Click or drag to resize
UniSelector Properties

The UniSelector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddGlobalObjectNamePrefix
Indicates whether global object names should be selected with prefix '.'
Public propertyAddGlobalObjectSuffix
Indicates whether global objects have suffix "(global)" in the grid.
Public propertyAdditionalColumns
Additional columns to select.
Public propertyAdditionalSearchColumns
Additional columns to search in.
Public propertyAdditionalUrlParameters
Additional URL parameters added to dialogs URLs. Must start with '&'.
Public propertyAllowAll
Specifies, whether the selector allows selection of all items. If the dialog allows selection of all items, it displays the (all) field in the DDL variant. When property is selected then Uniselector doesn’t load any data from DB, it just returns -1 value and external code must handle data loading.
Public propertyAllowDefault
Specifies, whether the selector allows default item selection. If the dialog allows default selection, it displays the (default) field in the DDL variant (default false). For multiple selection it returns empty string, otherwise it returns 0.
Public propertyAllowEditTextBox
If true, the textbox mode works with the return value and allows editing of the value.
Public propertyAllowEmpty
Specifies, whether the selector allows empty selection. If the dialog allows empty selection, it displays the (none) field in the DDL variant and Clear button in the Textbox variant (default true). For multiple selection it returns empty string, otherwise it returns 0.
Public propertyAllowLocalizedFilteringInSelectionDialog
Indicates whether localized filtering should be used in selection dialog.
Public propertyAllRecordValue
Value of the "(all)" DDL record, -1 by default.
Public propertyApplyValueRestrictions
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the UniSelector should apply WhereCondition for the selected value (default: true). This does not affect the modal dialog.
Public propertyButtonAddItems
Gets the Add items button control.
Public propertyButtonClear
Gets the Clear button control.
Public propertyButtonDropDownEdit
Drop down list selection edit button.
Public propertyButtonDropDownNew
New item button.
Public propertyButtonEdit
Textbox selection edit button.
Public propertyButtonEditEnabled
Sets a value indicating whether the Edit button should be enabled.
Public propertyButtonNewEnabled
Sets a value indicating whether the New button should be enabled.
Public propertyButtonRemoveEnabled
Sets a value indicating whether the Remove button should be enabled.
Public propertyButtonRemoveSelected
Gets the Remove selected items button.
Public propertyButtonSelect
Gets the Select button control.
Public propertyCallbackMethod
Callback java-script method name.
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyContextResolver
Gets or sets macro resolver for given control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyControlStyle
CSS style of the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCssClass
CSS class of the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentPageInfo
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyData
Node data. This property is used only for passing values to the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDefaultDisplayNameFormat
Default format of the display name. This format is used if the DisplayNameFormat (after resolving macros) is empty.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultItemsPerPage
Gets or sets the default value for the items per page.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultMaxDisplayedItems
Gets or sets the default value for maximum of displayed items in the selector.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultMaxDisplayedTotalItems
Gets or sets the default value for maximum of displayed total items in the selector. Default is 50. If exceeded, only MaxDisplayedItems is displayed.
Public propertyDefaultProperties
Control properties
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDependsOnAnotherField
Indicates if field depends on another field.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDialogButton
Button selection control.
Public propertyDialogGridName
Dialog grid name (path to the XML).
Public propertyDialogWindowHeight
Dialog window height.
Public propertyDialogWindowName
Dialog window name.
Public propertyDialogWindowWidth
Dialog window width.
Public propertyDisabledAddButtonExplanationText
Gets or sets explanation text if button for adding new items is disabled in Multiple mode.
Public propertyDisabledItems
Gets or sets identifiers of disabled items for selection dialog in multiple choice mode. Identifiers are separated by semicolon.
Public propertyDisplayNameFormat
Format of the display name.
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyDropDownItems
List of items of drop down control
Public propertyDropDownSingleSelect
Gets the single select drop down field.
Public propertyDynamicColumnName
If true first column is dynamically named by object type info.
Public propertyEditDialogWindowHeight
Gets or sets the height of modal dialog window used for editing.
Public propertyEditDialogWindowWidth
Gets or sets the width of modal dialog window used for editing.
