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SKUInfoProviderGetSKUPrice Method (SKUInfo, ShoppingCartInfo, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, SKUInfo, Double)
Returns product catalog price based on the SKU data and shopping cart data. Catalog discounts and/or taxes are included optionally. Result is in site main currency.

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public static double GetSKUPrice(
	SKUInfo sku,
	ShoppingCartInfo cart,
	bool discounts,
	bool taxes,
	bool forCart = false,
	string column = null,
	SKUInfo parentSku = null,
	double customPrice = Není číslo


Type: CMS.EcommerceSKUInfo
SKU data
Type: CMS.EcommerceShoppingCartInfo
Shopping cart data
Type: SystemBoolean
True - catalog discounts are applied to the price
Type: SystemBoolean
True - catalog taxes are applied to the discounted price
forCart (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
True - This method is called within the shopping cart calculations, False (default) - This method is called within the displaying price on the live site.
column (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Name of the column the price should be retrieved from. If empty, SKUPrice column is used.
parentSku (Optional)
Type: CMS.EcommerceSKUInfo
The parent SKU for option(SKU) price calculation. Parent SKU taxes and discounts will be used.
customPrice (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
If set, sku price is not taken from SKUInfo object.

Return Value

Type: Double
See Also