UploaderHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.Base.Web.UI
public class UploaderHelper
The UploaderHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
UploaderHelper |
Default constructor.
Name | Description | |
Default size of the chunk in Bytes for uploader.
Name | Description | |
AdditionalArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of the additional arguments.
| |
AfterSaveJavascript |
Name of the javascript function which should be fired on the client after the upload.
| |
AfterScript |
After script which will be evaluated after the upload.
| |
AllowedExtensions |
Extension which are allowed for uploaded files.
| |
AttachmentArgs |
Arguments for the attachment upload.
| |
AttachmentArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of attachment arguments.
| |
Canceled |
Indicates whether the upload is canceled or not.
| |
Complete |
Indicates whether the upload is finished or not.
| |
CurrentFileIndex |
Current file index started from 1.
| |
CurrentFileSize |
Returns the whole size of currently uploaded file.
| |
EventTarget |
ClientID of the element which should be used for postback method as the target.
| |
EventTargetPostbackReference |
Gets postback reference for the event target.
| |
Extension |
Extension of the uploaded file.
| |
FileArgs |
Arguments for the file upload.
| |
FileArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of file arguments.
| |
FileName |
Name of the uploaded file.
| |
FilePath |
Path to the uploaded file on the server in the temporary directory.
| |
FilesCount |
Count of currently uploading files.
| |
ForumArgs |
Arguments for the forum attachment upload.
| |
ForumArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of forum arguments.
| |
FullRefresh |
Indicates whether the full refresh should be fired after the upload.
| |
GetBytes |
Indicates whether bytes should be got.
| |
IncludeNewItemInfo |
Indicates whether the info of the newly created item should be included in the after script.
| |
InstanceGuid |
Uploader instance guid.
| |
IsAttachmentUpload |
Indicates whether it is attachment upload.
| |
IsFileUpload |
Indicates whether it is file upload.
| |
IsFirstUpload |
Indicates if current upload is the first one.
| |
IsForumAttachmentUpload |
Indicates whether it is forum attachment upload.
| |
IsInsertMode |
Indicates whether the upload is running in the insert mode or not.
| |
IsLastUpload |
Indicates if current upload is last.
| |
IsMediaLibraryUpload |
Indicates whether it is media library upload.
| |
IsMetaFileUpload |
Indicates whether it is meta file upload.
| |
IsPhysicalFileUpload |
Indicates whether it is physical file upload.
| |
MediaLibraryArgs |
Arguments for the media library upload.
| |
MediaLibraryArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of media library arguments.
| |
Message |
Error message displayed after upload.
| |
MetaFileArgs |
Arguments for the meta file upload.
| |
MetaFileArgsCollection |
NameValueCollection of meta file arguments.
| |
Name |
Name of the uploaded file without the file extension.
| |
OnlyImages |
Indicates whether only image files can be uploaded or not.
| |
ParentElementID |
ID of the parent element in which the upload control is placed.
| |
RaiseOnClick |
Indicates whether some script script should be raised on click event.
| |
ResizeToHeight |
Height to which should be image resized to.
| |
ResizeToMaxSide |
Max side size to which image should be resized to.
| |
ResizeToWidth |
Width to which should be image resized to.
| |
SourceType |
Gets or sets type of the content uploaded by the control.
| |
StartByte |
Specifies the start byte.
| |
TargetFileName |
Name of target file.
| |
TargetFolderPath |
Path to the target folder.
| |
TempPath |
Path to the temporary directory used for all uploaded files.
Name | Description | |
AddEventTargetPostbackReference |
Adds postback reference to the after script if event target has been specified. This will ca.
| |
CleanTempFile |
Removes the temporary file.
| |
CopyFile |
Copies file from the source path to the destination path.
| |
CheckNodePermissions |
Check permissions.
| |
IsExtensionAllowed |
Checks if file is allowed according current settings. If it is not then error message is thrown.
| |
ProcessFile |
Processes the given data according to the uploader mode.