ShoppingCart MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The ShoppingCart type exposes the following members.

Public methodShoppingCart
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Public methodAccessDenied(String)
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodAccessDenied(Int32, String)
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodAccessDenied(String, String)
Ensure access denied actions due to settings.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodAddConfirmation
Adds confirmation text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineAddedControl
Called after a child control is added to the OnlineControls collection of the OnlineControl object.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodAddError
Adds error text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodAddHeaderAction
Adds specified action to the page header actions.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodAddInformation
Adds information text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodAddMessage
Adds message text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineAddParsedSubObject
Notifies the server control that an element, either XML or HTML, was parsed, and adds the element to the server control's OnlineControlCollection object.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodAddWarning
Adds warning text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineApplyStyleSheetSkin
Applies the style properties defined in the page style sheet to the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineBuildProfileTree
Gathers information about the server control and delivers it to the OnlineTrace property to be displayed when tracing is enabled for the page.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodButtonBackClickAction
Standard action after the 'Back button' is clicked - Loads previous step.
Public methodButtonNextClickAction
Standard action after the 'Next button' is clicked - 1. Validates current step, 2. Process current step information, 3. Loads next step.
Public methodCleanUpShoppingCart
Removes current shopping cart data from database and from session.
Protected methodOnlineClearCachedClientID
Sets the cached OnlineClientID value to null.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineClearEffectiveClientIDMode
Sets the OnlineClientIDMode property of the current control instance and of any child controls to OnlineInherit.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodClearForm
Clears control.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected methodOnlineClearChildControlState
Deletes the control-state information for the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineClearChildState
Deletes the view-state and control-state information for all the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineClearChildViewState
Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineConstruct
Performs design-time logic.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineCreateControlCollection
Creates a new OnlineControlCollection object to hold the child controls (both literal and server) of the server control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineCreateChildControls
Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineCreateResourceBasedLiteralControl
Accesses literal strings stored in a resource. The OnlineCreateResourceBasedLiteralControl(Int32, Int32, Boolean) method is not intended for use from within your code.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnlineDataBind 
Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineDataBind(Boolean)
Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls with an option to raise the OnlineDataBinding event.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineDataBindChildren
Binds a data source to the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineDesignerInitialize
Performs any initialization steps on the user control that are required by RAD designers.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineDispose
Enables a server control to perform final clean up before it is released from memory.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodEnsureControls
Interface for control that is able to explicitly ensure its child controls
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineEnsureChildControls
Determines whether the server control contains child controls. If it does not, it creates child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineEnsureID
Creates an identifier for controls that do not have an identifier assigned.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodEval(String)
Evaluates the given value
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineEval(String, String)
Evaluates a data-binding expression using the specified format string to display the result.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodEval(String, Boolean)
Evaluates the item data (safe version), with html encoding.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalBool
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the bool.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalDateTime
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the date time.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalDouble
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalGuid
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the guid.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalHTML
Evaluates the item data and doesn't encode it. Method should be used for columns with html content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalHtmlAttribute
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in HTML attribute.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalInteger
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalJSString
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in javascript code and encapsulates it with "'".
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalText(String)
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodEvalText(String, Boolean)
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineFindControl(String)
Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id parameter.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineFindControl(String, Int32)
Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id and an integer, specified in the pathOffset parameter, which aids in the search. You should not override this version of the OnlineFindControl  method.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineFocus
Sets input focus to a control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineFrameworkInitialize
Initializes the control that is derived from the OnlineTemplateControl class.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodGetAccessDeniedPageUrl
Returns access denied page with dependence on current setting.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineGetDesignModeState
Gets design-time data for a control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodGetFlagIconUrl
Returns resolved path to the flag image for the specified culture.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineGetGlobalResourceObject(String, String)
Gets an application-level resource object based on the specified OnlineClassKey and OnlineResourceKey properties.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineGetGlobalResourceObject(String, String, Type, String)
Gets an application-level resource object based on the specified OnlineClassKey and OnlineResourceKey properties, object type, and property name of the resource.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetImagePath
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodGetImageUrl
Gets UI image relative path.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineGetLocalResourceObject(String)
Gets a page-level resource object based on the specified OnlineResourceKey property.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineGetLocalResourceObject(String, Type, String)
Gets a page-level resource object based on the specified OnlineResourceKey property, object type, and property name.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodGetRedirectAfterPurchaseUrl
Returns url the customer should be redirected to after purchase.