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyEditItemElementName
Gets or sets the UI element which defines the Edit item dialog page. Requires the ResourceName property to be defined.
Public propertyEditItemPageUrl
Path to the edit item page.
Public propertyEditWindowName
Name of the edit window.
Public propertyElementResourceName
Gets or sets the resource name of the new/edit pages when defined by UI element names. Resource name determines the module which the UI elements belong to.
Public propertyEmptyReplacement
Replaces items which don't have any visible text to be displayed. Default is empty string.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets the enabled state of the control.
(Overrides FormEngineUserControlEnabled.)
Public propertyEnabledColumnName
Column name where the enabled flag of the object is stored.
Public propertyEncodeOutput
If true, the output is encoded. Applied in SingleTransformation mode. Default value is true.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Control custom error message.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyField
Field name to which the field belongs.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFieldInfo
Field info object.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFilterControl
Path to the filter control (CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl), which will be used for advanced filtering of the objects in the selection dialogs.
Public propertyFilteredZeroRowsText
Filtered zero rows text. So far works only for the selection dialog. Use only if you need special text that cannot be only retrieved from the resource strings. Otherwise use ResourcePrefix property and create "ResourcePrefix.noitemsfound" resource string. This property has higher priority than the resource string.
Public propertyForm
Parent form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFormControlParameter
Helper property to use custom parameter in form control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyGlobalObjectSuffix
Gets or set the suffix which is added to global objects if AddGlobalObjectSuffix is true. Default is "(global)".
Public propertyGridName
Grid name (path to the XML) for the multiple selection grid.
Public propertyHasData
Gets the value that indicates whether current selector in multiple mode displays some data or whether the dropdown contains some data.
Public propertyHasDependingFields
Indicates if another fields depend on this field.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyHasValue
Indicates if UniSelector value was set.
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckFieldEmptiness
Indicates that field should be checked on emptiness in validation step by BasicForm. Default TRUE. It is preferable to set to FALSE for controls with complex input such as file uploaders. Field emptiness validation then must be placed in custom form control in IsValid() method.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckChanges
Indicates whether to call check changes script before selecting some value
Public propertyCheckMinMaxLength
Indicates that field should be checked on min/max input length in validation step by BasicForm. Default FALSE. It is preferable to set to TRUE for simple text input controls such as TextBox.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckRegularExpression
Indicates that field should be checked on regular expressions in validation step by BasicForm. Default FALSE. It is preferable to set to TRUE for controls where user should be able to enter text such as TextBox.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckUnique
If true, the field is checked for uniqueness. This property is only supported in templated form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Protected propertyIdentifier
Dialog control identifier.
Public propertyInputClientID
Client ID of primary input control. If not explicitly set, first client ID of inner control of the form control is returned.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyInputControlID
Control ID of primary input control. If not explicitly set, first control ID of inner control of the form control is returned.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyIsSiteManager
If true, uni-selector is used in site manager.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyItemsPerPage
Default number of items per page. Applies to all Base multiple selection grid, dropdownlist, single and multiple selection dialogs. Default 25.
Public propertyListingObject
Type of alternative info object used in multiple picker grid view.
Public propertyListingObjectType
Name of alternative grid view listing object type.
Public propertyListingWhereCondition
Where condition of alternative grid view listing.
Public propertyLocalizeItems
Specifies whether the selector should resolve localization macros.
Public propertyMaxDisplayedItems
The number of maximum displayed items in the dropdownlist selection (excluding the special and generic items). Default is 25.
Public propertyMaxDisplayedTotalItems
The number of maximum displayed total items in the dropdownlist selection (excluding the special and generic items). Default is 50. If exceeded, only MaxDisplayedItems is displayed.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyNewItemElementName
Gets or sets the UI element which defines the New item dialog page. Requires the ResourceName property to be defined.
Public propertyNewItemPageUrl
Path to the new item page.
Public propertyNoDataTransformation
Transformation used in case no object was selected. Applied in SingleTransformation mode.
Public propertyNoneRecordValue
Value of the "(none)" DDL record, 0 by default.
