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ECommerceContext Methods

The ECommerceContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearCurrent
Clears the current context value
(Inherited from ContextContainerTParent.)
Public methodCloneForNewThread
Clones the object for new thread
(Inherited from AbstractContextTContext.)
Public methodCombineWith
Combines current instance with other properties (modifies current instace!). List properties are merged from all the participating typeinfos, other properties are taken as first non-null value (non-null is determined by nullValues collection).
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if specified column is available in current structure.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public methodEnsureCurrent (Inherited from ContextContainerTParent.)
Public methodGetProperty
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodGetPropertyType
Gets the type of the given property
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodGetValue
Gets the object value.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public methodHasSetter
Returns true if given property has a setter
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedForPermission
Checks the specified ecommerce permission for current user.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyCustomer
Indicates if user is authorized to modify specific customer. 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifyCustomers' permission is checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyDiscount
Indicates if user is authorized to modify discounts.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyDiscountCoupon(Boolean)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify discount coupons.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyDiscountCoupon(DiscountCouponInfo)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify specific discount coupon. For global discount coupon: 'EcommerceGlobalModify' permission is checked. For site-specific discount coupon: 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifyDiscounts' permission is checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyManufacturer(Boolean)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify manufacturers.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyManufacturer(ManufacturerInfo)
Indicates if current user is authorized to modify specific manufacturer. For global manufacturer: 'EcommerceGlobalModify' permission is checked. For site-specific manufacturer: 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifyManufacturers' permission is checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyOptionCategory(Boolean)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify option categories.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifyOptionCategory(OptionCategoryInfo)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify specific option category. For global option category: 'EcommerceGlobalModify' permission is checked. For site-specific manufacturer: 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifyProducts' permission is checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifySKU(Boolean)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify SKUs.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifySKU(SKUInfo)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify specific SKU. For global SKU: 'EcommerceGlobalModify' permission is checked. For site-specific SKU: 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifyProducts' permission is checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifySupplier(Boolean)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify suppliers.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserAuthorizedToModifySupplier(SupplierInfo)
Indicates if user is authorized to modify specific supplier. For global supplier: 'EcommerceGlobalModify' permission is checked. For site-specific supplier: 'EcommerceModify' OR 'ModifySuppliers' permission is checked.
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object, FuncTObject, Object, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumns
Registers the Columns of this object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterProperties
Registers the properties of this object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterProperty(String, FuncTObject, Object)
Registers the given property to the object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterProperty(String, Object, FuncTObject, Object, Object)
Registers the given parameterized property to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodSetAsCurrent
Sets the current instance as the current thread item
(Inherited from ContextContainerTParent.)
Public methodSetProperty
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodSetValue
Sets the object value.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object)
Gets the context property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object, Boolean)
Returns value of property.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns value of column.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
See Also