Kentico CMS 7.0 Controls



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The following properties of the CMSTreeMenu control can be set or used in the API:


All of the common properties from:


CMS controls - common properties

CMS navigation - common properties


In addition, the following properties are available:


Property Name


Sample Value


Cell padding of the table representing the menu.



Cell spacing of the table representing the menu.


Indicates whether the selected section of the menu should be collapsed when clicked.


Indicates whether highlighted items should be displayed as a link.


Indicates whether HTML encoding should be applied to the captions of menu items. Useful only in special cases where the names of the displayed documents contain HTML code.


Indicates whether all sub-items should be generated


Indicates whether indentation spaces should be generated inside hyperlinks (true) or outside (false). This applies only when you do not use images in the menu.


Indicates whether only one outer link should be generated per each menu item.


Path of the item that should be highlighted as if it were selected. If you omit this value, the control automatically uses the current alias path from the aliaspath querystring parameter.



Indentation of menu item levels. Number of spaces that will be placed before each level of menu items.


Prefix placed before each item ID. You can use it to keep IDs unique if you have several CMSTreeMenu controls on the same page.



Indicates whether data for the control should be loaded automatically. By default, the data is loaded automatically.


If you set this property to false, you can enter a custom DataSet into the DataSource property and then call the ReloadData(false) method.


URL address of the image that is displayed next to menu items. It may start with "~/" representing the virtual path of the current application.


URL address of the image that is displayed next to open menu items. It may start with "~/" representing the virtual path of the current application.


OnMouseOut script for menu items. You can use macro expressions here.


OnMouseOver script for menu items. You can use macro expressions here.


Gets or sets the ORDER BY clause of the SQL statement.


Please be aware that it is necessary for the root of the displayed tree (or sub-tree) to be first in the resulting order, otherwise all documents may not be displayed correctly. This can be ensured by having the value of this property start with the NodeLevel column, such as in the sample value.

"NodeLevel, NodeOrder"


Allows you to get or set the HTML code rendered by the control.


You need to set this property before the Render event - e.g. in the OnLoad event.


Indicates whether the ALT attribute should be rendered for images used in the menu (for XHTML compatibility).


Specifies if the document name should be rendered as a TITLE tag of links (for better accessibility).


Indicates whether sub-items should be rendered under the selected item.


Specifies the target frame for all URLs.



Mentioned method:


Method Name


ReloadData(bool forceLoad)

Reloads the data.


If the forceLoad parameter is set to false and a value is assigned to the DataSource property, the properties of the CMSTreeMenu control are not used and only the data from the DataSource is loaded.