CMS.CustomTables NamespaceKentico 8.0 API Reference

Public classCustomTableAttribute
Registers the custom table item class to the system
Public classCustomTableHelper
Provides methods for creating search documents for custom tables
Public classCustomTableImport
Handles special actions during the Custom table import process.
Public classCustomTableInfo
Specialized class for the custom table info
Public classCustomTableItem
Class providing access to custom table data.
Public classCustomTableItemEventArgs
Custom table item event arguments
Public classCustomTableItemEvents
Custom table item events
Public classCustomTableItemFactory
Factory that provides custom table item objects
Public classCustomTableItemGenerator
Generator of the specific custom table items
Public classCustomTableItemHandler
Custom table item handler
Public classCustomTableItemProvider
Class for retrieving custom table items.
Public classCustomTableItemTypeInfo
Type info for the custom table items.
Public classCustomTableModule
Represents the Custom table module.
Public classCustomTableModuleMetadata
Represents the Site module metadata.
Public classCustomTableSearchIndexer
Search indexer for custom table search index
Public classCustomTableTaskType
Web farm tasks for custom table operations