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DocumentListMassActionsParameters Class
Properties which are needed to perform mass action on the DocumentList. This mainly includes filter values (so correct where condition can be produced), URLs of the opened dialogs, etc.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine.Web.UI (in CMS.DocumentEngine.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class DocumentListMassActionsParameters

The DocumentListMassActionsParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodDocumentListMassActionsParameters
Public propertyArchiveReturnUrl
Return URL for archive action.
Public propertyClassID
ID of the document type which child nodes are to be displayed. 0 if all document types are displayed.
Public propertyCurrentWhereCondition
Where condition of the filter.
Public propertyDeleteReturnUrl
Return URL for delete action.
Public propertyGetCopyMoveLinkBaseActionUrl
Function which creates path where content tree in copy/move/link dialogs will start. The only parameter is name of the action ("Move", "Copy" or "Link").
Public propertyIdentifier
Random identifier which can be used as a key when storing dialog parameters to the WindowHelper.
Public propertyNode
Node whose children are displayed.
Public propertyPublishReturnUrl
Return URL for publish action.
Public propertyRequiresDialog
Indicates whether the page is displayed as dialog.
Public propertyShowAllLevels
True if all levels of documents are displayed. False if only one nested level is displayed.
Public propertyTranslateReturnUrl
Return URL for translate action.
Public propertyWOpenerNodeID
WOpenerNodeID from the url query.
See Also