SKUTreeNode Class |
Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
public class SKUTreeNode : TreeNode
The SKUTreeNode type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
SKUTreeNode | Obsolete.
Empty constructor, allowed only if Initialize is called immediately after it.
| |
SKUTreeNode(String) |
Base constructor for inherited classes and internal purposes
Name | Description | |
isInDocumentHelper |
If true, the document is currently in the document helper and should call normal methods.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mClassName |
Node class name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mDataClass |
Data class with the SiteInfo data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
mDocumentContent |
Document editable content.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mDocumentCustomData |
Document custom data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mGroupedAttachments |
Grouped attachments.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mNodeCustomData |
Node custom data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mParent |
Parent document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mStatus |
Status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
mTreeProvider |
Tree provider object to use for the database access.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mVersionManager |
Manager for version actions.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mWorkflowManager |
Manager for workflow actions.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mWorkflowStep |
Document workflow step
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
mWorkflowStepTimeout |
Document workflow step timeout
(Inherited from TreeNode.) |
Name | Description | |
AbsoluteURL |
Gets document absolute URL.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Aliases |
Collection of the document aliases.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
AllAttachments |
Collection of all document attachments (all field, grouped and unsorted).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
AllChildren |
Collection of all child nodes from all levels.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
AllowClone |
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AllowPartialUpdate |
If true, the object allows partial updates.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
AllowRestore |
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AllowTouchParent |
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AssignedSites |
Collection of the sites to which the object is associated via site bindings (M:N relationships).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AttachmentHistory |
Collection of the attachment history of the document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Attachments |
Collection of unsorted document attachments.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Bindings |
Collection of the binding objects for the given object where the current object is a parent of the binding.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CacheParentData |
If true, the parent object data is cached within object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Categories |
Collection of document categories.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ClassName |
Class name in format application.class.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ClearCacheMethods |
Dictionary with the methods for clearing the internal object cache [columnName] => [clearCacheAction]
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CodeNameColumn |
Code name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CodeNameChanged |
Returns whether the object code name changed or not
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ColumnNames |
Column names.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ConnectedDocuments |
Connected documents.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ConnectedObjects |
Connected objects.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CoupledClassIDColumn |
Name of the coupled class ID column.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CultureVersions |
Collection of all culture versions of this document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CustomizedColumns |
Gets the list of customized columns in current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
DataClass |
Data class is not used within composite instance.
Data is managed by the partial classes of each data part.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
DeleteFiles |
Indicates if all physical files should be deleted when object will be deleted.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DisplayNameColumn |
Display name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
DocumentCanBePublished |
Indicates whether document can be considered as published from perspective of workflow state. Publish from/to values are ignored.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentContent |
Document content.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentConversionValue |
Document conversion value.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCreatedByUserID |
ID of a user who has created the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCreatedWhen |
Date and time when the document was created.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCulture |
Document culture.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCustomData |
Document custom data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentExtensions |
Document extensions.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentGroupWebParts |
Document group web parts (widgets).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentGUID |
GUID to identify the document within site.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentHash |
Document hash.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCheckedOutAutomatically |
Indicates if document is checked out/in automatically
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCheckedOutByUserID |
ID of a user who has checked the document out.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID |
Document checked out version history ID (latest document version).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentCheckedOutWhen |
Date and time when was the document checked out.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentID |
Document ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentInheritsStylesheet |
Indicates if document inherits stylesheet from the parent.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentIsArchived |
Indicates whether document is archived.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentIsWaitingForTranslation |
Indicates whether the document is in the process of translation (submitted to a translation service).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentLastPublished |
Date and time when was the document last published.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentLastVersionName |
Document last version name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentLastVersionNumber |
Document last version number.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentLogVisitActivity |
Indicates whether any activity is tracked for this document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuCaption |
Document menu caption.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuClass |
Document menu class.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuClassHighlighted |
Document menu highlighted class.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation |
Indicates if document is hidden in navigation
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemImage |
Document menu item image.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemImageHighlighted |
Document menu item highlighted image.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemInactive |
Indicates whether item is inactive in document menu.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemLeftImage |
Document menu item left image.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemLeftImageHighlighted |
Document menu item left image highlighted.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemRightImage |
Document menu item right image.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuItemRightImageHighlighted |
Document menu item right image highlighted.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuJavascript |
JavaScript code that is executed upon click on the document in the menus.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuRedirectToFirstChild |
Indicates if redirection to first child document should be performed when accessed
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuRedirectUrl |
URL to which the document is redirected when accessed
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuStyle |
Document menu style.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentMenuStyleHighlighted |
Document menu highlighted style.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentModifiedByUserID |
ID of a user who modified the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentModifiedWhen |
Date and time when was the document modified.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentName |
Document name
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentNamePath |
Document name path
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentNodeID |
Document web parts.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPageDescription |
Document page description.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPageKeyWords |
Document page key words.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPageTemplateID |
Document page template for specific culture version.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPageTitle |
Document page title.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPriority |
Document priority.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID |
