ForumInfoProvider Methods |
The ForumInfoProvider type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddModerator |
Add moderator to forum, return moderator Id.
| |
AddRoleToForum |
Adds specified role to the forum.
| |
AddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean) |
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
AddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean, String) |
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ApplySourceTQuery |
If the provider has a data source specified, applies this source to the given query. Returns the modified query.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
BeginTransaction |
Creates a new transaction over this provider.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoByFullName |
Gets the info object by its full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid) |
Gets the info object by its GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32) |
Gets the info object by its GUID and site ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoById |
Gets the info by ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoByName(String) |
Gets the info object by its code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfoByName(String, Int32) |
Gets the info object by its code name and site Id.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BoundGetInfosByIds |
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkDelete |
Bulk deletes info objects based on the given condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkInsertInfos(IEnumerableBaseInfo) |
Bulk inserts the given list of info objects
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
BulkInsertInfos(IEnumerableTInfo, BulkInsertSettings) |
Bulk inserts the given list of info objects.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
Clear | Obsolete.
Clears the hashtable.
| |
ClearHashtables |
Clear hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ClearLicCheck |
Clear license limitations table.
| |
CombineSecurityWhereCondition |
Add security where condition to the existing where condition.
| |
CombineSecurityWhereConditionInternal |
Add security where condition to the existing where condition.
| |
CreateDefaultBulkInsertSettings |
Creates bulk insert settings. By default CheckConstraints
and TableLock flags are set.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateHashtables |
Creates the provider hashtables
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateInfo(Int32) |
Creates an instance of info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateInfo(DataRow, Boolean) |
Creates a new info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CreateWebFarmTask(String, String) |
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.) | |
CreateWebFarmTask(String, String, Byte, String) |
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.) | |
DeleteData(String) | Obsolete.
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
DeleteData(IWhereCondition) | Obsolete.
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
DeleteForumInfo(Int32) |
Deletes specified forum.
| |
DeleteForumInfo(ForumInfo) |
Deletes specified forum.
| |
DeleteForumInfoInternal |
Deletes specified forum.
| |
DeleteInfo |
Deletes the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
DeleteObjectFromHashtables |
Deletes the object instance from the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetAllForums |
Returns all forums.
| |
GetAllForums(String, String) |
Returns all forums according to the specifed conditions.
| |
GetBindingWhereCondition(String, Int32) |
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependency. Use this method only for 2-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetBindingWhereCondition(String, Object) |
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependencies. Use this method for 3 and more-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetCacheDependency(DataSet, String, String) |
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetCacheDependency(BaseInfo, String, String) |
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetCountInternal |
Gets the number of items matching the given parameters. Does not check the license when retrieving data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetCurrentProvider |
Gets the current provider instance
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.) | |
GetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32) |
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDataByColumnT |
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDataByGuidColumn | Obsolete.
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDataByIntColumn | Obsolete.
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDataByStringColumn | Obsolete.
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDeleteQuery |
Gets the object query that deletes all items matching the query parameters
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDependencyCacheKeys(DataSet, String, String) |
Gets the cache dependency keys for the given DataSet.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetDependencyCacheKeys(GeneralizedInfo, String, String) |
Gets collection of dependency keys to be touched when modifying the current object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetEmptyDataSet |
Gets the empty data set to be filled by the data
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetExistingIDsInternal | Obsolete.
Filters out all object IDs that do not exist in the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetForumIdsByForumName |
Returns IDs of forums with specified name.
| |
GetForumInfo(Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForumInfo(String, Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForumInfo(String, Int32, Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForumInfoByDocument |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified document.
| |
GetForumInfoByDocumentInternal |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified document.
| |
GetForumInfoByGUID |
Returns object with specified GUID.
| |
GetForumInfoInternal(Guid) |
Returns object with specified GUID.
| |
GetForumInfoInternal(Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForumInfoInternal(String, Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForumInfoInternal(String, Int32, Int32) |
Returns the ForumInfo structure for the specified forum.
| |
GetForums |
Returns a query for all the ForumInfo objects.
| |
GetForums(String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns forums according to the specifed conditions.
| |
GetForumsByGroupID(Int32) |
Returns DataSet with all forums which are assingned to group id.
| |
GetForumsByGroupID(Int32, Boolean) |
Returns DataSet with all forums which are assingned to group id.
| |
GetForumsCount |
Returns the number of message boards related to the specified document.
| |
GetForumsCountInternal |
Returns the number of message boards related to the specified document.
| |
GetForumsInternal |
Returns a query for all the ForumInfo objects.
| |
GetForumsInternal(String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns forums according to the specifed conditions.
| |
GetForumSiteName |
Returns sitename with dependence on selected forum id.
| |
GetFullNameDictionary |
Creates new dictionary for caching the objects by full name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetFullNameWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition that searches the object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
GetGeneralObjectQuery |
Gets an object query from the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfo(ActionTQuery) |
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfo(IWhereCondition) |
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfo(String, String) |
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByColumnT |
Gets an instance of info object based on the column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByFullName |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByGuid(Guid, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the given GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32, Boolean) |
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoById |
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByIntColumn | Obsolete.
