Michal Samuhel

Michal Samuhel Kentico

I am solution architect at Kentico. I help with all possible and impossible issues, development, deployment and others. Kinda wild card in here. I like reading new information and sometimes I even publish a line or two.

Michal ranks #19 in the community leaderboard with total of 1081 reputation points.

MVC site too slow? Caching to the rescue!

Michal Samuhel    —       —    Featured Article

When was the last time you desperately needed a site to load and it was taking forever? How long have you waited? Five seconds, 30, or even a whole minute? According to Google’s aggregation, 53% of people will leave if the load time is more than three seconds. Is your MVC site fast enough?

Locating obfuscated SQL injection attempts

Michal Samuhel    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

In terms of security there is a large list of approaches that can be exploited. Over time it is highly probable that someone will target your site and the attacker is keen on using every possibility to breach your security.

Today I will go back to basics and discuss the SQL injection (SQLi).

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