Public methodOnlineGetRouteUrl(Object)
Gets the URL that corresponds to a set of route parameters.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineGetRouteUrl(RouteValueDictionary)
Gets the URL that corresponds to a set of route parameters.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineGetRouteUrl(String, Object)
Gets the URL that corresponds to a set of route parameters and a route name.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineGetRouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary)
Gets the URL that corresponds to a set of route parameters and a route name.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodGetShoppingCartStepControl(Int32)
Returns initialized shopping cart step control.
Public methodGetShoppingCartStepControl(String)
Returns initialized shopping cart step control.
Public methodGetString
Returns localized string.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodGetTempValue
Returns the value from the ShoppingCart viewstate.
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetUniqueIDRelativeTo
Returns the prefixed portion of the OnlineUniqueID property of the specified control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodGetValue(String)
Returns the value of the given property.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public methodGetValue ReturnType (String, ReturnType)
Returns the value of the given property.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineHasControls
Determines if the server control contains any child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineHasEvents
Returns a value indicating whether events are registered for the control or any child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodHasValue
Returns true if the value of the given property is set.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public methodCheckPermissions(String, String)
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodCheckPermissions(String, String, Int32)
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodCheckPermissions(String, String, String)
Check permissions for specified resource and permission type, return false is user doesn't have permissions.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodOnlineInitializeAsUserControl
Initializes the OnlineUserControl object that has been created declaratively. Since there are some differences between pages and user controls, this method makes sure that the user control is initialized properly.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineIsLiteralContent
Determines if the server control holds only literal content.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineLoadControl(String)
Loads a OnlineControl object from a file based on a specified virtual path.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnlineLoadControl(Type,  Object )
Loads a OnlineControl object based on a specified type and constructor parameters.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineLoadControlState
Restores control-state information from a previous page request that was saved by the OnlineSaveControlState  method.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodLoadCurrentStep
Loads current step - you need to override this method to load current step control.
Public methodLoadCheckoutProcess
Loads checkout process from external source.
Public methodLoadStep(Int32)
Loads step control with specified index and set current step index to control index.
Public methodLoadStep(String)
Loads step control with specified name and set current step index to control index.
Public methodLoadStep(ShoppingCartStep)
Loads specified shopping cart step control and set current step index to control index (step is included in current checkout process) or leave current step index as is (when loading external control which is not defined in current checkout process).
Public methodOnlineLoadTemplate
Obtains an instance of the OnlineITemplate interface from an external file.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodLoadUserControl
Loads the user control based on the given path
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineLoadViewState
Restores the view-state information from a previous user control request that was saved by the OnlineSaveViewState  method.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public methodLogAndShowError
Logs the exception and
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineMapPath
Assigns a virtual file path, either absolute or relative, to a physical file path.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineMapPathSecure
Retrieves the physical path that a virtual path, either absolute or relative, maps to.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineOnAbortTransaction
Raises the OnlineAbortTransaction event.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOnBubbleEvent
Determines whether the event for the server control is passed up the page's UI server control hierarchy.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOnCommitTransaction
Raises the OnlineCommitTransaction event.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnContentLoaded
Method that is called when the control content is loaded.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOnDataBinding
Raises the OnlineDataBinding event.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOnError
Raises the OnlineError event.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnInit
Init event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnLoad
OnLoad override, setup access denied page with dependence on current usage.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodOnPreRender
PreRender event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOnUnload
Raises the OnlineUnload event.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineOpenFile
Gets a OnlineStream used to read a file.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineParseControl(String)
Parses an input string into a OnlineControl object on the Web Forms page or user control.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnlineParseControl(String, Boolean)
Parses an input string into a OnlineControl object on the ASP.NET Web page or user control.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineRaiseBubbleEvent
Assigns any sources of the event and its information to the control's parent.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodRaiseOnCheckPermissions(String, CMSAdminControl)
Raises the OnCheckPermissions event, returns true when event was fired.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodRaiseOnCheckPermissions(String, String, CMSAdminControl)
Raises the OnCheckPermissions event, returns true when event was fired.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodRaiseOnNotAllowed
Raises the OnNotAllowed event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodRaiseOrderCompletedEvent
Raises order completed event - after the order is completed (all its data are saved in database).
Public methodRaisePaymentCompletedEvent
Raises payment completed event - after the order payments is completed.
Public methodRaisePaymentSkippedEvent
Raises payment skipped event - after the order payments is skipped.
