Click or drag to resize
ControlsHelper Methods

The ControlsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddControlsToHashtable
Adds the controls to the given Hashtable.
Public methodStatic memberAddHashCodeToDynamicControl
Adds the hashcode to the inline control.
Public methodStatic memberCausedPostBack(Control)
Determines whether any of given controls caused the postback.
Public methodStatic memberCausedPostBack(Boolean, Control)
Determines whether any of given controls caused the postback.
Public methodStatic memberContainsControl
Determines whether control contains another one.
Public methodStatic memberContainsDynamicControl
Returns true if the content contains dynamic controls.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureScriptManager
Ensures the Script manager on the page.
Public methodStatic memberFillListControlWithEnum(ListControl, Type, String, Boolean, Boolean, ListString, ListString)
Fills the specified ListControl with the items created from the specified enum type.
Public methodStatic memberFillListControlWithEnumTEnum(ListControl, String, Boolean, Boolean, ListString)
Fills the specified ListControl with the items created from the specified enum type.
Public methodStatic memberFillListWithNumberedSqlOperators
Fill list control with SQL operators as number value (Like = 0, NotLike = 1, Equals = 2, NotEquals = 3) and text with their appropriate text eqivalent.
Public methodStatic memberFillListWithTextSqlOperators
Fill list control with SQL operators (Like, NotLike, Equals, NotEquals) as value and text with their appropriate text eqivalent.
Public methodStatic memberFindItemByValue
Searches for the DropDownList item with given value.
Public methodStatic memberFindParentControl
Searches the container for a server control with the specified id parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetContextManager
Returns context manager for specified control.
Public methodStatic memberGetControlInstance
Gets the control instance from given control (returns cached control is the control is PartialCachingControl).
Public methodStatic memberGetControlOfTypeRecursiveT
Gets the control of specified type recursively to parent control
Public methodStatic memberGetControlsHashtableTControl(ListTControl)
Translates the controls ArrayList to the Hashtable indexed by the controls ID [Control.ID.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [Control]
Public methodStatic memberGetControlsHashtableTControl(ListTControl, FuncTControl, String)
Translates the controls ArrayList to the Hashtable indexed by the controls ID [Control.ID.ToLowerCSafe()] -> [Control]
Public methodStatic memberGetControlsOfTypeT
Returns controls collection for specified type
Public methodStatic memberGetDataControl
Gets the update panel for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetDataSourceForControl
Converts the given object to a Data source valid for data bound control
Public methodStatic memberGetDropDownListSource
Returns dataset with columns Text and Value for a dropdown list source. If resource prefix is defined, text is resolved as resource string "[prefix].value"
Public methodStatic memberGetHashCodeForDynamicControl
Creates hash from given string.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildControl(Control, Type, Boolean)
Gets the first child control of specified type for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildControl(Control, Type, String)
Gets the first child control of specified ID for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildControl(Control, Type, String)
Gets the first child control of specified ID for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildControlChildType(Control, Boolean)
Gets the first child control of specified type for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetLastChildControl
Gets the last child control of specified type for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentControl(Control, Type)
Gets the parent control of specified type for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentControlParentType(Control)
Gets the parent control of specified type for given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetParentPropertyParentControlType, PropertyType
Gets property value from parent control
Public methodStatic memberGetPostBackControl
Gets the control which caused postback.
Public methodStatic memberGetPostBackControlID
Gets the ID of the control that caused page postback.
Public methodStatic memberGetPostBackEventReference(Control, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets the postback event reference to the given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetPostBackEventReference(Control, PostBackOptions, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets the postback event reference to the given control.
Public methodStatic memberGetReversedColumns
Gets the reversed column sizes.
Public methodStatic memberGetScrollbarsEnum
Returns the scrollbars enum for the given code.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueID(Control, String)
Gets the unique ID for the control.
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueID(Control, String, Control)
Gets the unique ID for the control.
Public methodStatic memberGetUpdatePanel
Gets the update panel for given control.
Public methodStatic memberCheckControlContext
Returns true if specified control is under specified context name.
Public methodStatic memberIsInAsyncPostback
Returns true if the page is in the process of asynchronous postback.
Public methodStatic memberIsInUpdatePanel
Returns true if the control is located inside of the update panel.
Public methodStatic memberLoadExtender
Loads the control extender of the specified type for the specified control.
Public methodStatic memberMoveControls
Moves the child controls between two controls.
Public methodStatic memberParseInlineParameters
Parses inline macro values, creates collection of this parameters, sets control name and control parameter if is available.
Public methodStatic memberRaisePostback
Raises postback on the given control
Public methodStatic memberRegisterClientScriptBlock
Register client script block. If current control is under update panel, script is registered in the update panel
Public methodStatic memberRegisterPostbackControl
Registers the control which causes postback with the script manager.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveDynamicControls
Removes all inline control macros from string.
Public methodStatic memberResolveDynamicControls(Control)
Resolves the inline control macros within the parent controls collection and loads the dynamic controls instead.
Public methodStatic memberResolveDynamicControls(Control, String)
Resolves the inline control macros within the parent controls collection and loads the dynamic controls instead.
Public methodStatic memberResolveMacros(String, DataRow)
Replaces macros in text with appropriate value of the datarow and returns the result.
Public methodStatic memberResolveMacros(String, DataRow, Boolean)
Replaces macros in text with appropriate value of the datarow and returns the result.
Public methodStatic memberResolveMacros(String, DataRowView, Boolean)
Replaces macros in text with appropriate value of the datarow and returns the result.
Public methodStatic memberReverseFrames
Reverses the frames within given frameset control.
Public methodStatic memberToolkitCombinedScriptHandler
Handle URLs for combined script request generated by toolkit script manager
Public methodStatic memberUpdateCurrentPanel
Updates current update panel.
Public methodStatic memberValidateDynamicControlHash
Checks whether inline control contains valid hash code. Returns false if hash code is not present or not valid.
See Also