AbstractImportExportSettings Class |
Namespace: CMS.CMSImportExport
[SerializableAttribute] public class AbstractImportExportSettings : ISerializable
The AbstractImportExportSettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AbstractImportExportSettings(IUserInfo) |
Constructor - Creates abstract settings.
| |
AbstractImportExportSettings(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) |
Constructor - Constructor for deserialization.
Name | Description | |
mCurrentUser |
Current user info.
| |
mDefaultProcessObjectType |
Default object process type.
| |
mEventLog |
Event log object.
| |
mEventLogCode |
Event log code.
| |
mEventLogSource |
Event log source.
| |
mExcludedNames |
Excludes object names.
| |
mInfoDataSet |
Data set with additional information.
| |
mPersistentSettingsKey |
Persistent key to store the settings.
| |
mProcessCanceled |
Flag for process cancelation.
| |
mProcessGlobalObjectsHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of global objects to be processed.
| |
mProcessSiteObjectsHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of site objects to be processed.
| |
mSelectedGlobalObjectsHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of global selected objects [ObjectType.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [List of code names]
| |
mSelectedGlobalTasksHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of global selected tasks [ObjectType.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [List of task IDs]
| |
mSelectedSiteObjectsHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of site selected objects [ObjectType.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [List of code names]
| |
mSelectedSiteTasksHashtable |
Hashtable with lists of site selected tasks [ObjectType.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [List of task IDs]
| |
mSettingsHashtable |
Hashtable with additional settings.
| |
mSiteId |
Site ID.
| |
mSiteInfo |
Site info.
| |
mSiteName |
Site name.
| |
mTemporaryFilesPath |
Temporary files path.
| |
mUICulture |
Current UI culture.
| |
mVersionsComparations |
Versions comparations.
| |
mWebsitePath |
Website path.
| |
mWriteLog |
If true, write to the log is enabled.
| |
Internal status separator.
Name | Description | |
AdministratorId |
Administrator user ID.
| |
CurrentUser |
Current user info.
| |
DefaultProcessObjectType |
Default object process type.
| |
EventLog |
Event log object.
| |
EventLogCode |
Event log code.
| |
EventLogSource |
Event log source.
| |
ExcludedNames |
Array of expressions. Objects with display names and code names starting with these expresions are filtered out.
| |
HotfixVersion |
Hotfix version of the package.
| |
InfoDataSet |
DataSet with additional information.
| |
LogContext |
Log context used to log progress
| |
OriginalTemporaryFilesPath |
Original temporary files path.
| |
PersistentSettingsKey |
Key for presistent storage.
| |
ProcessCanceled |
Indicates if the process should be canceled.
| |
SiteId |
Site ID of the site to be processed.
| |
SiteInfo |
Site info of the site to be processed.
| |
SiteName |
Site name of the site to be processed.
| |
TemporaryFilesPath |
Physical path to the temporary files (ends with \).
| |
UICulture |
UI culture.
| |
Version |
Version of the package.
| |
WebsitePath |
Physical path to the web site root (ends with \).
| |
WriteLog |
Indicates if logging to the log is enabled.
Name | Description | |
Cancel |
Cancels the process.
| |
ClearProgressLog |
Clears progress log.
| |
Deselect |
Selects the given object.
| |
DeselectTask |
Selects the given task.
| |
GetAPIString |
Gets resource string in correct culture.
| |
GetFromPersistentStorage |
Gets the settings from the persistent storage.
| |
GetInfo |
Gets additional information.
| |
GetObjectData |
Serialization function.
| |
GetObjectsProcessType |
Gets process type of object type.
| |
GetObjectTypeFilePath |
Gets file path within the package for object type.
| |
GetObjectWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition for specified type of object.
| |
GetProgressState |
Gets progress state.
| |
GetSelectedObjects |
Gets selected objects of specified type.
| |
GetSelectedObjectsArray |
Gets selected objects of specified type.
| |
GetSelectedObjectTypes |
Gets object types that have been selected to process.
| |
GetSelectedTasks |
Gets selected tasks of specified type.
| |
GetSelectedTasksArray |
Gets selected tasks of specified type.
| |
GetSettings |
Gets additional settings.
| |
IsAutomaticallySelected |
Indicates if given object type is automatically selected.
| |
IsEmptyObjectSelection |
Check if there is no selected object in general.
| |
IsEmptyObjectSelection(Boolean) |
Check if there is no selected object.
| |
IsEmptySelection |
Check if there is no selected object or task in general.
| |
IsEmptyTaskSelection |
Check if there is no selected tasks in general.
| |
IsEmptyTaskSelection(Boolean) |
Check if there is no selected tasks.
| |
IsError |
Returns true if there is an error during the process.
| |
IsLowerVersion |
Indicates if current version is lower than given one.
| |
IsObjectTypeProcessed |
Check if the object with specified code name is processed.
| |
IsProcessed |
Check if the object with specified code name is processed.
| |
IsSelected |
Check if the object with specified code name is selected.
| |
IsTaskSelected |
Check if the task with specified code name is selected.
| |
IsWarning |
Returns true if there are warnings during the process.
| |
LogProgressError |
Logs error progress state.
| |
LogProgressState |
Logs progress state.
| |
SavePersistent |
Saves the settings object to the persistent storage.
| |
SavePersistentLog |
Saves the log to the persistent storage.
| |
Select |
Selects the given object.
| |
SelectTask |
Selects the given task.
| |
SetInfo |
Sets additional information.
| |
SetObjectsProcessType |
Sets objects process type of specified type.
| |
SetSelectedObjects |
Sets selected objects of specified type.
| |
SetSelectedTasks |
Sets selected objects of specified object type.
| |
SetSettings |
Sets additional settings.