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ShoppingCartItemCheckResult Class
Class encapsulating the results of cart item check.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class ShoppingCartItemCheckResult

The ShoppingCartItemCheckResult type exposes the following members.

Public methodShoppingCartItemCheckResult
Public propertyCartItem
Affected shopping cart item object.
Public propertyHasOtherErrors
Indicates whether result has any other (custom) errors.
Public propertyCheckFailed
Indicates whether the check has failed.
Public propertyInventoryUnits
Number of available units when not enough. Value is set to -1 when all requested units are available.
Public propertyMaxUnits
Maximum unit count in one order. Value is set to -1 when maximum units in order condition is met.
Public propertyMaxUnitsExceeded
Indicates that maximum unit count in one order condition is not met.
Public propertyMinUnits
Minimum unit count in one order. Value is set to -1 when minimum units in order condition is met.
Public propertyMinUnitsNotReached
Indicates that minimum unit count in one order condition is not met.
Public propertyNotEnoughUnits
Indicates that requested unit count is not available.
Public propertyOtherErrors
List of other (custom) error messages.
Public propertyProductDisabled
Indicates that product is disabled.
Public propertyProductValidityExpired
Indicates that product has expired.
Public propertyRegisteredCustomerRequired
Indicates that product can not be purchased, because it requires registered customer.
Public methodCombineWithResult
Includes specified check result into this object in order to find the most restrictive values. No action is taken when results belong to different SKUs.
Public methodGetFormattedMessage
Returns formatted result message when check has failed. Message is HTML-formatted: each error on its own line. Returns empty string if check passed.
Protected methodGetMax
Returns larger value from params. Values below 0 are considered to be "not specified".
Public methodGetMessage
Returns check result formatted as string. Message contains individual error messages separated with specified separator. Empty string is returned when no errors found.
Protected methodGetMin
Returns smaller value from params. Values below 0 are considered to be "not specified".
Public methodMarkMaxUnitsFailed
Marks this result as "Maximum unit count not reached".
Public methodMarkMinUnitsFailed
Marks this result as "Minimum unit count not reached".
Public methodMarkNotEnoughUnits
Marks this result as "Not enough units available".
Public methodMarkOtherError
Marks this result with error message. Use this method to report custom errors. Duplicate entries are removed.
See Also