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ProviderIntDictionary Methods

The ProviderIntDictionary type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(TKey, TValue)
Adds the specified object.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodAdd(TKey, BaseInfo, Boolean)
Adds the specified object.
(Inherited from ProviderInfoDictionaryTKey.)
Public methodClear
Clears all the items.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodContains(TKey) Obsolete.
Returns true if the table contains specified record.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodContains(TKey, TValue) Obsolete.
Gets the value associated with the specified key.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodContainsKey
Returns true if the table contains specified record.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Protected methodConvertKey
Converts the key to a specific type
(Inherited from ProviderInfoDictionaryTKey.)
Public methodDelete
Removes the specified object and logs the web farm task.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates the dictionary content.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodLogWebFarmTask(String, String)
Logs the web farm task with specified task data.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodLogWebFarmTask(TKey, String)
Logs the web farm task for specified object key.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodRemove(TKey)
Removes the specified object.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodRemove(TKey, Boolean)
Removes the specified object.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Protected methodRemoveInternal
Removes the key from the internal dictionary
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Protected methodTryGetInternal
Returns true if the internal dictionary contains specified record.
(Inherited from ProviderInfoDictionaryTKey.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Gets the value associated with the specified key.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
Public methodUpdate
Updates the specified object and logs the web farm task.
(Inherited from ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue.)
See Also