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RequestHelper Methods

The RequestHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCompleteRequest
Completes current request (calls ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest).
Public methodStatic memberEndResponse
Ends current response (calls Response.End).
Public methodStatic memberEnsureScriptTimeout
Set script timeout due to compilation delay
Public methodStatic memberGetBrowser
Gets the browser string from current request.
Public methodStatic memberGetHeader
Returns the value of specified HTTP header or default value if header is not defined.
Public methodStatic memberIsAJAXRequest
Returns true if current request is AJAX request.
Public methodStatic memberIsAsyncPostback
Returns true if current request is an asynchronous postback.
Public methodStatic memberIsCallback
Returns true if current request is callback.
Public methodStatic memberIsFormsAuthentication
Returns true if the authentication mode is Forms authentication.
Public methodStatic memberIsGZipSupported
Returns true if GZip is supported by the client browser
Public methodStatic memberIsChrome
Returns true if current browser is Chrome.
Public methodStatic memberIsMixedAuthentication
If true, mixed authentication is used.
Public methodStatic memberIsPostBack
Returns true if current request is postback.
Public methodStatic memberIsSafari
Returns true if current browser is Safari.
Public methodStatic memberIsWebDAVPropfindRequest
Determines whether current request is WebDAV PROPFIND request and url is application path.
Public methodStatic memberIsWebDAVRequest
Determines whether current request is WebDAV request
Public methodStatic memberIsWindowsAuthentication
Returns true if the authentication mode is Windows authentication.
Public methodStatic memberResetPerformanceSettings
Sets all the performance settings to null and causes them to be reloaded.
Public methodStatic memberRespond400
Sets the 400 status (Bad Request) and ends the response.
Public methodStatic memberRespond403
Sets the 403 status (Forbidden) and ends the response.
Public methodStatic memberRespond404
Sets the 404 status (Not Found) and ends the response.
Public methodStatic memberRespond500
Sets the 500 status (Internal Server Error) and ends the response.
Public methodStatic memberRespond503
Sets the 503 status (Service Unavailable) and ends the response.
See Also