Document published version history ID (latest published document version).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPublishFrom |
Indicates from when the document should be published.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentPublishTo |
Indicates to when the document should be published.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentRatings |
Number of ratings.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentRatingValue |
Sum of all ratings.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentSearchExcluded |
Indicates whether the document will be excluded from search.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentShowInSiteMap |
Indicates if the document is visible in the site map.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentSitemapSettings |
Gets or sets the sitemap settings in format frequency;priority.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentSKUDescription |
Document SKU description
| |
DocumentSKUName |
Document SKU name
| |
DocumentSKUShortDescription |
Document SKU short description
| |
DocumentsOnPath |
Collection of documents on the path to the current document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentStylesheetID |
Document stylesheet ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentTagGroupID |
Document tag group ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentTags |
Document tags.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentTrackConversionName |
Document conversion name - reflects the "TrackConversionName" data column.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentType |
Document type, contains the document extension.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentUrlPath |
Document URL path.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentUseCustomExtensions |
Use custom document extensions.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentUseNamePathForUrlPath |
Automatically use document name path for the UrlPath.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentWebParts |
Document web parts.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentWildcardRule |
Document wild card rule.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentWorkflowActionStatus |
Returns string representing workflow action status.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID |
Workflow cycle GUID to obtain preview link for document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DocumentWorkflowStepID |
Document workflow step ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Forums |
Collection of the ad-hoc forums for this document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Generalized |
Generalized interface of this object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GroupedAttachments |
Document grouped attachments.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
HasData |
Returns true if the object has it's data storage initialized already
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
HasChanged |
Returns true if the object changed.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoHasChanged.) | |
HasSKU |
Indicates whether the document contains SKU data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CheckUnique |
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ChildDependencies |
Collection of the child dependencies for the given object. These are objects which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms), but aren't direct child of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Children |
Collection of child nodes.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Icon |
Object icon
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IgnoreExternalColumns |
If true, externally stored columns are ignored and are stored normally in DB.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InstanceGUID |
Returns the object instance GUID
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsArchived |
Indicates whether the document is archived.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsCachedObject |
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsClone |
Indicates if the object is clone.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsComplete |
Returns true if the object changed.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoIsComplete.) | |
IsCoupled |
Indicates whether the document contains coupled data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsDefaultCulture |
If true, the document is in the default culture for the given web site.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsDisconnected |
Returns true if this collection is disconnected from the database
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsGlobal |
Returns true if the object is global object. False if the object belongs to specific site only.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsCheckedOut |
Indicates whether the document is checked out.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsCheckedOutByUserID |
Gets ID of the user who checked the object out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsInPublishStep |
Indicates whether the node is in published step disregarding publish from/to values.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsLastVersion |
If true, the document is the last version (retrieved using DocumentHelper.GetDocument).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsLink |
Indicates whether the document is link to another document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsObjectValid |
Returns true if the object is considered valid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsPublished |
Indicates whether the document is published.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsSecuredNode |
Indicates if the security should be checked for this node. The 'null' value means that the value is inherited from the parent node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Item |
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Links |
Collection of linked nodes, including the original.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
LogEvents |
If true, Events tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
LogExport |
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogIntegration |
If true, integration tasks are being logged.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogSynchronization |
Indicates how should be handled the logging of synchronization tasks on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
LogWebFarmTasks |
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
MessageBoards |
Collection of the message boards for this document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
MetaFiles |
Collection of the metafiles belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Name |
Returns the code name of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ID of a access controller list assigned to the node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeAlias |
Node alias.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeAliasPath |
Node alias path. This property is read only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeAllowCacheInFileSystem |
Identifies whether the document allows output caching in the file system. The 'null' value means that the value is inherited from the parent node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeBodyElementAttributes |
Node body element attributes - attributes of html body tag.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeBodyScripts |
Top HTML body node for custom HTML code.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeCacheMinutes |
Indicates how long should node stay in cache (in minutes). The 'null' means that the value is inherited from parent node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeClassName |
Node class name in format application.class.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeCustomData |
Node custom data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeDocType |
Node document type.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeGroupID |
ID of a community group which owns the node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeGUID |
Node GUID to identify document node within site tree.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeHasChildren |
Indicates if node has children.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeHasLinks |
Indicates if node has links.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeHeadTags |
Node header tags.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeID |
Node ID. This property is read only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeInheritPageLevels |
Node inherit page levels.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeInheritPageTemplate |
If true, the document inherits the page template from parent
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeIsACLOwner |
Indicates if node owns its ACL item
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeIsContentOnly |
Returns true if node is content only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeLevel |
Document node level. This property is read only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeLinkedNodeID |
ID of a document to which this linked document is related.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeLinkedNodeSiteID |
Site ID of a document to which this linked document is related.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeName |
Node name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeOrder |
Node order in sibling sequence. This property is read only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeOwner |
Node owner, read only.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeParentID |
Document parent node ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeSiteID |
Node site ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeSiteName |
Node site name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
E-commerce SKU (product) ID.
