Kentico CMS 6.0 Intranet Administrator's Guide

Ad-hoc projects

Ad-hoc projects

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Ad-hoc projects

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Site administrators or developers may create projects for their own purposes directly in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Project Management, without specifying any document to which the projects should be bound. Projects of this type may only be managed through the administration interface and are not visible on the live site.




The difference between these ad-hoc projects and standard projects is that the value of their Project page property is empty.




Tasks under ad‑hoc projects are shown normally by the appropriate web parts and widgets and in CMS Desk -> My desk -> Projects.


Ad-hoc projects may be converted to projects visible on the website simply by entering the path to a document containing the Project list web part into their Project page property, which can be set when editing (Edit) a project on its General tab.


A full reference for the project management module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Project Management.