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ModulesModule Methods

The ModulesModule type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCheckLicenseInternal Obsolete.
Checks the license.
(Inherited from Module.)
Protected methodClearHashtables
Clears the module hash tables.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public methodGetObject
Gets the object created from the given DataRow.
(Inherited from Module.)
Public methodInit
Initializes the module.
(Inherited from ModuleEntry.)
Protected methodOnInit
Init module
(Overrides ModuleEntryOnInit.)
Protected methodOnPreInit
Handles the module pre-initialization.
(Inherited from ModuleEntry.)
Public methodPreInit
Pre-initializes the module.
(Inherited from ModuleEntry.)
Public methodProcessCommand
Processes the specified command.
(Inherited from Module.)
Protected methodRegisterCommand
Registers the given command
(Inherited from Module.)
Protected methodRegisterCommands
Registers the object type of this module
(Inherited from Module.)
Public methodStatic memberResetUninstallationTokensOfInstallableModules

Cleans out uninstallation tokens for all modules, including associated data (i.e. module uninstallation files). This allows for module re-installation when the database has been lost, but the modules are still present in code base (e.g. after dropping the database and installing a new one using the wizard).

This method must be called after application pre-initialization phase has finished (to reflect changes in custom path mapping). When called after the instance has already been initialized (and module installation processed), the module re-installation will occur upon next startup.

See Also