CMS.SalesForce NamespaceKentico 8.0 API Reference

Public classAttributeValueConverterBase
Provides a base implementation for the extensible SalesForce entity attribute value converter model.
Public classAttributeValueConverterFactory
Provides support for creating SalesForce entity attribute value converters.
Public classAuthorizationSetupHandler
Provides JSON-P service for SalesForce authorization process.
Public classBooleanAttributeValueConverter
Provides an implementation of the Boolean value converter.
Public classConfigurationSessionProvider
Provides SalesForce organization sessions using the Connector settings.
Public classContactFormInfoProvider
Provides contact form info suitable for mapping.
Public classContactMapper
Provides transformation of contacts to SalesForce leads using the specified mapping.
Public classCreateEntityResult
Represents a result of create entity command.
Public classDateTimeAttributeValueConverter
Provides an implementation of the DateTime value converter.
Public classDeleteEntityResult
Represents a result of the delete entity command.
Public classDoubleAttributeValueConverter
Provides an implementation of the Double value converter.
Public classEntity
Represents a SalesForce object.
Public classEntityAttribute
Represents an entity attribute.
Public classEntityAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute.
Public classEntityBinaryAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with binary values.
Public classEntityBooleanAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with boolean values.
Public classEntityDateTimeAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with date and time values.
Public classEntityDoubleAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with double values.
Public classEntityIntegerAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with integer values.
Public classEntityModel
Represents a model of SalesForce entities.
Public classEntityMultiPicklistAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with picklist values.
Public classEntityStringAttributeModel
Represents a model of the Sales force entity attribute with string values.
Public classError
Represents a SalesForce integration API error.
Public classGetDeletedEntitiesResult
Represents a result of the get deleted entities command.
Public classGetDeletedEntitiesResultItem
Represents a deleted entity.
Public classGetUpdatedEntitiesResult
Represents a result of the get updated entities command.
Public classIntegerAttributeValueConverter
Provides an implementation of the Int32 value converter.
Public classLeadReplicationContext
Represents a SalesForce lead replication context.
Public classLeadReplicationEngine
Replicates contacts to SalesForce leads.
Public classLeadReplicationEngineHost
Hosts a lead replication engine.
Public classLeadReplicationHelper
Provides customization of SalesForce lead replication.
Public classMapper
Provides transformation of CMS objects to SalesForce entities using the specified mapping.
Public classMapping
Represents a mapping of CMS objects to SalesForce entities.
Public classMappingItem
Represents an item of the mapping of CMS objects to SalesForce entities.
Public classMappingSerializer
Provides serialization of mapping of CMS objects to SalesForce entities.
Public classOrganizationCredentials
Contains the credentials used to authenticate SalesForce organization access.
Public classPasswordSessionProvider
Provides SalesForce organization sessions using the SalesForce user's login and password.
Public classPicklistEntry
Represents a SalesForce picklist entry.
Public classRefreshTokenSessionProvider
Provides SalesForce organization sessions using the OAuth refresh token.
Public classSalesForceAuthorizationHelper
Provides helper methods for SalesForce OAuth implementation.
Public classSalesForceClient
Provides access to SalesForce organization using the integration API.
Public classSalesForceClientException
Represents a SalesForce client exception.
Public classSalesForceClientOptions
SalesForce client commnad options.
Public classSalesForceException
Represents a general SalesForce exception.
Public classSalesForceReplicationException
Represents a replication exception that aggregates multiple errors.
Public classSalesForceReplicationTask
A site-related task that executes SalesForce replication.
Public classSelectEntitiesResult
Represents a result of the select entities command.
Public classSession
Represents a SalesForce organization communication session.
Public classSingletonScopeSalesForceClientProvider
Provides a unique instance of the SalesForce client that is created on the first request.
Public classStringAttributeValueConverter
Provides an implementation of the String value converter.
Public classUpdateEntityResult
Represents a result of the update entity command.
Public classUpsertEntityResult
Represents a result of the upsert entity command.

Public interfaceIEntityCommandResult
Represents the interface for classes that represents a single entity command result.
Public interfaceIRunnable
Represents an operation that could be executed.
Public interfaceISalesForceClientProvider
Provides instances of SalesForce client.
Public interfaceISessionProvider
Represents the interface for classes that provide SalesForce organization sessions.

Public enumerationEntityAttributeValueType
Specifies the type of the SalesForce entity attribute value.
Public enumerationMappingItemSourceTypeEnum
Type of the mapping item source.
Public enumerationStatusCode
Represents a SalesForce error status code.