QuerySourceBase TSource  MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The QuerySourceBase TSource  type exposes the following members.

Protected methodQuerySourceBase TSource  
Default constructor
Public methodQuerySourceBase TSource (String)
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Public methodApplyParametersTo
Applies this where condition to the target object
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodCallOnDispose
Adds the given action to the list of actions called when the handler object is disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodClone
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodCloneObject
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodCopyPropertiesTo
Copies all the object properties to the given target class
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodDispose
Make sure the objects get disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodEnsureParameters
Ensures data parameters for the given query
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodExpand
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodChanged
Marks the object as changed
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Public methodImmutable
Makes this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodIncludeDataParameters
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodInnerJoin(String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodInnerJoin(String, String)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodInnerJoin(String, String, String)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodJoin(String, IWhereCondition, JoinTypeEnum)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodJoin(String, String, JoinTypeEnum)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodJoin(String, String, String, IWhereCondition, JoinTypeEnum)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodJoin TObject (String, String, JoinTypeEnum, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodLeftJoin(String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodLeftJoin(String, String)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodLeftJoin(String, String, String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodLeftJoin TObject (String, String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodLock
Locks the event on the given lock object. The context stays locked until the handler is disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodNewResult
Returns properly typed this
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodRightJoin(String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodRightJoin(String, String)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodRightJoin(String, String, String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodRightJoin TObject (String, String, IWhereCondition)
Joins the given source with another
Public methodSnapshot
Creates an immutable snapshot of the current query as a base for further evaluation. Doesn't modify the original query in any way.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodToString 
Returns the string representation of the expression
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public methodToString(Boolean)
Returns the string representation of the expression, with possibility of expanding parameters
(Overrides QueryParametersBase TParent  ToString(Boolean).)
Protected methodTranslateSource
Translates the source to the final query expression
Public methodUsing
Adds the given object to the list of the allocated objects to dispose
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
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Public operatorStatic member (QuerySourceBase TSource  to String)
Implicit operator for conversion from query source to string expression
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
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Protected fieldmParameters
Query data parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
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Protected propertyIsImmutable
If true, this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Public propertyIsNested
Indicates that this query is part of multi query
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Protected propertyLeftSourceName
Left source name
Public propertyName
Object name, empty by default
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Public propertyParameters
Query data parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBase TParent .)
Protected propertyRightSourceName
Left source name
Public propertySourceExpression
Source expression
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See Also