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ObtainSubscriberAddressesEventArgs Class
Event arguments for ObtainSubscriberAddressesHandler delegate type. It's used in ObtainSubscriberAddresses event. Its purpose is to resolve e-mail addresses for subscriber types that the newsletter module doesn't know about.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Newsletters
Assembly: CMS.Newsletters (in CMS.Newsletters.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class ObtainSubscriberAddressesEventArgs : CMSEventArgs

The ObtainSubscriberAddressesEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public methodObtainSubscriberAddressesEventArgs
Public propertyAddresses
Set of e-mail addresses that will be used to send issue to, when issue is being sent to Subscriber.
Public propertyBouncedEmailsLimit
Determine maximal limit of email bounces. Above this limit are the emails blocked, therefore are filtered.
Public propertyCurrentHandler
Currently executing handler
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public propertyMonitorBouncedEmails
Determine, whether monitoring of bounced emails is turned on or off for the current site.
Public propertyOriginalEventArgs
Original event arguments for the event
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public propertySubscriber
Subscriber that the e-mail addresses are being resolved.
Public methodCallOnDispose
Adds the given action to the list of actions called when the handler object is disposed
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodCallWhenFinished
Adds the given action to be called when the handler finishes
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodCancel
Cancels the current handler execution
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodDetectRecursion
Prevents the recursion of the handler execution using the given unique key. The handler won't execute again with the given key until the current execution is finished. Returns true, if recursion is detected and the code shouldn't continue. Otherwise returns false.
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodDispose
Make sure the objects get disposed
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodLock
Locks the event on the given lock object. The context stays locked until the handler is disposed.
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Public methodUsing
Adds the given object to the list of object that get disposed when the handler object is disposed
(Inherited from CMSEventArgs.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodUseTransaction
Ensures that the event uses transaction
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
See Also