DataHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.Helpers
public class DataHelper : CoreMethods
The DataHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DataHelper |
Name | Description | |
Fake ID to use when the ID column requires a value, and needs to be faked
Name | Description | |
CompareByteArrays |
Compares two byte arrays.
| |
ConvertColumnToDateTime | Obsolete.
Converts the specified column to Date time type.
| |
ConvertToDataTableT |
Method to convert LINQ result to DataTable
| |
ConvertValue(Object, Type) |
Converts the value to a specific type.
| |
ConvertValue(Object, Type, Object) |
Converts the value to a specific type. Returns true if conversion was possible, otherwise false.
| |
ConvertValueToDefaultCulture |
Converts value to its equivalent string representation using default culture format. Can be used to convert Double, Decimal, DateTime or TimeSpan values.
| |
CopyColumnValues | Obsolete.
Copies column values from source column to target column.
| |
CreateUniqueTableColumn |
Creates column with unique name int he given table.
| |
DataSetPivot |
Converts data set to it's pilot.
| |
DataSourceIsEmpty(DataSet) |
Returns true if the given data source is empty.
| |
DataSourceIsEmpty(Object) |
Returns true if the given data source is empty.
| |
DeleteRows(DataSet, String) |
Deletes the table rows matching the given where condition.
| |
DeleteRows(DataTable, String) |
Deletes the table rows matching the given where condition.
| |
EnsureCodenames | Obsolete.
Ensures Codename values in specified column.
| |
EnsureColumn |
Ensures specified column.
| |
EnsureGUIDs |
Ensures GUID values in specified column.
| |
EnsureIdentifiers | Obsolete.
Ensures identifier values in specified column.
| |
EnsureRandomValues | Obsolete.
Ensures random values in specified int column.
| |
EnsureStringValues | Obsolete.
Ensures Codename values in specified column.
| |
ExtendParameters |
Extends the parameters array for new items.
| |
FileSizeFormat | Obsolete.
Formats file size in human readable format.
| |
ForEachRow(DataSet, ActionDataRow, FuncDataRow, Boolean) |
Executes the given action for each row in the given DataSet
| |
ForEachRow(DataTable, ActionDataRow, FuncDataRow, Boolean) |
Executes the given action for each row in the given DataSet
| |
FromBase64String | Obsolete.
Converts the string from Base64 string to the byte array.
| |
GetBoolValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String) |
Gets the bool variable from given data container.
| |
GetBoolValue(DataRow, String, Boolean) |
Gets the bool variable from given DataRow.
| |
GetBoolValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String, Boolean) |
Gets the bool variable from given data container.
| |
GetColumns | Obsolete.
Gets the columns of the given table as the string array.
| |
GetDataContainer |
Gets the data container able to read the given data object
| |
GetDataContainerItem |
Returns data from datarow, datarowview or ISimpleDataContainer objects for specified column.
| |
GetDataRowValue |
Returns the value from the DataRow field, or DBNull.Value if the field does not exist in the datarow.
| |
GetDataRowViewValue |
Returns the value from the DataRowView field, or null if the field does not exist in the datarow.
| |
GetDataSetFromXml |
Gets DataSet from the given XML string.
| |
GetDataTable |
Returns the DataTable from the given data source.
| |
GetDataView |
Returns the DataView from the given data source.
| |
GetDateTimeValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String) |
Gets the DateTime variable from given data container.
| |
GetDateTimeValue(DataRow, String, DateTime) |
Gets the DateTime variable from given DataRow.
| |
GetDBNull |
Converts the standard null value to DBNull.value, keeps the object value if not null.
| |
GetGuidValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String) |
Gets the guid variable from given data container.
| |
GetGuidValue(DataRow, String, Guid) |
Gets the guid variable from given DataRow.
| |
GetIntegerValues(DataTable, String) |
Gets the array of integer values from the given data table.
| |
GetIntegerValues(DataView, String) | Obsolete.
Gets the array of integer values from the given data table.
| |
GetIntValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String) |
Gets the integer variable from given Data container.
| |
GetIntValue(DataRow, String, Int32) |
Gets the integer variable from given DataRow.
| |
GetItemsCount |
Gets the items count in the specified data source.
| |
GetMaximumValueT(DataTable, String) |
Gets the maximum value from the given column.
| |
GetMaximumValueT(DataView, String) |
Gets the maximum value from the given column.
| |
GetMinimumValueT |
Gets the minimum value from the given column.
| |
GetNewItemsInList(String, String) |
Gets the list of new items in the given list as list separated by semicolon.
| |
GetNewItemsInList(String, String, Char) |
Gets the list of new items in the given list as list separated by separator.
| |
GetNotEmpty |
Returns second parameter if the first is null or "".
| |
GetNotZero(Object, Int32) |
Returns the object converted to integer or default value when the result of conversion equals zero.
| |
GetNotZero(Object, Object) | Obsolete.
Returns the object converted to integer or default value when the result of conversion equals zero.
| |
GetNull |
Converts the DBNull.value to standard null, keeps the object value if not null.
| |
GetObjectSize |
Gets the size of the given object.
| |
GetObjectString(Object, Int32) |
Gets the object as a string (for structured objects the object type and its size).
| |
GetObjectString(Object, Int32, Int32) |
Gets the object as a string (for structured objects the object type and its size).
| |
GetParentPath |
Returns the parent path for the specified path (any kind of path with "/" as a separator)
| |
GetPartialValue |
Gets value from string that has values separated by separator.
| |
GetRowSize |
Returns the row data size (size of the contained data).
| |
GetScalarValue |
Gets the first value from the given DataSet.
| |
GetSingleColumnDataSet |
Returns a DataSet containing single table with single column.
| |
GetSizeString |
Returns the string for the specified file size.
| |
GetStringValue(ISimpleDataContainer, String) |
Gets the string variable from given data container.
| |
GetStringValue(DataRow, String, String) |
Gets the string variable from given DataRow.
| |
GetStringValues |
Gets the array of string values from the given data table.
| |
GetTableSize |
Returns the table data size (size of the contained data).
| |
GetTopNForPage | Obsolete.
Gets the TOPN value to be able to get the specific page out of the paged results with old paging (through TOPN only).
| |
GetUniqueRows |
Gets the list of unique rows based on given column value.
| |
GetUniqueValues |
Gets the list of unique values based on given column value.
| |
GetValuesT |
Gets the array of the values from the given data table.
| |
GetValuesFrequency(DataTable, String) |
Gets frequency of values in specified data table's column.
| |
GetValuesFrequencyTDataContainer(IEnumerableTDataContainer, FuncTDataContainer, Object) |
Gets frequency of values in data collection.
| |
GetViewSize |
Returns the view data size (size of the contained data).
| |
ChangeBooleanValues(DataTable, String, Boolean, String) |
Changes the boolean value in the given table.
| |
ChangeBooleanValues(DataTable, String, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Changes the boolean value in the given table.
| |
ChangeStringValues(DataTable, String, String, String) |
Changes the string value in the given table.
| |
ChangeStringValues(DataTable, String, String, String, String) | Obsolete.
Changes the string value in the given table.
| |
ChangeValuesToNull |
Changes the value in the given table to NULL.
| |
IsEmpty |
Returns true, if the given value is empty (null, DBNull, or "").
| |
IsValid | Obsolete.
Tests if value is valid to given data type
| |
IsValidID |
Returns true if the given value is a valid ID
| |
IsZero |
Returns true, if the given value is zero (null, DBNull, or 0).
| |
KeepOnlyRows |
Keeps only table rows matching the given where condition.
| |
LockDataSet |
Makes the given DataSet read-only
| |
LowerCaseTableNames |
Converts the table names of given DataSet to lowercase representation.
| |
MarkDuplicitRows |
Marks the duplicate rows in the data table.
| |
MergeT, K, V |
Merges two objects implementing the IDictionary interface of type T with key of type K and value of type V.
| |
ReadDataSetFromXml(DataSet, XmlReader, DataHelperActionCallback, Object) |
Reads the DataSet from given XML reader (expects "NewDataSet" as a root node).
| |
ReadDataSetFromXml(DataSet, XmlReader, DataHelperActionCallback, Object, String, ListString, String) |
Reads the DataSet from given XML reader.
| |
RecomputeChildCount |
Re-computes count of child objects in parentObjects data table's childCountColumn column.
| |
ReduceDataSetData |
Reduces the data set data.
Works in two modes:
1 - remove records (when calculateAverage is FALSE)
2 - calculate average values for the intervals (when calculateAverage is TRUE)
| |
RenameTable |
Renames the table in the given DataSet.
| |
RestrictRows(DataSet, Int32) |
Restricts the number of rows to the top N items.
| |
RestrictRows(DataSet, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Restricts the given DataSet to only given rows starting with the offset, and leaving only maximum defined number of rows.
| |
SetColumnValues |
Sets column values to specified value.
| |
SetDataRowValue |
Sets value to data row. If value is null, DBNull will be used.
| |
SetPartialValue |
Sets new value to string that is separates by separator.
| |
SetTableName |
Sets the table name in the specified DataSet.
| |
ShiftValuesUp | Obsolete.
Shifts the values in the column of Data table one row up.
| |
SortDataTable |
Sorts the Data table using given OrderBy expression.
| |
TransferTable |
Transfers tables from source DataSet to the destination DataSet and sets the source table name to specified value.
| |
TransferTableRows |
Transfers table rows between two tables.
| |
TransferTables |
Transfers tables from source DataSet to the destination DataSet.
| |
TranslateBinaryColumn | Obsolete.
Translates the binary column within data table from its string representation to byte[].
| |
TrimDataSetPage |
Trims first data table from source to fit into page.
| |
TrimLastIdFromList(String) | Obsolete.
Trims last ID from ID list (delimited by semicolon). Returns trimmed list
| |
TrimLastIdFromList(String, Int32) | Obsolete.
Trims last ID from ID list. Returns trimmed list.
| |
TryGetDataRowValue |
Returns the value from the DataRow field.
| |
TryGetDataRowViewValue |
Returns the value from the DataRowView field.
| |
Union |
Creates the union of two Datasets, the values are compared for uniqueness by the given ID column name.
| |
WriteDataSetToXml |
Writes the DataSet from given XML reader.