(Overrides TreeNodeNodeSKUID.) | |
NodeTemplateForAllCultures |
If true, the document uses the same template (NodeTemplateID) for all culture versions
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeTemplateID |
Node page template ID - used for all culture versions if NodeTemplateForAllCultures is true
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ObjectCategory |
Object category.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectCodeName |
Object code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectDisplayName |
Object display name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ObjectFullName |
Object full name if exists
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectGroupID |
Object community group ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectGUID |
Object GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIcon |
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIconGUID |
Object icon GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectID |
Object ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIsCustom |
Indicates if object is custom.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectIsCustomized |
Indicates if object is customized.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectLastModified |
Last modified time.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectOrder |
Returns the order of the object among the other objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectParent |
Object parent
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ObjectParentID |
Object parent ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSettings |
Object settings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSite |
Returns the object site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSiteID |
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectSiteName |
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectStatus |
Gets current status of the object.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ObjectThumbnail |
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectThumbnailGUID |
Object thumbnail GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ObjectVersionGUID |
Object version GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
OriginalNodeID |
Original node ID. Represents NodeID for standard document, LinkedNodeID for linked document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
OriginalNodeSiteID |
Original node site ID. Returns NodeSiteID for standard document, LinkedNodeSiteID for linked document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
OriginalObjectCodeName |
Returns the original object code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
OtherBindings |
Collection of the binding objects for the given object where the current object is not a parent of the binding (parent object is on the second side).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Owner |
Document owner
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Parent |
Parent document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ParentObjectType |
Parent object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
PermanentURL |
Gets document permanent absolute URL.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Personalizations |
Collection of the personalizations (widget settings) for the document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
PrioritizedProperties |
List of prioritized properties.
(Overrides TreeNodePrioritizedProperties.) | |
Processes |
Collection of the processes belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Properties |
Properties of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
PublishedVersionExists |
Indicates whether there is a published version for current document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ReferringObjects |
Collection of the objects depending on this object (object which have FK to this object).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
RegisteredProperties |
Registered properties
(Overrides AbstractInfoBaseTInfoRegisteredProperties.) | |
RelatedData |
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
RelatedDocuments |
Related documents.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
RelativeURL |
Gets document relative URL.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
RequiresSSL |
Indicates if this node requires SSL protocol. The 'null' value means that the value is inherited from the parent node.
