CMSPayPalProvider Methods |
The CMSPayPalProvider type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddAdditionalInfoToPaymentResult |
Adds some additional information to payment result, such as time stamp and payment method name.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
AddOrderDiscountItem |
Adds item with negative value of OrderDiscount into given items collection.
| |
AddOtherPaymentItem |
Adds item with negative value of OtherPayments into given items collection.
| |
AuthorizePayment |
Authorizes a payment.
| |
AuthorizePaymentInternal |
Authorizes a payment.
| |
CallGatewayWithExceptionHandling |
Provides shared exception handling for any method connecting to gateway.
| |
CapturePayment |
Captures a payment.
| |
CapturePaymentInternal |
Captures a payment.
| |
CheckOrder |
Check, whether Order and Shopping cart objects are present.
In case Order or ShoppingcartInfo object is not set (Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
CreatePaymentResultInfo |
Creates PayPal payment result object.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderCreatePaymentResultInfo.) | |
ExecutePayment |
Executes payment for given paymentId and payerId.
Both values has to be obtained from payment gateway.
Payment cannot be captured unless its authorization is confirmed.
| |
ExecutePaymentInternal |
Executes payment for given paymentId and payerId.
| |
GetApprovalUrl |
Returns url for approving the authorization from given payment.
| |
GetBillingAddress |
Returns billing address created from order used for payment authorization.
| |
GetCancelUrl |
Returns cancellation url for payment request
| |
GetCapture |
Returns Capture created from Order used for payment capture.
| |
GetDetailUrl |
Returns url with payment detail from given payment.
| |
GetItem |
Returns item created from given parameters.
| |
GetPayerInfo |
Returns information about payer created from order used for payment authorization.
| |
GetPayment |
Returns Payment created from Order used for payment authorization.
| |
GetPaymentGatewayUrl |
Returns payment gateway url.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
GetPaymentItems |
Returns collection of Item created from order items used for payment authorization.
| |
GetPaymentStatusName |
Returns payment status name for given paypal response state.
| |
GetProductItems |
Returns item created from given cartItem.
| |
GetReturnUrl |
Returns return url for payment request
| |
GetShippingAddress |
Returns shipping address created from order used for payment authorization.
| |
GetTransactionAmount |
Returns Amount object providing money amount informations required by gateway.
| |
IsDelayedPayment |
Returns true when given payment has authorize intent.
| |
IsDirectPayment |
Returns true when given payment has sale intent.
| |
IsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment |
Checks whether specified user is authorized to finish payment.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
ProcessExecutedDelayedPayment |
Sets authorization related data from given payment to PayPalPaymentResult.
| |
ProcessExecutedDirectPayment |
Sets payment related data from given payment to PayPalPaymentResult.
| |
ProcessPayment |
Processes the payment on external gateway.
| |
ProcessPaymentInternal |
Process the direct payment.
| |
RoundPrice |
Transform given price into string representation according to given formatProvider and formatString.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
RunPaymentExecution |
Runs payment execution for paymentId and payerId.
| |
UpdateOrderPaymentResult |
Updates order payment result in database.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) | |
UseDelayedPayment |
Returns whether both gateway and provider shall use delayed payment method.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderUseDelayedPayment.) | |
ValidateCustomData |
Validates payment gateway custom data of the current shopping cart step - payment gateway form data validation is performed by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.) |