AbstractAutomationManager InfoType  MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The AbstractAutomationManager InfoType  type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAbstractAutomationManager InfoType 
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Protected methodCreateActionArgumentsInternal
Creates action arguments.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodCreateActionsExecutorInternal
Creates action executor with prefilled parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodEvaluateSourcePointsInternal
Evaluates source points with given macro resolver
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodEvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver)
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodEvaluateTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo, Int32, MacroResolver, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum)
Evaluates list of existing transitions for given workflow step and returns either one best match or multiple transitions matched
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetActionStatus
Gets action state
Protected methodGetActionStatusInternal
Gets action state
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetActionStatusInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType).)
Protected methodGetBasicResolverInternal
Gets basic resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodGetEmailResolver
Get resolver for e-mail sending.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetEmailResolver(InfoType, StateInfoType, UserInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowInfo, String, String).)
Protected methodGetEmailResolverInternal
Get resolver for e-mail sending.
Protected methodGetEvalResolverInternal
Gets resolver for evaluation of transitions and source points
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetEvalResolverInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo).)
Public methodGetFinishedStep
Returns finished step for given object.
Protected methodGetFinishedStepInternal
Returns finished step for given object.
Public methodGetFirstStep
Returns start step for given object.
Protected methodGetFirstStepInternal
Returns first step for given object.
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodGetNextStepInfoInternal
Returns list of next steps for given object.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetNextStepInfoInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo).)
Public methodGetNextSteps
Returns list of next steps.
Public methodGetObjectProcess
Returns the process for the specified object.
Protected methodGetObjectProcessInternal
Returns the process for the specified object.
Public methodGetPreviousStepInfo
Returns previous step information.
Protected methodGetPreviousStepInfoInternal
Returns previous step information for given object.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetPreviousStepInfoInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, Boolean).)
Public methodGetPreviousSteps
Returns list of previous steps for current process
Protected methodGetPreviousStepsInternal
Returns list of previous steps for current cycle
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  GetPreviousStepsInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo).)
Protected methodGetStepInboundTransitionsInternal
Gets transitions leading into given step
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodGetStepInfo
Gets step information for given object.
Protected methodGetStepInfoInternal
Gets step information for given object.
Public methodGetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo)
Gets all workflow step transitions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodGetStepTransitions(WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum)
Gets workflow step transitions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint)
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
Public methodGetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
Public methodGetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, String, String, Int32, String)
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
Public methodGetUsersWhoCanMove(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Int32, String)
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
Protected methodGetUsersWhoCanMoveInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, String, String, Int32, String)
Returns list of users who can move object to the next step. Users who are approved due to generic roles are not included to the result.
Protected methodGetUsersWhoCanMoveInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, SourcePoint, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Int32, String)
Returns list of all the users who can move object to the next step.
Protected methodHandleStepInternal
Handles step additional actions
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodHandleStepTimeoutInternal
Handles step timeout
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodChangeManagerType OriginalType 
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Public methodChangeManagerTypeTo
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.)
Protected methodCheckRecurrenceInternal
Check automation process recurrence settings
Public methodCheckStepPermissions
Returns true if given user can move given object to the previous/next step.
Protected methodCheckStepPermissionsInternal
Returns true if given user can move given object to previous/next step.
Protected methodLogHopsReachedWarningInternal
Logs warning about maximum hops reached
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodLogMessage
Logs custom message to event log.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodLogMessageInternal
Logs message to the event log
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodLogMissingConnectionWarningInternal
Logs warning about missing connection
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodLogProcessHistory
Logs specified action in the object workflow history record.
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodMoveStepInternal(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, WorkflowStepInfo)
Moves the specified object to the first step without automatic transition and returns the final step.
Protected methodMoveStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, UserInfo)
Moves the specified object to the first step without automatic transition in the workflow and returns the final step.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodMoveToFinishedStep
Moves object directly to finished step. (Finishes the process without going through all the steps.)
Protected methodMoveToFinishedStepInternal
Moves object directly to finished step. (Finishes the process without going through all the steps.)
Public methodMoveToFirstStep
Moves the specified object to the first step and returns the step.
Protected methodMoveToFirstStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the first step and returns the step.
Public methodMoveToNextStep
Moves the specified object to the next step and returns new step.
Protected methodMoveToNextStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the next step and returns new step.
Public methodMoveToPreviousStep(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, String)
Moves the specified object to the previous step and returns the step.
Public methodMoveToPreviousStep(InfoType, AutomationStateInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String)
Moves the specified object to the specified previous step and returns the step.
Protected methodMoveToPreviousStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the previous step and returns the new step.
Public methodMoveToSpecificNextStep
Moves the specified object to the specified next step and returns workflow step.
Public methodMoveToSpecificStep
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns workflow step.
Protected methodMoveToSpecificStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns workflow step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  MoveToSpecificStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, String, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum, ActionEnumType).)
Protected methodMoveToStepInternal
Moves the specified object to the specified step and returns the step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  MoveToStepInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, WorkflowStepInfo, WorkflowStepInfo, String, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum, Boolean).)
Protected methodProcessActionInternal
Processes action connected to given step.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  ProcessActionInternal(WorkflowActionEventArgs InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType ).)
Public methodProcessActions
Processes all actions in scope.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodProcessActionsInternal
Processes all actions in scope.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodRemoveProcess
Removes process from given object.
Protected methodRemoveProcessInternal
Removes process from given object.
Public methodSendWorkflowEmails
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected methodSendWorkflowEmailsInternal
Sends the workflow e-mails to given recipients.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public methodSetActionStatus
Sets action state
Protected methodSetActionStatusInternal
Sets action state
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  SetActionStatusInternal(InfoType, StateInfoType, String).)
Public methodStartProcess
Starts process on given object.
Protected methodStartProcessInternal
Starts process on given object.
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
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Public propertyApplicationUrl
Application URL for macro resolver
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Protected propertyCurrentHops
Number of currently processed hops
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public propertyEventLogSource
Event log source name.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public propertyCheckPermissions
Indicates if step permissions should be checked when the step is moved.
(Overrides AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType  CheckPermissions.)
Public propertyMacroResolver
Macro resolver instance.
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public propertySendEmails
Indicates if notification e-mails should be sent
(Inherited from AbstractWorkflowManager InfoType, StateInfoType, ActionEnumType .)
Public propertyUser
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See Also