AuthenticationHelper Methods |
The AuthenticationHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddUserToKicked |
Adds user to kicked.
| |
AuthenticateFacebookConnectUser |
Authenticate user with provided Facebook Connect parameters. Create new user if createNew
is set to TRUE and user doesn't exist in DB.
| |
AuthenticateLinkedInUser |
Authenticates user with LinkedID parameters. It will create new user if not found in DB.
| |
AuthenticateOpenIDUser |
Authenticate user with provided OpenID parameters. Create new user if createNew is set to TRUE and user doesn't
exist in DB.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Authenticate given user.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, String, String, Boolean, AuthenticationSourceEnum) |
Authenticates user against the database.
| |
AuthenticateUserAD |
Authenticates user against the database.
| |
AuthenticateWindowsLiveUser |
Authenticates the Windows Live user with user's LiveID. If user doesn't exists yet and createNew set
to true, then it is created.
| |
CancelImpersonation |
Signs out the impersonated user and switches to the original user.
| |
CanUserLogin |
Checks if given user can login to system.
| |
DisplayAccountLockInformation |
Indicates if additional info about account lock should be displayed
| |
EnsureExternalUser |
Ensures that the external user record is present in the database.
| |
ExtendAuthenticationCookieExpiration |
Sets the authentication cookie expiration
| |
FinalizeAuthenticationProcess |
Finalizes the authentication process. Does all the actions that are needed
after successful authentication.
| |
ForgottenEmailRequest |
Tries to find user based on email address and if it finds the user, a password reset link is sent.
| |
GetDomainSamAccountName |
Get domain name in NetBiosDomainName\SamAccountName
| |
GetFormsAuthenticationUserName | Obsolete.
Checks whether the supplied forms authentication cookie is valid. If the cookie is valid, returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
Contains check for BannedIPs Login level.
| |
GetKickedUsers |
Returns ID's of kicked users in string in format: ID1,ID2 ...
| |
GetPolicyViolationMessage |
Returns a message that the entered password doesn't meet the defined password policy.
| |
GetRegistrationApprovalUrl |
Gets URL for user registration approval page (Page where user is required to confirm his registration).
| |
GetResetPasswordUrl |
Returns URL of page where user can reset his password.
| |
GetSecuredAreasLogonPage |
Returns value of CMSSecuredAreasLogonPage setting key, or returns default logon URL if this setting key is empty.
| |
GetUnlockAccountUrl |
Returns URL of page where user can unlock her account.
| |
GetUserADRoles |
Gets the user roles from AD.
| |
GetUserAuthenticationUrl |
Prepares the user authentication GUID, adds it as a query string parameter to supplied Url.
| |
GetUserDataFromAuthCookie |
Returns an array with userdata from authentication cookie.
| |
GetUserWindowsRoles |
Gets the user roles.
| |
HandleAdminEmergencyReset |
Handles admin emergency reset
| |
HandleAutomaticSignIn |
Check URL query string for authentication parameter and authenticate user.
| |
CheckInvalidPasswordAttempts |
Check if logging invalid password attempts is enabled and if so, invalid attempt counter is incremented and
if user exceeded maximal number of invalid attempts, her account is locked
| |
CheckPasswordExpiration |
Check if user password is expired and optionally according to settings lock expired password account.
| |
ImpersonateUser |
Impersonates current user.
| |
IsAuthenticated |
Returns true if the current user is authenticated.
| |
IsAuthenticationRedirect |
Checks whether request is being redirected to a logon page.
| |
IsPasswordExpirationEnabled |
Indicates if password expiration is enabled
| |
MaximumInvalidPasswordAttemps |
Gets limit of invalid password attempts before user account is locked
| |
NotifyAdministrator |
Sends notification e-mail to administrator about user registration.
| |
RemoveExpiredKickedUsers |
Removes expired records from KickUsers hashtable.
| |
RemoveSessionID |
Removes cookie with session ID which enforces ASP.NET to generate new session ID if RenewSessionAuthChange property is set to true.
| |
RemoveUserFromKicked |
Removes user from kicked.
| |
ResetPassword |
Resets password for user based on his request.
| |
SendPassword | Obsolete.
Sends given user an email with forgotten/new password. (If the new password isn't provided current password is used for the plain text format or new password is generated for the SHA1/SHA2 format.)
| |
SendPasswordRequest |
Sends e-mail to user for approval request of new password.
| |
SendPasswordResetConfirmation |
Sends a confirmation e-mail informing the user about a recent password change.
| |
SendRegistrationEmails |
Sends registration emails. Returns string with error if any exception occurred.
| |
SendUnlockAccountRequest |
Sends e-mail to user to inform her about her account was locked due to reaching maximum invalid logon attempts.
| |
SetAuthCookieWithUserData |
Creates authentication cookie of user with specified custom data.
| |
SetWindowsUserCultures |
Sets preferred cultures for a windows user
| |
SignOut(String) |
Signs the user out.
| |
SignOut(String) |
Signs the user out.
| |
UnlockUserAccount |
Unlock specified user account
| |
UpdateLastLogonInformation |
Updates last logon information of user = last logon time, IP address and agent.
Doesn't call SetUserInfo!!
| |
UserKicked |
Checks whether the given user is kicked or not.
| |
ValidateResetPassword |
Validates request of password reset.