To prevent users from accessing and modifying certain on-line store data and from configuring the on-line store, you will need to assign E-commerce solution permissions. This procedure is described in more detail in the Membership, permissions and security -> Permissions chapter in the Development section of the Developer's Guide.
The E-commerce solution has the following permissions:
•Read data - allows to access Orders, Reports, Customers, Products, Product options, Discount coupons, Discount levels, Manufacturers and Suppliers.
•Modify data - allows to create, modify and delete data; see Read data.
•Modify global data - allows to create, modify and delete global Customers, global Products, global Product options, global Discount coupons, global Discount levels, global Manufacturers and global Suppliers.
•Read configuration - allows to access E-commerce solution configuration (Store settings, Departments, Shipping options, Payment methods, Tax classes, Currencies, Exchange rates, Order status, Public status, Internal status, Invoice).
•Modify configuration - allows to modify E-commerce solution configuration; see Read configuration.
•Modify global configuration - allows to modify E-commerce solution global configuration.
•Read orders - allows to access Orders.
•Modify orders - allows to create, modify and delete Orders.
•Read reports - allows to access Reports.
•Read customers - allows to access Customers.
•Modify customers - allows to create, modify and delete Customers.
•Access all departments - allows to access Products from all departments.
•Read products - allows to access Products and Product options.
•Modify products - allows to create, modify and delete Products and Product options.
•Read discounts - allows to access Discount coupons.
•Modify discounts - allows to create, modify and delete Discount coupons.
•Read manufacturers - allows to access Manufacturers.
•Modify manufacturers - allows to create, modify and delete Manufacturers.
•Read suppliers - allows to access Suppliers.
•Modify suppliers - allows to create, modify and delete Suppliers.
•Destroy - allows to destroy E-commerce solution object version history.
To allow members of a particular role to edit e.g. a site-bound Manufacturer, you will need to assign this role permissions in one of the following combinations:
•Read data + Modify data
•Read data + Modify manufacturers
•Read manufacturers + Modify data
•Read manufacturers + Modify manufacturers
Similarly, to edit e.g. a global Customer, you will need to assign permissions in one of the following combinations:
•Read data + Modify global data
•Read customers + Modify global data
This can be configured in the E-commerce permissions matrix in Site Manager -> Administration -> Permissions, as described in detail in the Permissions chapter in the Development -> Membership, permissions and security section of the Developer's Guide.
Permissions described in this topic relate to E-commerce objects only. If you need to restrict access to modifications of a product, you thus need to distinguish between:
The respective above-described permissions apply fully, i.e. you do not need any other permissions.
In such case, you will need both respective E-commerce solution permissions and document-related ones. These are described in detail in the Permissions -> Document permissions chapter in the Development -> Membership, permissions and security section of the Developer's Guide.