0 - Do not require SSL protocol
1 - Require SSL protocol
2 - Never require SSL protocol
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SearchType |
Returns search type.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ScheduledTasks |
Collection of the scheduled tasks belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Site |
Site of the document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SKU class - Custom document fields
| |
SupportsVersioning |
Indicates if the object versioning is supported. Default false
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Tags |
Collection of document tags.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Thumbnail |
Object thumbnail
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TouchCacheDependencies |
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
TreeProvider |
Tree provider instance used to access data. If no TreeProvider is assigned, a new TreeProvider instance is created.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
TypeInfo |
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
UpdateTimeStamp |
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
UpdateVersionGUID |
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ValidateCodeName |
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
VersionHistory |
Collection of the version history of the document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
VersioningEnabled |
Indicates if the object versioning is enabled by the settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
VersionManager |
Version manager instance.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowHistory |
Collection of the workflow history of the document
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowManager |
Workflow manager instance.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowStep |
Document workflow step.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowStepName |
Document workflow step name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowStepTimeout |
Document workflow step timeout date (for steps with timeout).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
WorkflowStepType |
Document workflow step type.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) |
Name | Description | |
AddColumnPrefixesWhereCondition |
Adds restriction to given where filtering out all rows where given column starts with one of excluded prefixes found in TypeInfo default data settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
AllowExternalColumn |
Indicates whether a given column is allowed to be saved externally.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
AnyItemChanged |
Returns true if any of specified columns changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
Archive |
Archives the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
BuildObjectPath |
Builds the path from the given column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ClearCache |
Clears the document cache.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ClearCache(String) |
Clears the document cache.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ClearCachedValues |
Clears the cached values depending on the given column value.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ClearData |
Clears data from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ClearOutputCache(Boolean) |
Clears the output cache for current page.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ClearOutputCache(Boolean, Boolean) |
Clears the output cache for current page.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Clone(Boolean) |
Creates a clone of the object
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoClone(Boolean).) | |
CloneNewNodeType |
Returns a clone of the node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CloneObject |
Creates the clone of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
ColumnsChanged |
Returns true if at least one column of the column list provided as the first argument was changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CombineColumnNames(ICollection) |
Combines column names from supplied collections into a list and caches it in mCombinedColumnNames.
Does nothing when column names are already cached unless TypeInfo has ColumnsInvalidated set to true.
Returns combined column names.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CombineColumnNames(String) |
Combines supplied column names into a list and caches it in mCombinedColumnNames.
Does nothing when column names are already cached unless TypeInfo has ColumnsInvalidated set to true.
Returns combined column names.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CompareTo |
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ContainsColumn |
Returns true if the object contains specific column
(Overrides TreeNodeContainsColumn(String).) | |
CopyDataTo |
Copies the node data to the destination node according to the settings.
(Overrides TreeNodeCopyDataTo(TreeNode, CopyNodeDataSettings).) | |
CopyExternalColumns |
Copy value of external columns directly via set value
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CopyMemoryProperties |
Copies memory properties
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CopyProperties |
Copies memory properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
CreateDefaultSKU |
Creates default E-Commerce SKU for the document if configured, does not save the document. Returns true on success, false on error or null when module entry not found.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CreateNewVersion |
Creates new document version. (Moves document to edit step.)
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DataChanged |
Returns true if the object has changed.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DataChanged(String) |
Returns true if the object changed.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoDataChanged(String).) | |
Delete |
Deletes the document to the recycle bin. Deletes only this culture version of the document to the recycle bin, including the bound product.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Delete(Boolean) |
Deletes the document to the recycle bin. Deletes only this culture version of the document to the recycle bin, including the bound product.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Delete(Boolean, Boolean) |
Deletes the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DeleteAllCultures |
Deletes all the culture versions of the specified node including the child nodes.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DeleteData |
Deletes the object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DeleteDataInternal |
Deletes the object data from the database.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
DeleteExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and deletes all the files.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DeleteChildNodes |
Deletes the child nodes of all culture versions under the specified parent node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
DeleteMetafiles |
Deletes the metafiles related to this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
DeleteObject |
Deletes the object using appropriate provider.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Destroy |
Destroys the document with its version history. Destroys only this culture version of the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Disconnect |
Disconnects the collection from the database.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Dispose |
Disposes the object.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
EnsureBinaryData |
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object when StoreToFileSystem is true.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureBinaryData(Boolean) |
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureCodeName |
Ensures the code name of the object if not set
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureConsistency |
Ensures data consistency.
(Overrides TreeNodeEnsureConsistency.) | |
EnsureData |
Creates a new data class container within the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
EnsureDefaultValues |
Sets the document default values.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
EnsureGUID |
Ensures the GUID of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureHierarchyColumns |
Ensures the IDPath and Level columns.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureLastModified |
Ensures the last modified time stamp of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
EnsureUniqueCodeName |
Ensures that the object has a unique code name within it's context
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ExecuteWithOriginalData |
Executes the given action using original data of the object.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
ExportDefaultData |
Exports the default object installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Finalize |
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetAutomaticCodeName |
Gets the automatic code name for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetAutomaticProperty |
Tries to get the automatic property value for underlying object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetBinaryData |
Returns the BinaryData object of the current instance. Has to be overridden by specific classes. Returns null by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetBooleanValue |
Gets the boolean value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetColumnNames |
Gets the default list of column names for this class
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetComponents |
Gets the list of internal components
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetCount |
Gets count of the objects filtered by given where condition.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetCurrentObjectPathPart |
Builds the path from the given column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetCustomProperties |
Gets list of custom properties.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetData |
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDataQueryInternal |
Gets the data query for this object type
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetDataSet |
Returns the DataSet of the node data.
