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VersionManager Class
Class to provide node versioning management.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class VersionManager : AbstractManager

The VersionManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodVersionManager Obsolete.
Constructor - Creates version manager.
Protected methodVersionManager(TreeProvider)
Constructor - Creates version manager.
Public propertyTreeProvider
TreeProvider instance.
Public propertyWorkflowManager
Gets workflow manager instance.
Public methodApplyLatestVersion
Applies latest version data to the node.
Protected methodApplyLatestVersionInternal
Applies latest version data to the node.
Public methodApplyVersion
Applies version data to the node.
Public methodApplyVersionData
Applies the version data to the document DataSet.
Protected methodApplyVersionDataInternal(DataSet, Boolean, ISetString)
Applies the document version data to the document DataSet.
Protected methodApplyVersionDataInternal(IDataContainer, VersionHistoryInfo, Boolean, ISetString)
Applies the document version data to the document data row.
Public methodClearDocumentHistory
Clears complete history of specified document (keeps latest version).
Protected methodClearDocumentHistoryInternal
Clears complete history of specified document (keeps the latest version).
Public methodCreateNewVersion
Creates new document version. (Moves document to edit step.)
Protected methodCreateNewVersionInternal
Creates new document version. (Moves document to edit step.)
Public methodDeleteOlderVersions
Deletes older document versions to keep specified version history length.
Protected methodDeleteOlderVersionsInternal
Deletes older document versions to keep specified version history length.
Public methodDestroyDocumentHistory
Deletes complete history of specified document.
Protected methodDestroyDocumentHistoryInternal
Deletes complete history of specified document.
Public methodDestroyDocumentVersion
Deletes specified record in the node version history.
Protected methodDestroyDocumentVersionInternal
Deletes specified record in the node version history.
Public methodEnsureVersion
Ensures that the document version history is present for the given document, returns the document version.
Protected methodEnsureVersionInternal
Ensures that the document version history is present for the given document, returns the document version.
Public methodGetAttachmentVersion(Int32, Guid, Boolean)
Returns the attachment version.
Public methodGetAttachmentVersion(Int32, String, Boolean)
Returns the attachment version.
Protected methodGetAttachmentVersionInternal(Int32, Guid, Boolean)
Returns the attachment version.
Protected methodGetAttachmentVersionInternal(Int32, String, Boolean)
Returns the attachment version.
Public methodGetDocumentHistory
Returns the version history table for the specified document.
Protected methodGetDocumentHistoryInternal
Returns the version history table for the specified document.
Public methodGetHistoryLength
Gets version history length
Protected methodGetHistoryLengthInternal
Gets version history length
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance
Gets the instance of the manager.
Public methodGetLatestAttachmentVersion
Returns latest attachment version found in the AttachmentHistoryTable. Returns only an attachment which is not a variant. For an attachment variant returns null.
Protected methodGetLatestAttachmentVersionInternal
Returns attachment version for latest version of a document. Searches only in main attachments. Attachment variants are omitted and if found, returns null.
Public methodGetLatestDocumentVersion
Gets latest document version
Protected methodGetLatestDocumentVersionInternal
Gets latest document version
Public methodGetNewVersion
Returns new version number representation.
Protected methodGetNewVersionInternal
Returns new version number representation.
Public methodGetVersion(Int32, TreeNode)
Returns specified history version.
Public methodGetVersion(VersionHistoryInfo, TreeNode)
Returns node with applied version data.
Public methodGetVersionAttachments
Returns attachment histories for the given version.
Protected methodGetVersionAttachmentsInternal
Returns attachment histories for the given version.
Protected methodGetVersionInternal
Returns node with applied version data.
Protected methodChangeManagerTypeOriginalType
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Public methodChangeManagerTypeTo
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Overrides AbstractManagerChangeManagerTypeTo(Type).)
Public methodCheckIn
Checks provided node in and stores it in the versioning history.
Protected methodCheckInInternal
Checks provided node in and stores it in the versioning history.
Public methodCheckOut(TreeNode)
Checks out specified node and creates a new record in the CMS_VersionHistory table.
Public methodCheckOut(TreeNode, Boolean, Boolean)
Checks out specified node and creates a new record in the CMS_VersionHistory table.
Public methodCheckOut(TreeNode, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Checks out specified node and creates a new record in the CMS_VersionHistory table.
Protected methodCheckOutInternal
Checks out specified node and creates a new record in the CMS_VersionHistory table.
Public methodStatic memberIsSystemDocumentColumn
Returns true if the given column name is a system data column name.
Protected methodIsSystemDocumentColumnInternal
Returns true if the given column name is a system data column name.
Public methodStatic memberIsSystemNodeColumn
Returns true if the given column name is a system data column name of the node.
Protected methodIsSystemNodeColumnInternal
Returns true if the given column name is a system data column name of the node.
Public methodStatic memberIsVersionedCoupledColumn
Returns true if the given column name is a versioned data column name.
Protected methodIsVersionedCoupledColumnInternal
Returns true if the given column name is a versioned data column name.
Public methodStatic memberIsVersionedDocumentColumn
Returns true if the given column name is a versioned data column name.
Protected methodIsVersionedDocumentColumnInternal
Returns true if the given column name is a versioned data column name.
Public methodPublishAllScheduled
Publishes all documents scheduled for the current time.
Protected methodPublishAllScheduledInternal
Publishes all documents scheduled for the current time.
Public methodPublishAttachments
Publishes the attachments for the given document.
Protected methodPublishAttachmentsInternal
Publishes the attachments for the given version.
Public methodPublishVersion
Puts the specified node history version to the front DB tables.
Protected methodPublishVersionInternal
Puts the specified node history version to the front DB tables.
Public methodRemoveAttachmentVersion
Removes the AttachmentHistory binding to the document version history and deletes the AttachmentHistory object if there is no more bindings to that version.
Protected methodRemoveAttachmentVersionInternal
Removes the AttachmentHistory binding to the document version history and deletes the AttachmentHistory object if there is no more bindings to that version.
Public methodRemoveWorkflow
Removes all the workflow information from the document and initializes the document as non-workflow.
Protected methodRemoveWorkflowInternal
Removes all the workflow information from the document and initializes the document as non-workflow.
Public methodRestoreDocument
Restores deleted node and returns the restored node.
Protected methodRestoreDocumentInternal
Restores deleted node and returns the restored node.
Public methodRollbackVersion
Adds specified earlier version to the top of the version history.
Protected methodRollbackVersionInternal
Adds specified earlier version to the top of the version history.
Public methodSaveAttachmentVersion
Saves the attachment version to the database.
Protected methodSaveAttachmentVersionInternal
Saves the attachment version to the database.
Public methodSaveVersion
Saves history version record to the database without checking in.
Protected methodSaveVersionInternal
Saves history version record to the database without checking in.
Public methodUndoCheckOut
Undo all operations made during last checkout.
Protected methodUndoCheckOutInternal
Undo all operations made during last checkout.
Public methodStatic memberUseAutomaticVersionNumbering
Specifies whether the environment is configured to use automatic version numbering.
Protected methodUseAutomaticVersionNumberingInternal
Specifies whether the environment is configured to use automatic version numbering.
Public methodStatic memberUseCheckInCheckOut
Specifies whether the environment is configured to use check-in and check-out actions.
Protected methodUseCheckInCheckOutInternal
Specifies whether the environment is configured to use check-in and check-out actions.
See Also