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MultiBuyDiscountEditExtender Methods

The MultiBuyDiscountEditExtender type exposes the following members.

Protected methodControl_OnAfterSave
Removes bindings after switching the type of MultiBuy Discount. Clears cache which stores type of application (departments/products).
Protected methodControl_OnBeforeSave
Clears MultiBuyDiscountApplyToSKUID (GET Y product) if discount is configured to get cheapest product from set. Sets a flag to determine whether discount type was switched.
Protected methodControl_PreRender
Displays/hides redirection message if validation failed.
Public methodInit
Initializes the extender using the specified control.
(Inherited from ControlExtenderTControl.)
Public methodOnInit
Initializes the extender.
(Overrides ControlExtenderOnInit.)
Protected methodPage_Load
Set up dummy form fields.
See Also