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LocalizationHelper Class
Resource manager class that retrieves localized strings from resources.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Localization
Assembly: CMS.Localization (in CMS.Localization.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class LocalizationHelper : AbstractHelper<LocalizationHelper>

The LocalizationHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodLocalizationHelper
Public fieldStatic memberMarkLocalizedTexts
If true, the localized texts are marked with special character to be easily recognizable
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultManager
Returns default file resource manager.
Protected propertyDefaultManagerInternal
Returns default file resource manager.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultResourceFiles
List of the default resource files.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExResourceName
Resource name regular expression.
Public propertyStatic memberUseSQLResourceManagerAsPrimary
If true, SQL Resource manager if used as primary source to retrieve the strings.
Public methodStatic memberClear
Clears the current instances of the file managers which can retrieve data from the resource files. This will ensure reloading the resource strings from the resource files.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFileManager
Creates a new instance of file manager.
Public methodStatic memberGetAPIString(String, String, Boolean)
Returns specified string for the API usage (the default value is used when string is not found).
Public methodStatic memberGetAPIString(String, String, String, Boolean)
Returns specified string.
Public methodStatic memberGetCMSResourceFilePath
Gets the path to the resource file.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileManager
Returns the file resource manager for given culture.
Protected methodGetFileManagerInternal
Returns the file resource manager for given culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileString(String, String, Boolean)
Returns specified string from the resources.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileString(String, String, String, Boolean)
Returns specified string from the resource files.
Protected methodGetFileStringInternal
Returns specified string from the resource files.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceFilePaths
Returns the names of resource files (including their paths) for the specified culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceName
Trim starting and ending '$' chars, if both exists only. Returns trimmed string.
Public methodStatic memberGetString(String, Boolean)
Returns specified string.
Public methodStatic memberGetString(String, String, Boolean)
Returns specified string.
Public methodStatic memberGetString(String, String, String, Boolean)
Gets the string using the given string keys. Returns the first available item found.
Public methodStatic memberGetString(String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns specified string.
Public methodStatic memberGetStringFormat
Gets the given string and formats it with the standard String.Format method
Protected methodGetStringInternal
Returns specified string.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueResStringKey
Returns unique resource string key from given plain text.
Public methodStatic memberIsUniqueResStringKey Obsolete.
Check if resource key is unique.
Public methodStatic memberLocalizeExpression
Localizes the given expression, handles two types of expressions: stringkey - Simple localization =default string|cs-cz=localized string - advanced localization
Public methodStatic memberResourceFileExistsForCulture
Returns true if resource file exists for given culture.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also