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SearchHelper Methods

The SearchHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddGeneralField
Adds a general field do the search document.
Public methodStatic memberAddObjectDataToDocument
Adds object data to iDocument, data for content field prepares and returns.
Public methodStatic memberCleanSearchSettings
Cleans the search settings from settings which does not correspond to any fields in the class and returns the filtered definition.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDocument
Creates search document based on given parameters
Public methodStatic memberCreateEmptyDocument
Creates empty search document.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRebuildTask
Creates rebuild task if search settings are not empty, for user index is task created always.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSearchSettings(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String)
Creates new SearchSettingsInfo with given parameters.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSearchSettings(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, SearchSettingsInfo, Boolean)
Creates new SearchSettingsInfo with given parameters. Returns whether the parameters changed from the original search settings.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(String, ICollection, SearchIndexInfo)
Remove document(s) with dependence on field name and field value collection for specified index.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(String, String, SearchIndexInfo)
Remove document(s) with dependence on field name and field value for specified index.
Public methodStatic memberFilterResults
Filters the search results, returns number of resulting items
Public methodStatic memberFinishRebuild
Finishes the rebuild of the given index by marking it as updated
Public methodStatic memberGetBinaryDataSearchContent
Extracts the search information from the info. Returns null by default. Should be overridden by specific info.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassSearchFields(Int32)
Returns list of all fields of the given class (along with their types) which should be included in the search.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassSearchFields(String)
Returns list of all fields of the given class (along with their types) which should be included in the search.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassSearchFields(DataClassInfo)
Returns list of all fields of the given class (along with their types) which should be included in the search.
Public methodStatic memberGetCustomSearchIndex
Returns ICusromSearchIndex for specified index info.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultSearchSettings(String)
Returns the default search settings of the class.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultSearchSettings(DataClassInfo)
Returns the default search settings of the class.
Public methodStatic memberGetResultsToProcess
Processes the results from the given range matching the required type
Public methodStatic memberGetResultTypes
Gets the list of all types present in the given results
Public methodStatic memberGetSearchFieldDefaultValue
Gets value which should be preselected for given column.
Public methodStatic memberGetStopWordsFileInfo
Returns FileInfo object of stop words file for the given path
Public methodStatic memberHighlight
Highlight input text with dependence on current search key words.
Public methodStatic memberInitDocument
Initializes search document.
Public methodStatic memberInvalidateSearcher
Invalidates searcher for the given index.
Public methodStatic memberIsClassSearchEnabled
Returns true if given class allows search.
Public methodStatic memberIsSearchAllowedExtension
Check if file extension is allowed for indexing such attachment in search index.
Public methodStatic memberIsSearchTaskCreationAllowed
Returns true if the search task for given node should be created. Returns true if - search is allowed on general level AND - search is allowed for class of the object
Public methodStatic memberLoadCustomAnalyzerTAnalyzerType
Returns analyzer object for specified analyzer name.
Public methodStatic memberOptimize
Optimize specified index.
Public methodStatic memberPartialRebuild
Rebuild part of the index with dependence on type and values.
Public methodStatic memberPrepareContentValue
Prepares value to add to content field.
Public methodStatic memberRebuild
Rebuild specified index.
Public methodStatic memberSearch
Returns dataset with search results, if search is used for non-document index, path and class name values are ignored (can be null).
Public methodStatic memberSearchEnabledForClass
Returns true if search is enabled for a given class (document type). Returns false if class not found.
Public methodStatic memberSearchFieldChanged
Returns true if any field included in the search changed (checks fields defined in Class Search Settings).
Public methodStatic memberSetDefaultClassSearchColumns
Sets default class search columns.
Public methodStatic memberUpdate
Insert or update document for specified index.
See Also