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AdvancedGetFileHandler Properties

The AdvancedGetFileHandler type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAcceptRange
Indicates if resumable downloads should be supported for current file.
Protected propertyStatic memberAcceptRanges
Indicates whether range requests are enabled (ex. for resumable downloads). If false, the HTTP Handler ignores the Range HTTP Header and returns the entire contents.
Public propertyAllowCache
Returns true if the process allows cache.
Public propertyAllowClientCache
Returns true if client cache is allowed for the current request.
Public propertyAreRangesValid
Indicates whether ranges are valid. TRUE: ranges are valid or request is not range request FALSE: all other cases
Public propertyCacheItemName
Cache item name for current request.
Public propertyCacheMinutes
Cache minutes.
Public propertyClientCacheMinutes
Cache minutes.
Protected propertyContext
Returns the current context
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site.
Public propertyCurrentSiteName
Current site name.
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current User.
Public propertyDataLength
Size of data.
Public propertyETag
HTTP header entity tag.
Protected propertyStatic memberExcludedResumableExtensions
List of file extensions for which the resumable downloads are disabled.
Protected propertyStatic memberGetFileEndRequest
When true, the request is completed, when false, the Request.End is called.
Public propertyHeight
Image height.
Protected propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if live site mode.
Public propertyIsMultipart
Indicates whether it is multipart range request.
Public propertyIsRangeRequest
Indicates whether it is range request.
Public propertyIsReusable
Indicates if handler is reusable.
Public propertyLogCommunicationExceptions
Whether to log exception caused by communication problems (e.g. when remote host closes the connection). Log exceptions has to be set to TRUE.
Public propertyLogExceptions
Logs the exceptions caused by the process.
Public propertyMaxSideSize
Image maximum side size.
Public propertyOutputDataCacheItemName
Cache item name for the file output data.
Protected propertyStatic memberRangeRegExp
The range from HTTP header regular expression.
Public propertyRanges
Public propertyResizeToDevice
Indicates if max side size parameter should be changes to device profile dimensions.
Public propertyResponse
Returns the current response
Public propertyRevalidateClientCache
Cache minutes.
Protected propertySender
Gets or sets sender object that is used for writing data to the response.
Public propertyWatermark
If set, watermark image is applied to the image. Name of the watermark image from ~/App_Themes/{theme}/Images/Watermarks
Public propertyWatermarkPosition
Watermark position.
Public propertyWidth
Image width.
See Also