(Overrides TreeNodeGetDataSet.) | |
GetDateTimeValue |
Gets the DateTime value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDefaultData |
Returns the default object installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDefaultDataExportColumns |
Returns names of all columns that should be exported with default data as a comma separated string.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDefaultDataWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition to filter out the default installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDefaultObject |
Returns default object of given object type. Has to be overridden in specific info. Returns null by default. Example is UserInfo which returns user specified in the settings or Global Administrator.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDependenciesNames |
Returns a list of object names which depend on this object.
First tries to execute checkdependencies query, if not found, an automatic process is executed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDependenciesNamesAuto |
Returns a list of object names which depend on this object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDependencyCacheKeys |
Gets collection of dependency keys to be touched when modifying the current object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDependencyObjectType |
Gets dependency object type
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetDocumentName |
Returns friendly document name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetDoubleValue |
Gets the double value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetEditingPageURL |
Gets the object editing page URL.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetExisting |
Returns the existing object based on current object data.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetExistingBase |
Returns single info object and ensures correct GUID vs. code name priority is used (if applicable) after resolving provided whereCondition.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)If no object match provided whereCondition, null is returned. | |
GetExistingWhereCondition |
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetExistingWhereCondition(Boolean) |
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetExternalColumnData |
Returns the column data from external storage if exists.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetExternalColumns |
Returns the list of columns registered as the external columns.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetExternalColumnSettings |
Returns settings for external storage of the column. Returns null by default (which causes the default settings to be used in the external column data storage process).
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetExternalFiles |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and returns the list of particular files this object uses.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetExternalPath |
Returns path to the external storage with data of the given column. If the column data is not stored in the external storage (not enabled), and the check for enabled is allowed, returns null.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetFieldAttachment |
Retrieves the attachment associated with the specified field of type File.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetFieldAttachments |
Retrieves an enumerable collection of attachments associated with the specified field of type Attachments.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetFileInfo |
Returns FileInfo object from external storage if exists.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetFullObjectName |
Returns the name of the object within its parent hierarchy.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetGeneralizedInfo |
Gets the generalized info for this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetGlobalPermissionName |
Returns name of the global permission name corresponding to the given permission name.
By default, "Global" + permissionName is returned.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetGroupWhereCondition |
Gets the group where condition for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetGuidValue |
Gets the guid value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetChildDependencies |
Gets the child dependencies repository
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetChildWhereCondition |
Gets the child object where condition.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetIconUrl |
Gets the object icon URL
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetIDPathPartLength |
Returns the length of a part of IDPath.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetInheritedValue |
Returns the inherited value for the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetIntegerValue |
Gets the integer value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetLastObjectOrder |
Returns number which will be the last order within all the other items (according to Parent, Group and Site settings).
I.e. returns largest existing order + 1.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetLocalColumnNames |
Gets the list of local column names for particular object.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetLocalProperties |
Gets the list of local properties for particular object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetLockObject |
Gets the global lock object for all the instances of the object (locked on "objectType_objectId").
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetModifiedFrom |
Gets the DataSet of all the objects modified from specified date.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetNameCollisions |
Gets the list of the name collisions of the given object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetNamePathPartColumn |
Returns the name of the column which is used to build the NamePath
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetObject(Int32) |
Gets the object by its ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetObject(IWhereCondition, Boolean) |
Gets the object by specified where condition.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetObjectData |
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
GetObjectChildren |
Gets the object children repository
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetObjectIdentifier |
Gets the object identifier that uniquely identifies the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetObjectKey |
Gets the unique string key for the object.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetObjectName |
Returns object name combining object type name and object display name.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetObjectOrderID |
Returns ID of the item being ordered (i.e. NodeID).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetObjectTypeForColumn |
Gets the object type for the given column or null if the object type is not found or unknown.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetOrderIdentityWhereCondition |
Gets order identity where condition to identify the correct node data which are currently ordered
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetOrderQueryParameters |
Creates QueryDataParameters with special macros for object order management.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetOriginalDataSet |
For the link node, the DataSet of original data is returned, otherwise returns DataSet of node.