Public methodOnlineReadStringResource
Reads a string resource. The OnlineReadStringResource  method is not intended for use from within your code.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodRedirectToAccessDenied(String)
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodRedirectToAccessDenied(Int32, String)
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodRedirectToAccessDenied(String, String)
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodRedirectToUIElementAccessDenied
Redirects the user to Access denied page.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public methodReleaseContext
Releases the control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public methodReloadData 
Reloads control data withou force reload.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodReloadData(Boolean)
Reloads control data.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public methodReloadShoppingCartInfo
Reloads shopping cart items and settings from database.
Protected methodOnlineRemovedControl
Called after a child control is removed from the OnlineControls collection of the OnlineControl object.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodRender
Render event handler.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineRenderControl(HtmlTextWriter)
Outputs server control content to a provided OnlineHtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if tracing is enabled.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineRenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter)
Outputs server control content to a provided OnlineHtmlTextWriter object using a provided OnlineControlAdapter object.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineRenderChildren
Outputs the content of a server control's children to a provided OnlineHtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be rendered on the client.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineResolveAdapter
Gets the control adapter responsible for rendering the specified control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineResolveClientUrl
Gets a URL that can be used by the browser.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodResolveUrl
Resolves the given URL
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineSaveControlState
Saves any server control state changes that have occurred since the time the page was posted back to the server.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineSaveViewState
Saves any user control view-state changes that have occurred since the last page postback.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public methodSetContext
Sets the control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineSetDesignModeState
Sets design-time data for a control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public methodOnlineSetRenderMethodDelegate
Assigns an event handler delegate to render the server control and its content into its parent control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected methodOnlineSetStringResourcePointer
Sets a pointer to a string resource. The OnlineSetStringResourcePointer(Object, Int32) method is used by generated classes and is not intended for use from within your code.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodSetTempValue
Sets the value to the ShoppingCart viewstate.
Public methodSetValue
Sets the property value of the control, setting the value affects only local property value.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public methodShowConfirmation
Shows the general confirmation message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodShowError
Shows the specified error message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodShowChangesSaved
Shows the general changes saved message.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodShowInformation
Shows the given information on the page, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean)
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected methodShowMessage(MessageTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodShowWarning
Shows the specified warning message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public methodOnlineTestDeviceFilter
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a device filter applies to the HTTP request.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodTrackActivityAllProductsRemovedFromShoppingCart
Logs activity "product removed from shopping cart" for all items in shopping cart.
Public methodTrackActivityCustomerRegistration
Logs activity "customer registration".
Public methodTrackActivityProductAddedToShoppingCart
Logs activity "product added to shopping cart".
Public methodTrackActivityPurchase
Logs activity "purchase".
Public methodTrackActivityPurchasedProducts
Logs activity "purchase" for all items.
Protected methodTrackViewState
Tracks the view state.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected methodOnlineWriteUTF8ResourceString
Writes a resource string to an OnlineHtmlTextWriter control. The OnlineWriteUTF8ResourceString(HtmlTextWriter, Int32, Int32, Boolean) method is used by generated classes and is not intended for use from within your code.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPath(String)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPath(String, IXmlNamespaceResolver)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression using the specified prefix and namespace mappings for namespace resolution.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPath(String, String)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression using the specified format string to display the result.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPath(String, String, IXmlNamespaceResolver)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression using the specified prefix and namespace mappings for namespace resolution and the specified format string to display the result.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPathSelect(String)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression and returns a node collection that implements the OnlineIEnumerable interface.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Protected methodOnlineXPathSelect(String, IXmlNamespaceResolver)
Evaluates an XPath data-binding expression using the specified prefix and namespace mappings for namespace resolution and returns a node collection that implements the OnlineIEnumerable interface.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCallHandled
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page. Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
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Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_CHECKOUT_PROCESS
Default checkout process XML definition.
Default required field marker. Contains html code with styled asterisk.
Protected fieldmAccessDeniedPage
Access denied page
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmAddToShoppingCartConversionValue
Conversion track value used after added to shopping cart.
Protected fieldmAddToShoppingCartTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after added to shopping cart.
Protected fieldmAssignToRoles
Roles the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Protected fieldmAssignToSites
Sites the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Protected fieldmCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
CMSDesk access denied page
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmControlContext
Control context
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmControlGUID
Control GUID
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmCurrentStepControl
Shopping cart current step control.
