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NewsletterHelper Class
Newsletter helper class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Newsletters
Assembly: CMS.Newsletters (in CMS.Newsletters.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public static class NewsletterHelper

The NewsletterHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBouncedEmailAddress
Gets e-mail address where bounced back e-mails should be sent.
Public methodStatic memberBouncedEmailsLimit
Gets limit for bounced e-mails.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateEmailsEnabled
Gets if newsletter e-mail generation is enabled.
Public methodStatic memberGetContactInfo
Returns contact related with subscriber. If there is no known relation between contact and subscriber, returns contact with the same email. In this case, if there is more contacts with the same email, selects the one with last logged activity.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailAddressCount
Returns number of recipients subscribed for specified newsletter. Takes unsubscription and bounces into account (see GetMarketableRecipients).
Public methodStatic memberGetNewsletterMarketableRecipientsCount
Returns number of recipients subscribed for specified newsletter. Takes unsubscription table in account.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviewHTML
Gets preview HTML of issue for given subscriber. Might not represent reality, for example Contact groups show an e-mail that will get the first found contact that belongs to the contact group.
Public methodStatic memberCheckLicense(NewsletterInfo)
Checks the license for insert for a new newsletter or for edit in other cases.
Public methodStatic memberCheckLicense(ObjectActionEnum, String)
Checks the license.
Public methodStatic memberIsABTestingAvailable
Checks if newsletter A/B testing is available for current URL.
Public methodStatic memberIsTrackingAvailable
Checks if newsletter tracking (open e-mail, click through and bounces) is available for current URL.
Public methodStatic memberLicenseVersionCheck(String, FeatureEnum, ObjectActionEnum)
License version check.
Public methodStatic memberLicenseVersionCheck(String, FeatureEnum, ObjectActionEnum, Boolean)
License version check.
Public methodStatic memberMonitorBouncedEmails
Gets whether bounced e-mails monitoring is available for the given site and current URL.
Public methodStatic memberMonitorBouncedEmailsEnabled
Indicates if bounced e-mails monitoring is enabled for the given site.
Public methodStatic memberOnlineMarketingAvailable
Gets whether Online marketing is available and enabled for the site.
Public methodStatic memberOnlineMarketingEnabled
Gets whether Online marketing is enabled for the site.
Public methodStatic memberUseExternalServiceForDynamicNewsletters
Indicates if scheduled task for dynamic newsletters should run in windows service
See Also