Click or drag to resize
NotificationTemplateSelector Class
Form control for the notification template selector.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Notifications.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.Notifications.Web.UI (in CMS.Notifications.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class NotificationTemplateSelector : FormControl

The NotificationTemplateSelector type exposes the following members.

Public methodNotificationTemplateSelector
Public propertyAddGlobalTemplates
Gets or sets the value which determines, whether to add (global) record to the CMSDropDownList.
Public propertyAddNoneRecord
Gets or sets the value which determines, whether to add none item record to the CMSDropDownList.
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets whether a postback automatically occurs.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyCssClass
Control CSS class.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyEditingControl
Editing control.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets state enable.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyField
Field name for the inner controls. This property is only supported in templated form.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyForm
Form where the control is used.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyFormControlName
Form control name.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyFormFieldInfo
FormFieldInfo for current control.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyCheckUnique
If true, the field is checked for uniqueness. This property is only supported in UIForm.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyInitCompleted
If true, the initialization of the control has already completed and won't repeat. Set to true in your initialization code.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Protected propertyInitEarly
If true, the control initializes on BeforeInitComplete, otherwise on InitComplete event.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyProperties
Properties definition.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertySiteId
Gets or sets SiteId value.
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if processing of the code of this control should continue. It can be used after raising an event.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public propertySupportsDisabledAttribute
Gets a value that indicates whether the control should set the disabled attribute of the rendered HTML element to "disabled" when the control's IsEnabled property is false.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected propertyTagKey
TagKey used to render (Div).
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyTemplateID
Gets or sets the Template ID.
Public propertyTemplateName
Gets or sets the Template code name.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets value converted to string
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyTrim
If true, the value is trimmed. This property is only supported if used inside the form control.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyUseFFI
Indicates if control should load properties from FormFieldInfo. Default TRUE.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyUseTemplateNameForSelection
If true, selected value is TemplateName, if false, selected value is TemplateID.
Public propertyValue
Value used for initialization as default value.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public propertyValueElementID
Returns ClientID of the dropdown with templates.
Protected methodCreateChildControls
Renders the control at run-time.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Protected methodEnsureChildControlControlType
Ensures the first found child control of the given type in the given variable
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected methodEnsureInitialization
Initializes the control. Is called within InitComplete or
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public methodGetValue(String)
Returns the value of the given web part property property.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Public methodGetValueReturnType(String, ReturnType)
Returns the value of the given web part property property.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected methodInitializeControl
Loads the form control
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected methodLoadViewState
Customized LoadViewState.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Protected methodOnInit
Init event handler.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Protected methodOnLoad
OnLoad event handler
(Overrides CMSDynamicWebControlOnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPreRender
OnPreRender override.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected methodPage_InitComplete
Event handler of page's init complete.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public methodReload
Reloads inner controls. Can be used after additional initialization.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Protected methodSaveViewState
Customized SaveViewState.
(Inherited from CMSDynamicWebControl.)
Public methodSetValue
Sets the property value of the control, setting the value affects only local property value.
(Inherited from FormControl.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddCssClass
Adds CSS class to control. If class is already present, than adding is skipped. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCallHandled
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page. Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetCssClasses
Returns all CSS classes of control.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetRenderedHTML
Returns HTML which would be rendered by control to page.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasCssClass
Checks whether the control has given CSS class. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodRemoveCssClass
Removes all occurrences. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetCssClasses
Sets CSS classes to the control. Current classes will be overridden.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
See Also