Gets an instance of info object based on the integer column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfoByStringColumn | Obsolete.
Gets an instance of info object based on the string column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetInfosByIds |
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetModerator |
Returns forum id's to moderator assigned by user id.
| |
GetModeratorInternal |
Returns forum id's to moderator assigned by user id.
| |
GetModerators |
Returns DataSet with moderators(User) to specified forum.
| |
GetModeratorsInternal |
Returns DataSet with moderators(User) to specified forum.
| |
GetObjectQuery |
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetObjectQueryInternal |
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.) | |
GetParentWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific parent.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetRoleNamesForForum |
Returns RoleNames in format rolename1;rolename2;rolename3....
| |
GetRoleNamesForForumInternal |
Returns RoleNames in format rolename1;rolename2;rolename3....
| |
GetSearchDocuments |
Returns search documents
| |
GetSingleObject |
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetSiteWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific site.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
GetTypeInfo |
Gets the type info for this provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
CheckLicense |
Checks the license.
| |
CheckUniqueCodeName |
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
CheckUniqueValues |
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
Init |
Initializes the provider with the given type info and hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
InitHashtables | Obsolete.
Initializes the hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
InitHashtableSettings | (Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
InitTypeInfoAndRegister |
Initializes the provider variables.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
Invalidate |
Sets this provider as invalid
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.) | |
IsAuthorizedPerForum |
Indicates whether specified user has assigned specific permission for the specified forum.
| |
IsAuthorizedPerForumInternal |
Indicates whether specified user has assigned specific permission for the specified forum.
| |
IsRoleAllowedForForum |
Returns true if role is allowed for given forum.
| |
IsRoleAllowedForForumInternal |
Returns true if role is allowed for given forum.
| |
LicenseVersionCheck |
License version check.
| |
LoadAllInfos |
Loads all infos to the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
LoadInfos |
Loads all objects from the database to memory.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
MoveForumDown |
Moves forum down in the order sequence (down = larger ForumpOrder = later in the navigation).
| |
MoveForumDownInternal |
Moves forum down in the order sequence (down = larger ForumpOrder = later in the navigation).
| |
MoveForumUp |
Moves forum up in the order sequence (up = smaller ForumOrder = soooner in the navigation).
| |
MoveForumUpInternal |
Moves forum up in the order sequence (up = smaller ForumOrder = sooner in the navigation).
| |
NewTransaction | Obsolete.
Creates a new transaction over this provider.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
ProcessWebFarmTask |
Runs the processing of specific web farm task for current provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
RefreshDataCount |
Refresh threads and posts count.
| |
RefreshObjectsCounts |
Updates all counts for all sub-objects.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
Register |
Registers current provider in providers collection
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.) | |
RegisterObjectInHashtables |
Registers the object instance within the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
RemoveFromHash |
Remove from hash table.
| |
RemoveModerator |
Remove moderator from forum id.
| |
RemoveOriginalCodeNameFromHashtable |
Removes the original object code name from the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
RemoveRoleFromForum |
Removes the forum role assignment.
| |
ResetToDefault |
Resets the provider to default implementation
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.) | |
SetAsDefaultProvider |
Sets this provider instance as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.) | |
SetForumInfo |
Sets (updates or inserts) specified forum.
| |
SetForumInfoInternal |
Sets (updates or inserts) specified forum.
| |
SetInfo |
Inserts or Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
SortAlphabetically |
Sorts the object alphabetically.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
TouchCacheDependencies |
Touches the cache dependencies of the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateData(String, QueryDataParameters, String) |
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateData(IWhereCondition, IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object, Boolean) |
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateForumCountsInternal |
Update threads, posts, last user and last time values.
| |
UpdateHashs |
Update Forum post when post is insert.
| |
UpdateObjectInHashtables |
Updates the object instance in the hashtables. Update is different than RegisterObjectInHashtables(TInfo), because it logs task about changing object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UpdateQuestionSolvedInternal |
Updates PostQuestionSolved field in threads. Sets true in threads where
at least one post is marked as is answer (according to the forum AnswerLimit settings).
| |
UseSource(TInfo) | Obsolete.
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) | |
UseSource(DataQuerySource) | Obsolete.
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.) | |
ValidateCodeName |
Validates the object code name. Returns true if the code name is valid.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.) |