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CMSCreditPaymentProvider Class
Class providing methods and properties for credit payment.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI (in CMS.Ecommerce.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class CMSCreditPaymentProvider : CMSPaymentGatewayProvider

The CMSCreditPaymentProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodCMSCreditPaymentProvider
Public fieldStatic memberCREDIT_PAYMENT_FORM_ID
ID of the credit payment form control.
Protected fieldmAvailableCreditInMainCurrency
Available credit in main currency.
Protected fieldmAvailableCreditInOrderCurrency
Available credit in order currency.
Protected fieldmErrorMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment fails.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmExchangeRate
Exchange rate.
Protected fieldmInfoMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment succeeds.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmIsPaymentCompleted
Indicates whether payment is already completed.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmMainCurrencyObj
Main currency data object.
Protected fieldmOrder
Order object which is going to be paid.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmOrderCurrencyObj
Order currency data object.
Protected fieldmOrderId
Order ID.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmPaymentDataContainer
Payment gateway data container of the current shopping cart step control.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmPaymentDataForm
Payment gateway form with custom controls.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmPaymentResult
Payment result.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmShoppingCartControl
Parent shopping cart control the current shopping cart step belongs to.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldmShoppingCartInfoObj
Shopping cart object which stores all data during the checkout process.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected fieldStatic memberVALUE_NOT_KNOWN
This constant says that value of the credit is not known.
Public propertyAvailableCreditInMainCurrency
Available credit in main currency.
Public propertyAvailableCreditInOrderCurrency
Available credit in order currency.
Public propertyCreditChangeAfterPayment
Credit change after payment.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment fails.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyExchangeRate
Exchange rate between main and order currencies.
Public propertyHasCustomerEnoughCredit
Indicates whether customer has enough credit to finish payment.
Public propertyInfoMessage
Payment result message displayed to user when payment succeeds.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyIsPaymentCompleted
Indicates whether payment is already completed.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyMainCurrencyObj
Main currency info object.
Public propertyOrder
Order object which is going to be paid.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyOrderCurrencyObj
Order currency info object.
Public propertyOrderId
Order ID. Set this value when you want to process payment for the existing order outside the checkout process.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected propertyPaymentDataForm
Payment gateway form with custom controls.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyPaymentResult
Payment result.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyShoppingCartControl
Parent shopping cart control the current shopping cart step belongs to.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public propertyShoppingCartInfoObj
Shopping cart object which stores all data during the checkout process. If OrderId is set it is created from existing order, otherwise it is returned from current shopping cart control.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodAddAdditionalInfoToPaymentResult
Adds some additional information to payment result, such as time stamp and payment method name.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodCreatePaymentResultInfo
Creates payment result object - base PaymentResultInfo object is created by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodGetPaymentDataFormPath
Returns payment gateway form path with custom controls.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderGetPaymentDataFormPath.)
Public methodGetPaymentGatewayUrl
Returns payment gateway url.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodInitializeGatewayControl
Adds payment gateway custom data to the current shopping cart step - payment gateway form with initialized custom controls is added by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodIsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment(Boolean)
Checks whether current user is authorized to finish payment, if he is not authorized sets corresponding payment gateway error message.
Public methodIsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment(UserInfo, ShoppingCartInfo, Boolean)
Checks whether specified user is authorized to finish payment, if he is not authorized sets corresponding payment gateway error message.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderIsUserAuthorizedToFinishPayment(UserInfo, ShoppingCartInfo, Boolean).)
Public methodProcessCustomData
Process payment gateway custom data of the current shopping cart step - payment gateway form data processing is performed by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodProcessPayment
Process payment.
(Overrides CMSPaymentGatewayProviderProcessPayment.)
Public methodReloadPaymentData
Reloads payment data - order and main currencies, their exchange rates, customer available credit.
Public methodUpdateOrderPaymentResult
Updates order payment result in database.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Protected methodUpdateOrderStatus
Assigns order status to order. If can not be used due to global objects settings, looks for site status with the same code name.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
Public methodValidateCustomData
Validates payment gateway custom data of the current shopping cart step - payment gateway form data validation is performed by default.
(Inherited from CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.)
See Also