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AbstractFormStyleConfiguration Class
Container for layout specific form style configuration.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI (in CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public abstract class AbstractFormStyleConfiguration : IFormStyleConfiguration

The AbstractFormStyleConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAbstractFormStyleConfiguration
Copy constructor used to copy form style configuration to layout style so it can be merged.
Public propertyExplanationTextCssClass
CSS class that is added to container that is wrapping content after text (only if content before text is empty).
Public propertyFieldCaptionCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field label cell.
Public propertyFieldCaptionCssClass
CSS class for the individual field label.
Public propertyFieldCssClass
CSS class for the whole field (usually row).
Public propertyFieldErrorCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field error label cell.
Public propertyFieldErrorCssClass
CSS class that is added to editing form control after its validation failed.
Public propertyFieldErrorLabelCssClass
CSS class for the individual field error label.
Public propertyFieldGroupCaptionCssClass
CSS class for the field group caption.
Public propertyFieldGroupCssClass
CSS class for the whole field group.
Public propertyFieldValueCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field control cell.
Public propertyFieldVisibilityCellCssClass
CSS class for the individual field visibility cell.
Public propertyFieldVisibilityCssClass
CSS class for the individual field visibility control.
Public propertyFormButtonCssClass
CSS class for the form button.
Public propertyFormButtonPanelCssClass
CSS class for the form button panel.
Public propertyFormCssClass
CSS class which will be used to wrap form control.
Public propertyGroupCssClass
CSS class for the whole field group with heading.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy