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ISharePointFile Interface
Represents version independent SharePoint file. The file or its properties may be loaded eagerly or lazily (depends on implementation).

Namespace: CMS.SharePoint
Assembly: CMS.SharePoint (in CMS.SharePoint.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public interface ISharePointFile

The ISharePointFile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyETag
File's ETag (entity tag) from SharePoint server.
Public propertyExtension
File's extension. Determined by ServerRelativeUrl.
Public propertyIsLengthSupported
Tells you whether Length property is supported. The support is SharePoint version dependent.
Public propertyLength
Length of the file's binary content. May not be supported by all SharePoint server versions.
Public propertyMimeType
File's MIME type. Determined by ServerRelativeUrl.
Public propertyName
File's name from SharePoint server. Null if ServerRelativeUrl is null.
Public propertyServerRelativeUrl
Gets SharePoint server relative URL this instance refers to.
Public propertyTimeCreated
File's creation time from SharePoint server. Null if ServerRelativeUrl is null.
Public propertyTimeLastModified
File's last modification time from SharePoint server. Null if ServerRelativeUrl is null.
Public propertyTitle
File's title from SharePoint server. Null if ServerRelativeUrl is null.
Public methodGetContentBytes
Gets the file's content as an array of bytes.
Public methodGetContentStream
Gets the file's content as a stream.
See Also