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New/edit excluded content

New/edit excluded content

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New/edit excluded content

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In this dialog, you are defining which documents of the website will be excluded from indexing.


Excluded content is removed from the allowed content. So for example if you allowed /% and excluded /Special-pages/% at the same time, it means that all pages on the site will be indexed, except for all pages found under the /Special-pages node.


The following options can be specified:


Path - path to the documents that should be excluded from the index.

Document types - document types that should be excluded from the index.




Path: /Partners

Document types: empty


In this case, only the /Partners page will be excluded from indexing, not the pages under it.


Path: empty

Document types: CMS.News


In this case, all documents of the CMS.News document type on the whole site will be excluded from indexing. Please note that in this case, empty path field is equal to /%.


Path: /Products/%

Document types: CMS.CellPhone;CMS.Pda


In this case, all documents of the CMS.CellPhone and CMS.Pda document types found under /Products will be excluded from indexing.


You can alternatively exclude individual documents from searches by selecting them from the content tree in CMS Desk, going to Content -> Edit -> Properties -> Navigation and enabling their Exclude from search property.


More resources can be found in:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Smart search

Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Smart search -> Managing indexes -> Defining document index content