| Name | Description |
 | CreateActionArgumentsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String) |
Creates action arguments with prefilled parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | CreateActionArgumentsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowInfo, AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType, String) |
Creates action arguments.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | EvaluateSourcePointsInternal |
Evaluates source points with given macro resolver
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | EvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver) |
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | EvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum) |
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | GetActionStatus |
Gets action state
 | GetActionStatusInternal |
Gets action state
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetActionStatusInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType).) |
 | GetBasicResolverInternal |
Gets basic resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | GetEmailResolver |
Get resolver for e-mail sending.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetEmailResolver(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowInfo, String, String).) |
 | GetEmailResolverInternal |
Get resolver for e-mail sending.
 | GetEvalResolverInternal |
Gets resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetEvalResolverInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo).) |
 | GetFinishedStep |
Returns finished step for given object.
 | GetFinishedStepInternal |
Returns finished step for given object.
 | GetFirstStep |
Returns start step for given object.
 | GetFirstStepInternal |
Returns first step for given object.
 | GetNextStepInfoInternal |
Returns list of next steps for given object.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetNextStepInfoInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo).) |
 | GetNextSteps |
Returns list of next steps.
 | GetObjectProcess |
Returns the process for the specified object.
 | GetObjectProcessInternal |
Returns the process for the specified object.
 | GetPreviousStepInfo |
Returns previous step information.
 | GetPreviousStepInfoInternal |
Returns previous step information for given object.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetPreviousStepInfoInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, Boolean).) |
 | GetPreviousSteps |
Returns list of previous steps for current process
 | GetPreviousStepsInternal |
Returns list of previous steps for current cycle
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeGetPreviousStepsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo).) |
 | GetStepInboundTransitionsInternal |
Gets transitions leading into given step
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | GetStepInfo |
Gets step information for given object.
 | GetStepInfoInternal |
Gets step information for given object.
 | GetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo) |
Gets all workflow step transitions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | GetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum) |
Gets workflow step transitions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | GetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint) |
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
 | GetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
 | GetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
 | GetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
 | GetUsersWhoCanMoveInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
 | GetUsersWhoCanMoveInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Int32, String) |
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
 | HandleStepInternal |
Handles step additional actions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | HandleStepTimeoutInternal |
Handles step timeout
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | ChangeManagerTypeOriginalType |
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.) |
 | ChangeManagerTypeTo |
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.) |
 | CheckRecurrenceInternal |
Check automation process recurrence settings
 | CheckStepPermissions |
Returns true if given user can move given object to the previous/next step.
 | CheckStepPermissionsInternal |
Returns true if given user can move given object to previous/next step.
 | LogHopsReachedWarningInternal |
Logs warning about maximum hops reached
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | LogMessage |
Logs custom message to event log.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | LogMessageInternal |
Logs message to the event log
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | LogMissingConnectionWarningInternal |
Logs warning about missing connection
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | LogProcessHistory |
Logs specified action in the object workflow history record.
 | MoveStepInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String) |
Moves the specified object to the first step without automatic transition and returns the final step.
 | MoveStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, String) |
Moves the specified object to the first step without automatic transition in the workflow and returns the final step.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | MoveToFinishedStep |
Moves object directly to finished step. (Finishes the process without going through all the steps.)
 | MoveToFinishedStepInternal |
Moves object directly to finished step. (Finishes the process without going through all the steps.)
 | MoveToFirstStep |
Moves the specified object to the first step and returns the step.
 | MoveToFirstStepInternal |
Moves the specified object to the first step and returns the step.
 | MoveToNextStep(IEnumerableAutomationStateInfoInfoType) |
Moves the specified object's collection to the next step.
 | MoveToNextStep(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, String, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum) |
Moves the specified object to the next step and returns new step.
 | MoveToNextStepInternal |
Moves the specified object to the next step and returns new step.
 | MoveToPreviousStep(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, String) |
Moves the specified object to the previous step and returns the step.
 | MoveToPreviousStep(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String) |
Moves the specified object to the specified previous step and returns the step.
 | MoveToPreviousStepInternal |
Moves the specified object to the previous step and returns the new step.
 | MoveToSpecificNextStep |
Moves the specified object to the specified next step and returns workflow step.
 | MoveToSpecificStep |
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns workflow step.
 | MoveToSpecificStepInternal |
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns workflow step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeMoveToSpecificStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, String, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum, ActionEnumType).) |
 | MoveToStepInternal |
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns the step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeMoveToStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum, Boolean).) |
 | ProcessActionInternal |
Processes action connected to given step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeProcessActionInternal(WorkflowActionEventArgsInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType).) |
 | ProcessActions |
Processes all actions in scope.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | ProcessActionsInternal |
Processes all actions in scope.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | RemoveProcess |
Removes process from given object.
 | RemoveProcessInternal |
Removes process from given object.
 | SendWorkflowEmails |
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | SendWorkflowEmailsInternal |
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType.) |
 | SetActionStatus |
Sets action state
 | SetActionStatusInternal |
Sets action state
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManagerInfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumTypeSetActionStatusInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, String).) |
 | StartProcess(InfoType, Int32, ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo) |
Starts process on given object.
 | StartProcess(IEnumerableAutomationProcessItemInfoType, Int32, ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo) |
Starts process on given objects.
 | StartProcessInternal(InfoType, Int32, ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo) |
Starts process on given object.
 | StartProcessInternal(IEnumerableAutomationProcessItemInfoType, Int32, ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo) |
Starts process on given object.