Class | Description | |
AbstractActionContext TContext |
Base class for action context
| |
AbstractAdvancedHandler |
Base class for advanced handler classes
| |
AbstractBaseProvider ProviderType |
Abstract class for providers.
| |
AbstractCMSLazy |
Abstract class for the lazy loaded objects
| |
AbstractContext TContext |
Base context object class.
| |
AbstractDataContainer ParentObjectType |
Abstract class for data container objects
| |
AbstractHandler |
Base class for handler classes
| |
AbstractHelper |
Abstract helper.
| |
AbstractHelper HelperType |
Abstract helper.
| |
AbstractHierarchicalObject ObjectType |
Abstract class for the hierarchical objects
| |
AbstractManager |
Abstract manager
| |
AbstractManager ManagerType |
Abstract manager
| |
AbstractObject |
Abstract class for the data container with no functionality
| |
AbstractObjectGenerator |
Abstract class for all object generators
| |
AbstractPropertyAttribute |
Defines a column registered within the object
| |
AbstractSimpleDataContainer ParentObjectType |
Abstract class for the data container with no functionality
| |
AbstractURLProvider ProviderType |
Abstract class for URL providers.
| |
AbstractWorker |
Abstract class for the thread worker.
| |
ActionCancelledException |
Exception thrown in case the action was cancelled
| |
AdvancedHandler |
General CMS handler
| |
AdvancedHandler TParameter |
General CMS handler with one generic parameter
| |
AdvancedHandler THandler, TArgs |
Generic handler class
| |
AggregatedDataContainer |
Aggregated data container which joins the Column names from all data sources
| |
ApplicationEvents |
Global CMS application events
| |
ApplicationModule |
Application module for registering the application events globally
| |
AppSetting TValue |
Defined lazy initialized boolean setting
| |
AppSettingsService |
AppSettings service
| |
AttributeHelper |
Provides methods to access types attributes. Supports extra attributes provided by the extensions
| |
AzureHelper |
Helper methods and properties for Windows Azure integration.
| |
BaseExtensions |
Extension methods.
| |
BaseHandlers |
Base module event handlers
| |
BaseModule |
Represents the Settings Provider module.
| |
BaseModuleMetadata |
Represents the Settings Provider module metadata.
| |
BeforeConditionalEvent TArgs |
Conditional event execute in before handler
| |
BoolAppSetting |
Defined lazy initialized boolean setting
| |
BoolDebugSetting |
Defined lazy initialized boolean debug setting
| |
ClassEventArgs |
Class event attributes
| |
ClassHelper |
Helper to provide general access to assemblies and classes.
| |
ClassNotLoadedException |
Exception which is thrown when the custom class is not loaded.
| |
ClassTypeSettings |
Class type settings class.
| |
CMSActionContext |
Action context. Ensures context for the actions block.
| |
CMSAppSettings |
App settings.
| |
CMSConnectionStrings |
Connection strings
| |
CMSEventArgs |
Base class for the CMS event arguments
| |
CMSEventArgs ParameterType |
Base class for the CMS event arguments with one generic parameter
| |
CMSException |
Base class for the CMS exceptions. For general exceptions, use GeneralCMSException
| |
CMSExtensibilitySection |
Extensibility section for the web.config.
| |
CMSLazy TValue |
Provides lazy initialization
| |
CMSList T |
Class for advanced generic list.
| |
CMSLoaderAttribute |
Adds action to the page.
| |
CMSModuleLoaderBase |
Module loader base class
| |
CMSParallel |
Wrapper for a Parallel class, providing additional operations to make threads compatible with CMS API (such as CMSThread class)
| |
CMSRegex |
Defined lazy initialized regular expression
| |
CMSStatic |
Base class for the static class
| |
CMSStatic TValue |
Static object wrapper which provides static variables based on the current context name
| |
CMSStaticObject TValue |
Static object wrapper which provides static variables based on the current context name - Variant that provides a new object instance for each context
| |
CMSString |
Helper (replace) methods for string class
| |
CMSThread |
CMS managed thread.
| |
CMSVersion |
CMS version
| |
CMSWorkerQueue |
Queue of the workers.
| |
ConditionalEvent TArgs |
Conditional event execute in before handler
| |
ConditionalEventBase TEvent, TArgs |
Defines a conditional event
| |
ConditionalObjectFactory ObjectType |
Object factory which includes condition on the object creation
| |
ConnectionStringService |
ConnectionStrings service
| |
CoreExtensions |
Base extensions
| |
CoreMethods |
Base class for helpers
| |
CustomClassAttribute |
Registers the custom class within the system or overrides the existing one.
| |
CustomHelperAttribute |
Registers the custom helper within the system, replaces the default helper from which the defined one inherits.
| |
CustomManagerAttribute |
Registers the custom manager within the system, replaces the default manager from which the defined one inherits.
| |
DataContainer |
Case insensitive data container class.