(Overrides TreeNodeGetOriginalDataSet.) | |
GetOriginalValue |
Gets the original value of the given column.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoGetOriginalValue(String).) | |
GetOtherBindings |
Gets the repository of other bindings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetParent |
Returns the parent object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPermissionName |
Converts PermissionEnum to permission codename which will be checked when CheckPermission() is called.
Derived classes can override this method to change permission which is checked (for example check for global permissions if object is global).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPermissionObjectType |
Returns the permission object type of the object (checks the SiteID column and SiteBinding columns). According to this value, the permission check is performed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPermissionToCheck |
Gets permission to check for the object. By default the Create and Delete permission
is changed to Modify.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPhysicalFiles |
Gets DataSet with physical files.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPreviewLink |
Returns document preview link.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetProperty |
Gets the property value.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetPropertyType |
Gets the type of the given property
(Overrides TreeNodeGetPropertyType(String).) | |
GetReferencedObject |
Obtains the object to which the particular column refers.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetReferringObjects |
Gets the repository of depending objects
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetRegisteredProperties |
Gets list of registered properties.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetRelatedDocuments |
Retrieves an enumerable collection of documents related to the current document with the relationship name given by specified field.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSearchDocument |
Returns document with dependence on current object type and index.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSearchFields |
Returns search fields collection. When existing collection is passed as argument, fields will be added to that collection.
When collection is not passed, new collection will be created and return.
Collection will contain field values only when collection with StoreValues property set to true is passed to the method.
When method creates new collection, it is created with StoreValues property set to false.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSearchID |
Returns an unique id of current object for search index (documentid;nodeid).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSearchImageUrl |
Returns URL to current search result item.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetSiblingsQueryInternal |
Gets the parametrized query to get siblings of the document. Uses best matching culture and filters out all culture versions of the current document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSiblingsWhereCondition |
Creates where condition according to Parent, Group and Site settings.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetSiteWhereCondition |
Gets the site where condition for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetStringValue |
Gets the string value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetSynchronizedColumns |
Gets the list of synchronized columns for this object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetThumbnailUrl |
Gets the object thumbnail URL
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetTranslatedCultures |
Gets list of culture codes to which is the document translated to.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetTypeSpecificColumnNames |
Gets the column names that are specific to the type
(Overrides TreeNodeGetTypeSpecificColumnNames.) | |
GetUniqueCodeName |
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetUniqueDisplayName |
Returns the unique display name for the specified object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetUniqueName |
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetUniqueNameWhereCondition |
Constructs base where condition for checking column value uniqueness. This method can be overridden in child classes to add more conditions.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetUpperTree |
Returns the upper tree data for given document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetUsedPageTemplateId |
Gets the page template id used by this document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetUsedPageTemplateIdColumn |
Gets the page template id used by this document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
GetValue(String) |
Gets the field value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetValueT(String, T) |
Gets the field value converted to a specified type.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
GetValueForTranslation |
Returns value for translation services. Returns unmodified field content by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetVirtualFileRelativePath |
Returns virtual relative path for specific column
Ensures the GUID of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
GetWorkflow |
Gets node current workflow (depends on document current workflow step or if document is under a workflow scope).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
HasAutomaticProperty |
Returns true if the given column provides an automatic property to access it's binding.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ChangedColumns |
Returns collection of column names which values were changed.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
CheckDefaultPermissions |
Check universal permissions for an object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckDependencies |
Checks object for dependent objects. Returns true if there is at least one dependent object.
First tries to execute checkdependencies query, if not found, an automatic process is executed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckIn |
Checks the document in.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CheckLicense |
Checks the object license. Returns true if the licensing conditions for this object were matched.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckOut |
Checks the document out.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CheckPermissions |
Checks whether the specified user has permissions for this object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckPermissionsInternal |
Checks the permissions of the object.
(Overrides TreeNodeCheckPermissionsInternal(PermissionsEnum, String, IUserInfo, Boolean).) | |
CheckPermissionsWithHandler |
Checks the permissions of the object.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
CheckUniqueCodeName |
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
CheckUniqueValues |
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
Initialize(String, IDataContainer, TreeProvider) |
Initializes the object created with default constructor. Use it to load existing node from data row.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Initialize(String, DataRow, TreeProvider) |
Initializes the object created with default constructor. Use it to load existing node from data row.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InitObjectsOrder |
Inits the proper order of the sibling objects so the order column is consistent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InitObjectsOrderPostprocessing |
Method called after the InitObjectOrder method is called. Override this to do further actions after order initialization. Does nothing by default.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Insert |
Hides the insert method without parameter. Do not use!
