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URLRewriter Class
URL rewriter class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.URLRewritingEngine
Assembly: CMS.URLRewritingEngine (in CMS.URLRewritingEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class URLRewriter

The URLRewriter type exposes the following members.

Public methodURLRewriter
Public fieldStatic memberCacheItemPriority
Cache item priority.
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_CMS_GETATTACHMENT
GetAttachment prefix for CMS pages (pages which require authentication).
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_CMS_GETDOC
GetDoc prefix for CMS pages (pages which require authentication).
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_CMS_GETFILE
GetFile prefix for CMS pages (pages which require authentication).
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_GETATTACHMENT
GetAttachment prefix.
Public fieldStatic memberPREFIX_GETFILE
GetFile prefix.
Public propertyStatic memberFixRewriteRedirect
If true, the URL rewriting process attempts to fix the redirect that some module did with wrong URL by another redirect with the original URL. Set true when using cookieless mode. Default is false.
Protected propertyStatic memberProviderObject
Provider object.
Public propertyStatic memberRedirectLangParameterToPrefix
Gets the value that indicates whether URL with lang prefix should be redirected to the culture prefix if culture prefix is enabled for current site
Protected methodCompleteRequestInternal
Completes request
Public methodStatic memberDefaultPageBehavior
Gets the default page behavior for given site
Public methodStatic memberFileDomainRedirect
Redirects files to proper domain if enabled
Public methodStatic memberGetEditingUrl
Gets the preview page URL
Public methodStatic memberGetGoogleSiteMapPath
Returns sitemap node alias path for specific site
Public methodStatic memberGetGoogleSiteMapURL
Returns sitemap URL for specific site
Public methodStatic memberGetLiveUrl
Gets the live page URL.
Protected methodStatic memberGetRelativePathFromUrl
Returns relative path from url. Example: => /mypage.aspx
Public methodStatic memberHandleRewriteRedirect
Handles the rewrite redirect of the request
Public methodStatic memberCheckPublishedState
Checks the published state of the document. If the document is not published and combine with default culture is enabled and default culture is published, default culture is returned. If no published version is found, the page info is set to null.
Public methodStatic memberPageNotFoundForNonPublished
Returns true if the non published documents should return page not found result.
Public methodStatic memberPerformPlannedRedirect
Performs the redirect that was previously planned by URL rewriter
Public methodStatic memberProcessABTest
Returns current page info with dependence on A/B test settings.
Public methodStatic memberProcessRewritingResult(URLRewritingParams)
Processes the result of URL rewriting and handlers appropriate actions
Public methodStatic memberProcessRewritingResult(RequestStatusEnum, ExcludedSystemEnum, SiteNameOnDemand, ViewModeOnDemand, String)
Processes the result of URL rewriting and handlers appropriate actions
Protected methodRedirectInternal
Redirects the response using specified URL (302 HTTP status code).
Protected methodRedirectPermanentInternal
Redirects the response using specified URL using permanent redirection using 301.
Public methodStatic memberRedirectToMainUrl
Redirects the page to its main URL.
Public methodStatic memberRewritePath
Rewrites the path by using the given file path and query string.
Protected methodRewritePathInternal(String)
Rewrites the URL by using the given path
Protected methodRewritePathInternal(String, Boolean)
Rewrites the URL by using the given path
Protected methodRewritePathWithoutClearCachedUrlValuesInternal
Rewrites the URL by using the given path, path information and query string information, without clearing the cached values related to URL of the request
Public methodStatic memberRewriteUrl(RequestStatusEnum, String, ExcludedSystemEnum)
Rewrites the URL and performs all operations required after URL rewriting.
Protected methodStatic memberRewriteUrl(String, ExcludedSystemEnum, SiteNameOnDemand, ViewModeOnDemand)
Applies rewriting to actual URL.
Public methodStatic memberSendOutputFromCache
Attempts to send the output of the page from the cache.
Protected methodTransferPageNotFoundInternal
Transfer page not found request
Public methodStatic memberUseDomainForCulture
Gets the value that indicates whether domain should be used for culture
Public methodStatic memberValidateCulture
Validates the given culture and modifies it with a valid culture when the given culture was not valid. If not valid, it then chooses the site's default culture and sets it as a preferred culture.
Protected methodValidateLicenseInternal
Checks whether a license for the given URL and domain exists and is valid.
See Also