| |
DataRowContainer |
Object encapsulating DataRow objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
DataSetContainer |
Object encapsulating DataSet objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
DataTableContainer |
Object encapsulating DataTable objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
DebugContext |
Debug context
| |
DebugEventArgs |
Debug event arguments
| |
DebugEvents |
Debug events handlers.
| |
DebugExtensions |
Debug extension methods
| |
DebugHandler |
Debug event handler.
| |
DebugHelper |
Debug helping methods.
| |
DebugLogFile |
Defined lazy initialized debug log file setting
| |
DebugSettings |
Container for the particular debug settings
| |
DictionaryHelper |
Methods for general dictionary operations
| |
DisposableObject |
Base class for the disposable objects that can carry other depending disposable objects
| |
DocumentTypeNotExistsException |
Exception raised when a non-existing document type is requested.
| |
DynamicProperty PropertyType |
Represents a generic property
| |
EditableItems |
Editable items container.
| |
EnumDataContainer |
Provides wrapper for any Enum object for usage in the macro engine. Uses reflection to extract fields of the enum.
| |
EnumerableDataContainer T |
Provides wrapper for any list for usage in the macro engine.
| |
EventList |
Dynamic event list that allows to register and raise events
| |
Extend ObjectType |
Extension storage
| |
ExtendedActionContext TContext |
Base class for the extended action context
| |
ExtendedXmlData |
XML data container.
| |
Extender T |
Represents a behavior that can be attached to objects of specific type.
| |
ExtendList ListType, ExtensionType |
List extensions
| |
Extension |
Extension extension methods
| |
Extension TExtension |
Storage for static extensions
| |
ExtensionAttribute |
Extension attribute. Place above particular class to register its extension.
| |
ExtensionProperties |
Extension properties
| |
GeneralCMSException |
General CMS exception
| |
GeneralIndexableWrapper KeyType, ValueType |
Wrapper for general indexable interface
| |
GenericExtension ExtensionType |
Generic extension container
| |
GenericProperty PropertyType |
Represents a generic property
| |
GetVaryByCustomStringEventArgs |
Event arguments for GetVaryByCustomString event
| |
GetVaryByCustomStringHandler |
Automation handler
| |
GroupedDataSource |
Class providing DataSource grouping - one pass DataSource grouping.
| |
GroupedEnumerable ItemType |
Class providing enumerable grouping - one pass enumerable grouping.
| |
HandlersDebug |
Handlers debug methods
| |
IntAppSetting |
Defined lazy initialized integer setting
| |
IntRequestStockValue |
Integer request stock value
| |
ItemsFunctions |
Items collections functions.
| |
LazyObject ObjectType |
Lazy object, initialized with an empty constructor
| |
LockedSection |
Locked section, locks only when the object lock is available.
| |
LockHelper |
Class to provide lock objects based on the given key.
| |
LockObject |
Locking object
| |
MetadataContainer |
Container for the extra metadata for the given type
| |
MultiKeyDictionary ValueType |
Hashtable which can use multiple keys to access the same data. The keys are separated by the separator.
| |
NoDebugAttribute |
Marks the method as not being included in debug
| |
ObjectCondition TInput |
Generic object condition
| |
ObjectContainer |
Object container for the Hashtable records.
| |
ObjectExtensions |
Provides methods to initialize extenders.
| |
ObjectGenerator TBase |
Generator class for the various type of objects
| |
ObjectLifeTimeFunctions |
Class transformation functions for ObjectLifeTimeEnum
| |
OnDisposedCallback |
Represents a method wrapper for a method which is called when the wrapper is disposed
| |
PageElement |
Page element. Pass in either Page or Control.
| |
Property T |
Defines a property implementation
| |
PropertyAttribute |
Extension attribute
| |
PropertySettings InfoType |
Settings object for general properties registering in BaseGenericInfo.
| |
QueryEventArgs |
Query event arguments
| |
QueryHandler |
Query handler
| |
ReadOnlyAbstractHierarchicalObject ObjectType |
Read-only version of the abstract hierarchical object with SetValue hidden
| |
RecursionControl |
Defines the section that can control and prevent recursion
| |
RegisteredProperties ParentObjectType |
Container for the property registration
| |
RequestContainer TParent |
General container for request data
| |
RequestEvents |
Global CMS request events
| |
RequestItems |
Inserts items into HttpContext.Current.Items.
| |
RequestLog |
Contains the log information for the request.
| |
RequestLogs |
Class encapsulating the request logs.
| |
RequestSettings |
Container containing current request settings.
| |
RequestSettingsOnDemand |
Encapsulates the view mode but doesn't request it until it is demanded by Value.
| |
RequestStockObject ObjectType |
Defines a lazy loaded object stored in the request stock helper. Automatically creates the object if not available
| |
RequestStockValue TValue |
Defines a lazy loaded value stored in the request stock helper
| |
SafeDictionary TKey, TValue |
Thread safe dictionary template.
| |
SafeDictionaryContainer ValueType |
Container to wrap the StringSafeDictionary structure
| |
SafeHashSet T |
Thread-safe variant of a generic hash set
| |
SettingsHelper |
Settings helper.