Protected propertyObject
Object of the specific given type.
Public propertyObjectSiteName
Gets or sets site name. If set, only objects which belong to specified site are retrieved (if the object has SiteID column). If null or empty, all objects are retrieved. Use #currentsite or #current for CurrentSite and #global for global objects or #currentandglobal for both.
Public propertyObjectTransformation
Object transformation used in SingleTransformation selection mode.
Public propertyObjectType
Type of the selected objects.
Public propertyOnAfterClientChanged
Client java-script code after event 'onchange'.
Public propertyOnBeforeClientChanged
Client java-script code before event 'onchange'.
Public propertyOnlySpecialFields
Indicates if only special fields should be displayed.
Public propertyOrderBy
Base order of the items. Applies to all Base multiple selection grid, dropdownlist, single and multiple selection dialogs.
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyPriorityCSSClass
Priority CSS class for items where PriorityWhereCondition is applied.
Public propertyPriorityWhereCondition
Where condition for items with high priority.
Protected propertyProperties
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyRememberOriginalValue
If true, the control remembers the original value for evaluation
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyRemoveConfirmation
Confirmation message for the items removal. To disable confirmation, set this property to an empty string.
Public propertyRemoveMultipleCommas
Indicates whether to remove multiple commas (can happen when DisplayNameFormat is like {%column1%}, {%column2%}, {column3} and column2 is empty.
Public propertyResolverName
Gets or sets macro resolver name.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which will be used for the strings of the selector. Default is "General".
(Overrides FormEngineUserControlResourcePrefix.)
Public propertyResourcePrefixes
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyReturnColumnName
Column name of the object which value should be returned by the selector. If NULL, ID column is used.
Public propertyReturnColumnType
Gets or sets the type of the column which will be used as a return value when the new/edit item dialog is saved.
Protected propertyScriptSafeValueSeparator
ValueSeparator encoded for JavaScript and encapsulated into "'".
Public propertySelectionConfirmation
Confirmation message for the items selection.
Public propertySelectionMode
Indicates selection mode of the control. This property should not be changed later than on Page Init as it causes invalid hash. If you need to change it later than on Page Init, use reload method after changing this.
Public propertySelectItemPageUrl
URL of select item dialog.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertySortExpression
Gets or sets sort expression of the unigrid in Multiple mode.
Public propertySpecialFields
Array with the special field values that should be added to the DropDownList selection, between the (none) item and the other items.
Public propertyStopProcessing
If true, control does not process the data.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyText
Gets or sets Value converted to string.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyTextBoxSelect
TextBox control.
Public propertyTransformation
Transformation used for output formating. Applied in SingleTransformation mode. If empty, the object display name is returned.
Public propertyTrim
If true, the returned value is trimmed. This property is only supported if used inside the form control. Default false.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Protected propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Protected propertyUnderlyingFormControl
Underlying form control, if provided, the form control automatically redirects all properties to that control
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyUniGrid
Multiple selection grid.
Public propertyUseDefaultNameFilter
If true, name filter is used (default true), it can be disabled when some FilterControl is used.
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUseTypeCondition
If true, the selector uses the type condition to get the data
Public propertyUseUniSelectorAutocomplete
Internal purposes only, do not use.
Public propertyValidationError
Validation error string shown when the control is not valid.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets field value. You need to override this method to make the control work properly with the form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValueDisplayName
Gets the display name of the value item. Returns null if display name is not available.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValueElementID
Gets ClientID of the control from which the Value is retrieved or null if such a control can't be specified.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValueForValidation
Returns value prepared for validation.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValuesSeparator
If there is a multi-selection enabled, the returned values are separated by this separator. Default is semicolon ";".
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyWhereCondition
Base where condition for the objects selection. Applies to all Base multiple selection grid, dropdownlist, single and multiple selection dialogs.
Public propertyWhereConditionFormat
Format of where condition.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyZeroRowsText
Zero rows text. Use only if you need special text that cannot be only retrieved from the resource strings. Otherwise use ResourcePrefix property and create "ResourcePrefix.nodatafound" resource string. This property has higher priority than the resource string.
See Also