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QueryColumnList Methods

The QueryColumnList type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAdd(String)
Adds one QueryColumn into list, regardless of existing columns. QueryColumn added to the list is created via FromExpression(String).
Public methodAdd(IQueryColumn)
Adds column into list, regardless of existing columns.
Protected methodAddInternal
Adds the given column to the column list
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodAddRange
Adds columns into list, regardless of existing columns.
Public methodAddRangeUnique(IEnumerableString, Boolean)
Adds columns that are not present in the list.
Public methodAddRangeUnique(IEnumerableIQueryColumn, Boolean)
Adds the given enumerable of query columns, if not already present in the list.
Public methodAddRangeUnique(QueryColumnList, Boolean)
Adds the given list of query columns, if not already present in the list.
Public methodAddUnique
Adds the given column to the column list, if column is not already present.
Protected methodAddUniqueInternal
Adds the given column to the column list, only if not already present
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodAsAliases
Returns the column list transformed to the aliases of the columns.
Public methodClear
Clears the list of columns
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodClone
Clones the column list
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodEnsureAllColumns
Ensures all columns flag if the list is empty
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodEnsureOrderByColumns
Ensures that the order by columns are provided within the list of columns as aliases, modifies the order by expression to the aliases of those columns.
Public methodEquals
Returns true if the object equals to another
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodGetColumns
Gets list of columns represented as string
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets the enumerator for the columns
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the object hash code
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Protected methodChanged
Marks the list as changed and flushes all necessary caches
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodLoad(String)
Loads the given columns to the list.
Public methodCode exampleLoad(String)
Loads the given list of columns to the list.
Public methodCode exampleLoad(IEnumerableIQueryColumn)
Loads the given list of columns to the list.
Public methodRemove
Removes one explicitly defined column by Name from the columns collection
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodRemoveAll
Removes explicitly defined columns by Name from the columns collection
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodReplaceColumn
Replaces the column with a given name with the new column definition
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
Public methodToString
Gets a string representation of the column list
(Inherited from QueryColumnListBase.)
See Also