrid
CMSDataGrid control.
Public classCMSDataList
Multicolumn document viewer (DataList).
Public classCMSDataProperties
Property container for the data display controls.
Public classCMSDocumentComparison
Document Comparison control.
Public classCMSDocumentsDataSource
Documents data source control.
Public classCMSDocumentValue
Public classCMSEditableImage
Editable image control.
Public classCMSEditableRegion
Editable region control for regular page templates text content.
Public classCMSEditableRegionTypeEnumFunctions
Helper functions for CMSEditableRegionType enum.
Public classCMSEditModeButtonAdd
Public classCMSEditModeButtonEditDelete
CMSEditModeButtonEditDelete class.
Public classCMSErrorTransformation
Error transformation class.
Public classCMSErrorTransformationTemplate
Error transformation template class.
Public classCMSHtmlEditor
HTML editor control.
Public classCMSListMenu
CMSListmenu class.
Public classCMSMapProperties
CMSMapProperties class.
Public classCMSMenuProperties
Base menu controls properties.
Public classCMSObjectManagementButtons
CMSObjectManagementButtons class.
Public classCMSQueryDataSource
Query data source control.
Public classCMSQueryProperties
Properties container for the Query based controls.
Public classCMSRepeater
Repeater control that can be bounded to the CMS content.
Public classCMSRepeaterWithEffect
Repeater with effect control that can be bounded to the CMS content.
Public classCMSSearchDialog
CMSSearchDialog class.
Public classCMSSearchResults
CMSSearchResults class.
Public classCMSSiteMap
Site map control that displays the whole menu structure or it part.
Public classCMSTabControl
Tab control that can be bounded to the CMS content.
Public classCMSTextPager
Text-pager control.
Public classCMSTreeView
CMSTreeView class.
Public classCMSUniView
UniView control that can be bounded to the CMS content.
Public classCMSViewer
Control for displaying CMS content transformed using XSLT.
Public classColorPicker
Color picker control.
Public classContentProvider
Renders content using tree data and stylesheets.
Public classCustomTableDataSource
Custom table data source server control.
Public classDataPager
Control for supporting the data paging within the databound controls.
Public classDataPagerItem
UniView item type.
Public classDocumentEngineWebUIEvents
Controls events
Public classDocumentListMassActionsParameters
Properties which are needed to perform mass action on the DocumentList. This mainly includes filter values (so correct where condition can be produced), URLs of the opened dialogs, etc.
Public classDocumentListMassActionsUrlGenerator
This class generates URLs which then performs mass action selected on a list of documents.
Public classFileSystemDataSource
File system data source server control.
Public classGeneralTemplateClass
ITemplate class which convert selected code to the ITemplate.
Public classGoogleSitemap
Control for rendering google sitemap specific XML.
Public classHierarchicalTransformationInfo
Public classHierarchicalTransformations
Public classImageSelector
Image selection dialog.
Public classLanguageDataSource
Culture specific URLs data source control.
Public classMacroDataSource
Users data source server control.
Public classMediaSelector
Image selection dialog.
Public classNoFramesLiteral
Renders "noframes" tags with default message.
Public classQueryDataGrid
QueryDataGrid control.
Public classQueryDataList
QueryDataList control.
Public classQueryRepeater
QueryRepeater control.
Public classQueryRepeaterWithEffect
Repeater with effect control that can be bounded to the CMS content.
Public classQueryUniView
QueryUniView control.
Public classRSSFeed
RSS Feed - Generates link to RSS feed.
Public classRSSRepeater
Extended XMLRepeater control that provides RSS support.
Public classSQLDataSource
SQL data source control.
Public classSubLevelPlaceHolder
Placeholder used for inner content in hierarchical mode of universal viewer
Public classTemplateDataPager
Template data pager.
Public classTextTransformationTemplate
Text transformation template.
Public classTransformationEvalEventArgs
Arguments for the evaluation of data column in transformation event.
Public classTransformationEvalHandler
Handler used to evaluate data column in transformation.
Public classTransformationHelper
Base transformation class.
Public classTransformationMethods
Class containing wrapper methods for transformation methods which can be used in macro resolver.
Public classTransformationNamespace
Wrapper class to provide Transformation namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classTransformationNotFoundException
Exception which is thrown when a transformation is not found
Public classUniPager
UniPager control.
Public classUniPagerConnector
Control that can be used as connector to UniPager without implementing the IUniPageable interface.
Public classUniView
UniView control is basic control to display data based on selected templates.
Public classUniViewItem
UniView item type.
Public classUsersDataSource
Users data source server control.
Public classViewStateDebug
ViewState debug methods
Public classWebServiceDataSource
Web service data source server control.
Public classXMLDataSource
XML data source server control.
Public classXMLRepeater
Extended Repeater control that produces XML output.
Public interfaceICMSBaseProperties
Base properties interface.
Public interfaceICMSControlProperties
Base CMS Control properties interface definition.
Public interfaceICMSDataProperties
Data controls interface definition.
Public interfaceICMSMenuProperties
Base CMS Menu controls properties interface definition.
Public interfaceICMSQueryProperties
Query based controls interface definition.
Public interfaceIUniPageable
IUniPageable interace.
Public interfaceIUniPageableContainer
Container referencing the IUniPageable control.
Public enumerationBackNextDisplayTypeEnum
Allows you to switch between Buttons and Text links.
Public enumerationBackNextLocationTypeEnum
Allows you to specify where you'd like the Back and Next Buttons/Links to appear
Public enumerationCMSEditableRegionTypeEnum
Determines what type of server control is displayed in the editable region.
Public enumerationCMSViewerViewModeEnum
Enumeration of view modes for CMSViewer.
Public enumerationControlLayoutEnum
Basic horizontal/vertical layout enumeration.
Public enumerationHierarchicalDisplayModeEnum
Hierarchical display mode enumeration.
Public enumerationHtmlEnvelopeRenderingMode
HTML envelope rendering options.
Public enumerationPageNumbersDisplayTypeEnum
Allows you to specify where you want the results to be displayed.
Public enumerationPagingModeTypeEnum
Allows you to switch between paging modes.
Public enumerationPagingPlaceTypeEnum
Place where is paging.
Public enumerationResultsLocationTypeEnum
Allows you to specify where you want the results to be displayed.
Public enumerationTabControlLayoutEnum
Horizontal or vertical layout of the BasicTabControl and CMSTabControl controls.
Public enumerationTransformationConditionTypeEnum
Transformation condition enumeration.
Public enumerationUniPagerMode
Pager mode enum.
Public enumerationUniViewItemType
UniView item type enumeration. Contains item types of the templates.