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AbstractStorageProvider Methods

The AbstractStorageProvider type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCreateDirectoryProviderObject
Creates new directory provider object
Protected methodCreateFileProviderObject
Creates new directory provider object
Public methodGetDirectoryInfo
Returns new instance of directory info.
Public methodGetFileInfo
Returns new instance of FileInfo object.
Public methodGetFileStream(String, FileMode)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Protected methodGetFullPath
Converts the external mapped path to the internal path of the provider
Protected methodGetInternalProvider
Gets the storage provider based on the given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetStorageProvider Obsolete.
Gets the storage provider based on the given path, updates the path so it matches the provider internal structure
Protected methodGetStorageProviderInternal
Gets the storage provider based on the given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetTargetPhysicalPath
Maps virtual file system path to the target one. Remaps only paths inside the web application path structure.
Public methodStatic memberGetVirtualPhysicalPath
Maps target file system path to virtual path. Remaps only paths inside the web application path structure.
Public methodMapStoragePath
Maps the given storage path to a specific provider
Protected methodRemoveMappedProvider
Removes a mapped provider from the mapped collection
Public methodUnMapStoragePath
Removes the mapping to a storage provider
See Also