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SearchSyntaxHelper Class
Helper methods for search condition syntax
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Search
Assembly: CMS.Search (in CMS.Search.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class SearchSyntaxHelper : StaticWrapper<ISearchSyntaxHelper>

The SearchSyntaxHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodSearchSyntaxHelper
Public methodStatic memberAddSearchCondition
Adds the given search condition to the existing condition
Public methodStatic memberCombineSearchCondition
Returns string with combined search index conditions.
Public methodStatic memberEscapeKeyWords
Escapes the key words to be searched
Public methodStatic memberExpandWithSynonyms
Expands given search expression with synonyms. If the data base of synonyms for given language is not found, searchExpression is returned without any modifications.
Public methodStatic memberGetExactPhraseCondition
Gets the exact phrase condition from the given phrase
Public methodStatic memberGetFieldCondition(String, Object, NullableBoolean)
Gets the search condition for the given field
Public methodStatic memberGetFieldCondition(String, Object, Object, NullableBoolean)
Gets the field condition for a range of values
Public methodStatic memberGetFilterCondition
Returns condition for search filter row
Public methodStatic memberGetGroup
Groups the expressions
Public methodStatic memberGetNotCondition
Gets a not (except) condition from the given condition
Public methodStatic memberGetRange
Gets the range expression
Public methodStatic memberGetRequiredCondition
Gets a required condition from the given condition
Public methodStatic memberIsEmptyCondition
Returns true if the given search condition is empty
Public methodStatic memberProcessSearchKeywords
Returns modified keywords string based on searchOptions.
Public methodStatic memberTransformToFuzzySearch
Adds ~ signs to each term to force fuzzy search.
See Also