Protected fieldmDisplayMode
Display mode
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmEnablePasswordRetrieval
Indicates whether password retrieval is enabled.
Protected fieldmEnableProductPriceDetail
Indicates whether product price detail link is displayd.
Protected fieldmErrorMessage
Error message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcess
Checkout process.
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcessSteps
Checkout process steps.
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcessType
Type of the checkout process.
Protected fieldmImageFolderPath
Relative path to the folder with shopping cart step images.
Protected fieldmImageStepSeparator
HTML code of the image step separator.
Protected fieldmInfoMessage
Information message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmIsControlLoaded
Indicates if current step control is loaded.
Protected fieldmIsCurrentStepPostBack
Indicates whether current step control is loaded after postback.
Protected fieldmLocalShoppingCart
Local shopping cart object.
Protected fieldmNextStepIndex
Next step index.
Protected fieldmOrderConversionValue
Conversion track value used after new order is saved.
Protected fieldmOrderTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after new order is saved.
Protected fieldmPaymentGatewayProvider
Payment gateway provider.
Protected fieldmPreviousStepIndex
Previsou step index.
Protected fieldmRedirectAfterPurchase
Redirect after purchase.
Protected fieldmRedirectToAccessDeniedPage
Redirect to access denied if the access is not allowed.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmRegistrationConversionValue
Conversion track value used after successful registration.
Protected fieldmRegistrationTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after successful registration.
Protected fieldmRelativePath
Relative path
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmRequiredFieldsMark
HTML code which is attached as postfix to the shopping cart step form required fields.
Protected fieldmSendNewRegNotificationToAddress
Email address the new registration notification should be sent to.
Protected fieldmShoppingCartContainer
Shopping cart container.
Protected fieldmShoppingCartObj
Shopping cart object.
Protected fieldmUseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
Indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmViewStateTracked
If true, the ViewState has been already tracked.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected fieldproperties
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
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Public propertyAccessDeniedPage
Access denied page URL.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineAdapter
Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineApplication
Gets the OnlineApplication object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the OnlinePage or OnlineUserControl object that contains this control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineAppRelativeVirtualPath
Gets or sets the application-relative, virtual directory path to the file from which the control is parsed and compiled.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public propertyAssignToRoles
Roles the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Public propertyAssignToSites
Sites the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Public propertyOnlineAttributes
Gets a collection of all attribute name and value pairs declared in the user control tag within the .aspx file.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineAutoHandlersObsolete.
The OnlineAutoHandlers property has been deprecated in ASP.NET NET 2.0. It is used by generated classes and is not intended for use within your code.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public propertyOnlineBindingContainer
Gets the control that contains this control's data binding.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyButtonBack
Button 'Back' - you need to override this property to get access to shopping cart 'Back' button in shopping cart steps.
Public propertyButtonNext
Button 'Next' - you need to override this property to get access to shopping cart 'Next' button in shopping cart steps.
Public propertyOnlineCache
Gets the OnlineCache object that is associated with the application that contains the user control.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineCachePolicy
Gets a reference to a collection of caching parameters for this user control.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineClientID
Gets the control ID for HTML markup that is generated by ASP.NET.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineClientIDMode
Gets or sets the algorithm that is used to generate the value of the OnlineClientID property.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineClientIDSeparator
Gets a character value representing the separator character used in the OnlineClientID property.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineContext
Gets the OnlineHttpContext object associated with the server control for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyControlContext
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyControlGUID
Unique ID of the control within the given request.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineControls
Gets a OnlineControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyCurrentContactID
Current contact ID. Shared across shopping cart steps.
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentPageInfo
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentResolver
Control's resolver
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentStepControl
Shopping cart current step control.
Public propertyCurrentStepIndex
Shopping cart current step index.
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineDataItemContainer
Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements OnlineIDataItemContainer.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineDataKeysContainer
Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements OnlineIDataKeysControl.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineDesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether a control is being used on a design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyDisplayMode
Gets or sets display mode of the control.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEnablePasswordRetrieval
Indicates whether password retrieval is enabled.
Public propertyEnableProductPriceDetail
Indicates whether product price detail link is displayd.
Public propertyOnlineEnableTheming
Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether themes apply to the control that is derived from the OnlineTemplateControl class.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public propertyOnlineEnableViewState
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyErrorMessage
Error message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineEvents
Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineHasChildViewState
Gets a value indicating whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyCheckoutProcess
Checkout process.
