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ObjectTransformation Class
Object transformation control. Transforms an object retrieved by ObjectID using specified transformation. Multiple object transformations on a single page are optimized to retrieve all used objects with a single query for better performance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.UIControls
Assembly: CMS.UIControls (in CMS.UIControls.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class ObjectTransformation : ObjectTransformationBase

The ObjectTransformation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContextResolver
Macro resolver to use
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyDataItem
Data item for the transformation template
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyDataItemIndex
Data item index
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyDataProvider
Data provider for this transformation
Public propertyDirectIfNotCached
If true, the component is allowed to get the objects one by one directly from provider if not found registered. Default false.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyDisplayIndex
Display index
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyEncodeOutput
If true, the output is encoded. Default value is true.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyLocalizeStrings
If true, the output localizes the string macros.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyNoDataTransformation
Transformation used in case the object was not found
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyObjectID
Object ID.
Protected propertyObjectRequested
If true, the object was already requested
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyObjectType
Object type.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyTransformation
Transformation - Column name (e.g. "ResourceName"), Internal UniGrid transformation (e.g. "#yesno") or a macro (e.g. "{% FirstName %} {% LastName %}").
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyTransformationName
Transformation name. Supports the following formats of transformation name: [Some text with macros] - Inline transformation cms.user.sometransformation - Transformation full name from database ~/SomePath/SomeControl.ascx - Path to transformation user control
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Public propertyUseEmptyInfoForObjectLimitedByLicense
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether empty info should be used for objects limited by license. Use this property to true if object values need not to be correct and the purpose of the displayed object is object itself.
(Inherited from ObjectTransformationBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCallHandled
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page. Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
See Also