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DirectoryHelper Class
Directory management methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.IO
Assembly: CMS.IO (in CMS.IO.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class DirectoryHelper : AbstractHelper<DirectoryHelper>

The DirectoryHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodDirectoryHelper
Public propertyStatic memberAllowCheckIOPermissions
Allow checking IO permissions?
Public propertyStatic memberIsWebRootWritable
Returns whether web root is writable.
Public methodStatic memberCombinePath
Combines parts of one path together, handles back slashes. Path ends without backslash.
Protected methodCombinePathInternal
Combines parts of one path together, handles back slashes.
Public methodStatic memberCopyDirectory
Copies specified directory including its subdirectories and all underlying files.
Protected methodCopyDirectoryInternal
Copies specified directory including its subdirectories and all underlying files.
Public methodStatic memberCopyFile
Copies the file.
Protected methodCopyFileInternal
Copies the file.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDirectory
Creates directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Protected methodCreateDirectoryInternal
Creates directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteDirectory(String)
Deletes the directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteDirectory(String, Boolean)
Deletes the directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Protected methodDeleteDirectoryInternal(String)
Deletes the directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Protected methodDeleteDirectoryInternal(String, Boolean)
Deletes the directory. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteDirectoryStructure
Deletes the directory structure. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Protected methodDeleteDirectoryStructureInternal
Deletes the directory structure. It works also in a shared hosting environment.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureDiskPath
Checks if all folders of the given path exist and if not, it creates them.
Protected methodEnsureDiskPathInternal
Checks if all folders of the given path exist and if not, it creates them.
Public methodStatic memberEnsurePathBackSlash
This method ensures that path will end with one backslash.
Protected methodEnsurePathBackSlashInternal
This method ensures that path will end with one backslash.
Public methodStatic memberCheckPermissions(String)
Check permissions (checks read and write permissions).
Public methodStatic memberCheckPermissions(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Check write permissions.
Protected methodCheckPermissionsInternal
Check write permissions.
Public methodStatic memberMoveDirectory
Moves specified directory to new path.
Protected methodMoveDirectoryInternal
Moves specified directory to new path.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also