Public propertyCheckoutProcessSteps
Checkout process steps.
Public propertyCheckoutProcessType
Checkout process type.
Protected propertyOnlineChildControlsCreated
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineID
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineIdSeparator
Gets the character used to separate control identifiers.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyImageFolderPath
Relative path to the folder with shopping cart step images.
Public propertyImageStepSeparator
HTML code of the image step separator.
Public propertyInfoMessage
Information message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public propertyIsCMSDesk
Determines whether the current control lies on the page that is currently located under the CMS Desk.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyIsCurrentStepPostBack
Indicates whether current step control is loaded after postback.
Protected propertyOnlineIsChildControlStateCleared
Gets a value indicating whether controls contained within this control have control state.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyIsInternalOrder
Indicates whether it is an internal order made from CMSDesk.
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineIsPostBack
Gets a value indicating whether the user control is being loaded in response to a client postback, or if it is being loaded and accessed for the first time.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineIsTrackingViewState
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineIsViewStateEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether view state is enabled for this control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineLoadViewStateByID
Gets a value indicating whether the control participates in loading its view state by OnlineID instead of index.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyLocalShoppingCart
Local shopping cart object.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineNamingContainer
Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same OnlineID property value.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyNextStepIndex
Next step index. (Set it if you want to load another step with index different from CurrentStepIndex + 1).
Public propertyOrderTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after new order is saved.
Public propertyOnlinePage
Gets a reference to the OnlinePage instance that contains the server control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineParent
Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyPaymentGatewayProvider
Payment gateway provider instance.
Public propertyPreviousPageUrl
Page url, we should return to after "Continue shopping" button is clicked.
Public propertyPreviousStepIndex
Previous step index. (Set it if you want to load another step with index different from CurrentStepIndex - 1).
Public propertyRedirectAfterPurchase
Redirect after purchase.
Public propertyRedirectToAccessDeniedPage
Redirect to access denied if the access is not allowed.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public propertyRegistrationTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after successful registration.
Public propertyRelativePath
Page relative path.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineRenderingCompatibility
Gets a value that specifies the ASP.NET version that rendered HTML will be compatible with.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineRequest
Gets the OnlineHttpRequest object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyRequiredFieldsMark
HTML code which is attached as postfix to the shopping cart step form required fields.
Public propertyOnlineResponse
Gets the OnlineHttpResponse object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertySendNewRegistrationNotificationToAddress
Email address the new registration notification should be sent to.
Public propertyOnlineServer
Gets the OnlineHttpServerUtility object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineSession
Gets the OnlineHttpSessionState object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyShoppingCartContainer
Shopping cart container.
Public propertyShoppingCartInfoObj
Shopping cart object.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineSite
Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineSkinID
Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if the control should perform the operations.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineSupportAutoEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the OnlineTemplateControl control supports automatic events.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public propertyOnlineTemplateControl
Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets the virtual directory of the OnlinePage or OnlineUserControl that contains the current server control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineTrace
Gets the OnlineTraceContext object for the current Web request.
(Inherited from OnlineUserControl.)
Public propertyTypeName
Returns the object type name.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyOnlineUniqueID
Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyUseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUserInfo
User info - returns shopping cart user, if not specified returns current user.
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Protected propertyOnlineViewStateIgnoresCase
Gets a value that indicates whether the OnlineStateBag object is case-insensitive.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineViewStateMode
Gets or sets the view-state mode of this control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public propertyOnlineVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
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Public eventOnlineAbortTransaction
Occurs when a user ends a transaction.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public eventOnlineCommitTransaction
Occurs when a transaction completes.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public eventOnlineDataBinding
Occurs when the server control binds to a data source.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDisposed
Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineError
Occurs when an unhandled exception is thrown.
(Inherited from OnlineTemplateControl.)
Public eventOnlineInit
Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineLoad
Occurs when the server control is loaded into the OnlinePage object.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnCheckPermissions
On check permissions event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public eventOnCheckPermissionsExtended
On check permissions event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public eventOnNotAllowed
On not allowed event.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Public eventOnOrderCompleted
Fires after the order is completed - all its data are saved in database.
Public eventOnPaymentCompleted
Fires after the order payment completed.
Public eventOnPaymentSkipped
Fires after the order payment is skipped.
Public eventOnlinePreRender
Occurs after the OnlineControl object is loaded but prior to rendering.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineUnload
Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
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See Also