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CMS Namespace
Public classAssemblyDiscoverableAttribute
Marks the assembly as discoverable (containing modules or implementations)
Public classContractAttribute
Marks the class with the contract using the specific interface
Public classDefaultImplementationAttribute
Public classGeneratedFromAttribute
Marks the automatically generated classes.
Public classHandlersExtensions
Extension methods.
Public classNew Obsolete.
Entry point to the object factories
Public classNotContract
Marks the member not to be included into contract
Public classNotRegisterPropertyAttribute
When used, the given property is not registered within the object
Public classRegisterAllPropertiesAttribute
When used, defined if class registers its all public properties as properties of the object, except for ones excluded with ExcludeProperty attribute
Public classRegisterBizFormAttribute
Registers the BizForm item class within the system or overrides the existing one.
Public classRegisterColumnAttribute
Defines a column registered within the object
Public classRegisterCustomClassAttribute
Registers the custom class within the system or overrides the existing one.
Public classRegisterCustomHelperAttribute
Registers the custom helper within the system, replaces the default helper from which the defined one inherits.
Public classRegisterCustomManagerAttribute
Registers the custom manager within the system, replaces the default manager from which the defined one inherits.
Public classRegisterCustomProviderAttribute
Registers the custom provider within the system, replaces the default provider from which the defined one inherits.
Public classRegisterCustomTableAttribute
Registers the custom table item class within the system or overrides the existing one.
Public classRegisterDocumentTypeAttribute
Registers the document type class within the system or overrides the existing one.
Public classRegisterExtenderAttribute
Specifies the extender in the assembly being attributed.
Public classRegisterExtensionAttribute
Marks the class as extension of the given class
Public classRegisterImplementationAttribute
Marks class as implementation of ImplementedType.
Public classRegisterModuleAttribute
Registers the module within assembly
Public classRegisterObjectTypeAttribute
This attribute finds the static TypeInfo fields (all of them) and registers object types those TypeInfos define to the system.
Public classRegisterPropertyAttribute
Defines a property registered within the object
Public classRequiredImplementationAttribute
Public classStaticContractAttribute
Marks the class with the contract using the specific interface
Public interfaceIInitAttribute
Marks a method in class implementing this interface and deriving from Attribute as suitable to be executed during application initialization.
Public interfaceIPreInitAttribute
Marks a method in class implementing this interface and deriving from Attribute as suitable to be executed during application pre-initialization.
Public interfaceIWorkerTask
Defines a common interface for simple worker tasks