| |
SimpleHandler |
General simple handler
| |
SimpleHandler TParameter |
General simple handler with one generic parameter
| |
SimpleHandler THandler, TArgs |
Generic handler class
| |
SimpleSystemHandler |
Simple System handler
| |
SimpleThreadHandler |
Simple thread handler
| |
SimpleWorkerQueueHandler |
Simple worker queue handler
| |
StringAppSetting |
Defined lazy initialized string setting
| |
StringExtensions |
Extensions for the SettingsProvider classes
| |
StringList |
Represents a list of strings separated by semicolon
| |
StringSafeDictionary TValue |
Safe dictionary indexed by string
| |
SystemContext |
Environment variables
| |
SystemEventArgs |
System event arguments
| |
SystemEvents |
System events
| |
TaskHelper |
Task management methods.
| |
ThreadDebug |
Thread debug helper
| |
ThreadEventArgs |
Thread event arguments
| |
ThreadEvents |
Events raised within thread processing
| |
ThreadHandler |
Thread handler
| |
ThreadItems |
Thread items collection.
| |
ThreadItemsDictionary |
Thread items dictionary.
| |
TwoLevelDictionary PrimaryKeyType, SecondaryKeyType, ValueType |
Dictionary with two levels of hierarchy
| |
TypeHelper |
Type helper.
| |
URLEventArgs |
Get URL event arguments
| |
URLHandler |
Simple thread handler
| |
WorkerQueueEventArgs |
Worker queue event arguments
| |
WorkerQueueHandler |
Worker ueue handler
| |
XmlData |
XML data container.
Interface | Description | |
IAdvancedDataContainer |
Data container with advanced functionality.
| |
IAuthenticationService |
Interface for authentication service
| |
ICloneThreadItem |
Interface to mark the objects to be cloned for new thread items
| |
ICMSObject |
Interface for distinguishing TreeNode and BaseInfo data types.
| |
ICMSStorage |
Interface to access the CMS objects and collections as storages
| |
IConditionalEvent TEvent |
Interface for conditional events
| |
IConditionalObjectFactory |
Interface for the conditional object factory
| |
IContext |
Context interface
| |
IDataContainer |
General data container interface.
| |
IDisplayReport |
Interface for DisplayReport
| |
IExtensible |
Defines an object extensible by other objects as properties
| |
IGeneralIndexable |
Interface to access collections through specific key type
| |
IGeneralIndexable KeyType, ObjectType |
Interface to access collections through specific key type
| |
IGenericExtension |
Interface for the generic extension
| |
IGenericProperty |
Interface for the generic extension
| |
IGroupedData |
Hierarchical data interface
| |
IHierarchicalDataContainer |
General data container interface.
| |
IHierarchicalObject |
Interface for the hierarchically accessible object. This object provides the properties to access its connected objects.
| |
IIndexable |
Interface to access collections through int and string indexers
| |
IIndexable ObjectType |
Interface to access collections through int and string indexers
| |
IMacroObject |
Interface for the objects which are used in macro processing. Defines their default resolving behavior.
| |
IMetadata |
Basic interface for injecting metadata
| |
INamedEnumerable |
Sorted enumerable interface
| |
INamedEnumerable T |
Sorted enumerable interface
| |
INameIndexable |
Interface to access collections through string indexers by name
| |
INameIndexable ObjectType |
Interface to access collections through string indexers by name - Generic variant
| |
INotCopyThreadItem |
Interface to mark the objects to be not copied to new thread items
| |
IObjectCondition |
Interface for the object condition
| |
IRecursionControlHandler TArgs |
Interface that defines the recursion control for the given handler
| |
IRelatedData |
Objects containing the related data reference.
| |
ISimpleDataContainer |
Simple data container interface (does not provide any information about the columns).
| |
ISiteInfo |
Objects containing SiteInfo properties.
| |
ISiteService |
Interface for site service
| |
ITreeNode |
Objects containing TreeNode properties.
| |
ITypedCollection |
Interface to provide result type over collection
| |
IUserInfo |
Objects containing UserInfo properties.
| |
IVirtualHierarchicalObject |
Interface for hierarchical object that is able to provide virtual content (for properties that would return null)
| |
IVirtualTypedCollection |
Interface to provide result type over collection
Delegate | Description | |
CMSAppSettings GetAppSettingsEventHandler |
Delegate for event for reading application's settings.
| |
CMSConnectionStrings GetConnectionStringEventHandler |
Delegate for event for reading application's connection strings.
| |
ConditionalEventBase TEvent, TArgs ConditionFunction |
Delegate for the handler condition
| |
RegisteredProperties ParentObjectType RegistrationCallbackHandler |
Registration callback handler
Enumeration | Description | |
FileSizeUnitsEnum |
Enumeration for file size units.
| |
LogStatusEnum |
Logs status mode enumeration.
| |
ObjectLifeTimeEnum |
Enumeration of object lifetime.
| |
ProcessStatus |
Process status enumeration.
| |
ThreadModeEnum |
Enumeration of the thread modes