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Insert(TreeNode, Boolean) |
Inserts current node under specified parent node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertAsClone |
Inserts the object as a new object to the DB with inner data and structure (according to given settings) cloned from the original.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InsertAsCloneInternal |
This method is called on cloned object prepared in memory by InsertAsClone method.
Override if you need to do further actions before inserting actual object to DB (insert special objects, modify foreign keys, copy files, etc.).
Calls Insert() by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InsertAsClonePostprocessing |
This method is called once the object is completely cloned (with all children, bindings, etc.).
Override if you need to do further actions after the object has been cloned.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
InsertAsLink |
Inserts current node under specified parent node as a document link.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertAsLinkInternal |
Inserts current node under specified parent node as a document link.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertAsNewCultureVersion |
Inserts current node as new culture version of the same document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertAsNewCultureVersionInternal |
Inserts current node as a new culture version of the specified document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertCultureData |
Inserts the CMS_Document part of the document node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertData |
Inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
InsertDataInternal |
Inserts the object data to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
InsertInternal |
Inserts current node under specified parent node. The node is inserted as root if its class is root class.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
InsertTreeNodeData |
Inserts the CMS_Tree part of the document node
(Overrides TreeNodeInsertTreeNodeData(BaseInfo).) | |
Invalidate |
Invalidates the object in the object table.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsAvailableOnSite |
Checks whether info object as available on given site. Available means that object is global or assigned to given site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsCheckedOutByUser |
Returns true if the object is checked out by the specified user.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsChildOf |
Returns true if the object is child of the given object. If parameter parent is null, returns true only if the object is not a child of any object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsModifiedExternally |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and checks if the data in DB is the same as in external storage. If all the columns are same returns true, otherwise false.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
IsObjectInvalid |
Returns true if the object is invalid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
IsProduct |
Returns true if the document represents a product.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsProductSection |
Returns true if the document type stands for the product section.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsRootNode |
Returns true if the document is a root node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
IsTranslated |
Indicates if document is translated to the given culture.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ItemChanged |
Returns true if the item on specified column name changed.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoItemChanged(String).) | |
LoadComponentsData |
Loads internal components from the given data source
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
LoadData |
Loads the object data from given data container.
(Overrides TreeNodeLoadData(LoadDataSettings).) | |
LoadDefaultData |
Sets the object default values.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
LoadInheritedValues |
Loads the inherited values to the node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
MacroRepresentation |
By default, BaseInfo has no special macro representation.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
MakeComplete |
Makes the object data complete.
(Overrides TreeNodeMakeComplete(Boolean).) | |
MapDocumentName |
Maps the document name based on the document type settings
(Overrides TreeNodeMapDocumentName.) | |
MoveToFirstStep |
Moves the document to first step in the workflow (removes the workflow information if document is not under a workflow anymore).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
MoveToNextStep |
Moves the document to a next step in the workflow (sends the document to approval, approves or publishes the document based on the current workflow status).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
MoveToPreviousStep |
Moves the document to a previous step in the workflow (rejects the document).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
MoveToPublishedStep |
Moves the document directly to published workflow step (moves document directly to publish step, skips all following steps).
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NewObject |
Creates a new object from the given DataRow
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
NodeSharesSKUWithOtherNode |
Returns true when node is bound to the same SKU as some other non-link node does.
| |
PermissionCheckException |
Fires an exception in case authorization result is false (denied or insignificant)
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
PropertyPropertyType |
Returns the extension property for the object
(Inherited from AbstractObject.) | |
Publish |
Publishes the document (moves document to publish step through all following steps). If there is not only one path to published step, document stays in the last step it reached.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Reconnect |
Reconnects the collection to the database.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
RegisterExternalColumn |
Registers external column settings to the hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
RegisterExternalColumns |
Registers external column settings to the hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
RegisterGroupedAttachments |
Registers the grouped attachments for this document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
RegisterProperties |
Registers the properties of this object
(Overrides TreeNodeRegisterProperties.) | |
RegisterProperty(String, Object, FuncTInfo, Object, Object) |
Registers the given parametrized property to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
RegisterPropertyTProperty(String, FuncTInfo, Object) |
Registers the given property to the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
RemoveDocumentDependencies |
Handles removing of dependencies for product document.
