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ClassStructureInfo Methods

The ClassStructureInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCombine
Combines class structure definitions to the one
Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if the data class has the specified column.
Public methodConvertDataToParams
Returns the object data converted to the query parameters.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassInfo
Returns the class info for specified class.
Public methodGetColumnIndex
Gets the column index.
Public methodStatic memberGetColumns(String)
Gets the columns for the listed class names
Public methodGetColumns(Type)
Gets the list of columns of the given type
Public methodGetColumnType
Gets the column type.
Public methodGetNewData
Gets new data array for object of the given class.
Public methodGetNewDataSet
Gets new data structure for class data as a DataSet.
Public methodGetObjectData
Object serialization.
Public methodGetTableIndexes
Gets underlying database table's indexes. Returns null when information regarding indexes is not available.
Public methodGetXmlSchema
Gets the XML schema of the DataSet represented by this structure
Public methodCheckComplete
Checks whether the given data is complete (has all columns set to some value).
Protected methodInitCollections
Initializes the inner collections for structure
Protected methodRegisterColumn
Registers the given column within the structure info
Public methodStatic memberRemove
Removes the specified class structure definition.
Public methodSetAllMissing
Sets all the items in the data to missing values.
See Also