Kentico CMS 7.0 Controls



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The following properties of the CMSTreeView control can be set or used in the API:


Most of the common properties from:


CMS controls - common properties

CMS navigation - common properties


In addition, the following properties are available:


Property Name


Sample Value


If true, the images used for items in the tree will be loaded according to the document type of the given item.



If true, populate on demand will be enabled. In this case, sub-items will be loaded dynamically when their parent node is expanded.


This is recommended if there is a large amount of nodes in the tree, or if the content depends on other dynamic parameters.


Indicates whether HTML encoding should be applied to the captions of menu items. Useful only in special cases where the names of the displayed documents contain HTML code.


Indicates whether all nodes in the tree should be expanded by default.


Indicates whether all nodes along the path to the currently selected item should be expanded by default.


Indicates whether the sub-tree under the currently selected item should be expanded by default.


Indicates whether broken lines should be fixed.


Indicates whether the root node should be hidden.


Indicates whether the currently selected item should be highlighted.



Indicates whether the Menu actions document menu settings should be ignored. These can be set in CMS Desk -> Content -> ... select document ... -> Properties -> Navigation -> Menu actions.

This is necessary if you wish to use an onClick Javascript action defined by the OnClickAction property.



If enabled, all nodes on the path of the currently selected document will be inactive (will not perform any action when clicked).


If enabled, the node of the currently selected document will be inactive.



Indicates if the images displayed next to nodes should also perform the specified action for the given item when clicked.


Indicates whether the root node should be inactive.


Gets or sets the path to the image that is displayed next to regular nodes in the tree.



Gets or sets the JavaScript command that will be executed when a user clicks on an item in the tree. If empty, the items in the tree will serve as links to the corresponding documents.


Gets or sets the ORDER BY clause of the SQL statement.


Please be aware that it is necessary for the root of the displayed tree (or sub-tree) to be first in the resulting order, otherwise all documents may not be displayed correctly. This can be ensured by having the value of this property start with the NodeLevel column, such as in the sample value.

"NodeLevel, NodeOrder"


Gets or sets the path to the image that is displayed next to the root node of the tree.



Gets or sets the text caption of the root node in the tree. This text is displayed instead of the document name of the item in the root of the tree.


As this control is inherited from the ASP.NET TreeView control, it also has all of its standard properties.