(Overrides TreeNodeRemoveDocumentDependencies(DeleteDocumentSettings).) | |
RemoveObjectDependencies |
Removes object dependencies. First tries to execute removedependencies query, if not found, automatic process is executed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ResetChanges |
Resets the object changes and keeps the new values as unchanged.
(Overrides TreeNodeResetChanges.) | |
ResetTranslationFlag |
Clears 'Document is waiting for translation' flag.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
RestoreSettings |
Restores local settings for object instance.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
RevertChanges |
Reverts the object changes and keeps the new values as unchanged.
(Overrides AbstractCompositeInfoTInfoRevertChanges.) | |
SaveExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and ensures them in the external storage.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
SendNotifications |
Raises the notifications events and sends the notifications.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SerializationNotSupported |
Throws serialization not supported exception
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SetComponents |
Sets the list of internal components
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetData |
Updates or inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
SetDataRowColumn |
Sets the value for the column in the DataRow.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetDefaultPageTemplateID |
Sets the default document page template ID.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetDocumentNameSource(String) |
Sets the document name source field to the given value.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetDocumentNameSource(String, Boolean) |
Sets the document name source field to the given value.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetExternalColumnData |
Saves the column data to the external storage if exists.
Returns true if data was stored in external storage and should not be stored also in DB.
If data should be stored in DB, returns false.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
SetIntegerValue |
Sets the integer value of the Tree node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetObject |
Updates the object using appropriate provider.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetObjectAlphabeticalOrder |
Moves the object to the right position according to the custom order.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SetObjectOrder |
Moves the object to the specified order. The move is done within the object's siblings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SetObjectOrderPostprocessing |
Method which is called after the order of the object was changed. Generates staging tasks and webfarm tasks by default.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SetParent |
Updates the parent object, enables to update the data that is overridden in the parent object before or after it is saved
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SetReadOnly |
Locks the object as a read-only
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
SetValue(String, Object) |
Sets value of the specified node column.
(Overrides TreeNodeSetValue(String, Object).) | |
SetValue(String, Object, Boolean) |
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SetValue(String, Object, Object) |
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SortAlphabetically |
Sort objects alphabetically.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
StoreSettings |
Stores local settings for object instance.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
SubmitChanges(Boolean) |
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
SubmitChanges(Boolean, TreeNode) |
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
ToMacroString |
Returns the default text representation in the macros.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
ToString |
Returns the text representation of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TouchKeys |
Touches the cache dependency keys of the object to flush the dependent cache items.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
TouchParent |
Updates the parent object by saving it (to update the timestamp).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TryGetAutomaticProperty |
Tries to get the automatic property value for underlying object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
TryGetProperty(String, Object) |
Obtains value of specified property.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
TryGetProperty(String, Object, Boolean) |
Returns value of property.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
TryGetValue |
Returns value of column.
(Overrides TreeNodeTryGetValue(String, Object).) | |
UndoCheckOut |
Rolls the checkout operation of the document back.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Update |
Updates node data in the database.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
Update(Boolean) |
Updates node data in the database.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
UpdateCoupledData |
Updates the coupled data of the document node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
UpdateCultureData |
Updates the CMS_Document part of the document node.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
UpdateData |
Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
UpdateDataInternal |
Updates the object data to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
UpdateDocumentContent |
Updates the content of the document.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
UpdateExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and updates DB versions with the data from external storage.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.) | |
UpdateFromDB |
Updates the data of the object from DB (updates also ObjectSettings).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
UpdateInternal |
Updates node data in the database.
(Inherited from TreeNode.) | |
UpdatePhysicalFiles |
Saves physical files.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) | |
UpdateTreeNodeData |
Updates the CMS_Tree part of the document node
(Overrides TreeNodeUpdateTreeNodeData.) | |
UpsertData |
Updates or inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
UpsertDataInternal |
Upserts the data to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractCompositeInfoTInfo.) | |
WriteDefaultData |
Writes the default object installation data into xml file
(Inherited from BaseInfo.) |
Name | Description | |
Compare |
Compares two BaseInfo objects (data & structure) according to comparison settings given.
(Defined by DataExtensions.) | |
Serialize |
Returns object data serialized into the XML element.
(Defined by SerializationExtensions.) | |
SubmitToTranslation |
Submits the document to a translation.
(Defined by TranslationExtensions.) |